Chapter 5: Night 1 with Shannon and Hanna

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(Shannon's P.O.V.)

Well, we were stuck with Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. They were going to be our security guards and caretakers. We were escorted out of the bus to their Cadillac and made our way to the hotel.

"So, how do you two like our car?" Joey Mercury asked the two of us, excitement gleaming in his eyes.

Hanna was smart and retorted, "It's not baby."

I started to laugh because I knew what she wanted to say. She gave me a look, and I started to roll into the monologue that the great Chuck said, and it took the rest of the car trip. I knew the whole thing, because Swan Song...enough said.

"'On April 21st, 1967, the 100 millionth GM vehicle rolled off the line at the plant in Janesville -- a blue two-door Caprice.

There was a big ceremony, speeches. The lieutenant governor even showed up. Three days later, another car rolled off that same line. No one gave two craps about her. But they should have, because this 1967 Chevrolet Impala would turn out to be the most important car -- no, the most important object -- in pretty much the whole universe.

She was first owned by Sal Moriarty, an alcoholic with two ex-wives and three blocked arteries. On weekends, he'd drive around giving Bibles to the poor "gettin' folks right for Judgment Day." That's what he said. Sam and Dean don't know any of this, but if they did, I bet they'd smile.

After Sal died, she ended up at Rainbow Motors, a used-car lot in Lawrence, where a young marine bought her on impulse. That is, after a little advice from a friend. I guess that's where this story begins.

And here's where it ends.

The Impala, of course, has all the things other cars have... and a few things they don't. But none of that stuff's important. This is the stuff that's important. The army man that Sam crammed in the ashtray - it's still stuck there. The Legos that Dean shoved into the vents -- to this day, heat comes on and they can hear 'em rattle. These are the things that make the car theirs -- really theirs. Even when Dean rebuilt her from the ground up, he made sure all these little things stayed, 'cause it's the blemishes that make her beautiful. The Devil doesn't know or care what kind of car the boys drive.

In between jobs, Sam and Dean would sometimes get a day -- sometimes a week, if they were lucky. They'd pass the time lining their pockets. Sam used to insist on honest work, but now he hustles pool, like his brother. They could go anywhere and do anything. They drove 1,000 miles for an Ozzy show, two days for a Jayhawks game. And when it was clear, they'd park her in the middle of nowhere, sit on the hood, and watch the stars... for hours... without saying a word. It never occurred to them that, sure, maybe they never really had a roof and four walls...

...but they were never, in fact, homeless.'"

We pulled up to the hotel just as I finished my speech. Hanna applauded me, and I even heard her reciting some of the most important lines along with me. J&J Security were the quietest that they have ever been in a while. It was kinda shocking. I guess they wished that they had the "baby" of the Supernatural fandom.

The room was somewhat spacious, considering who were they with and who their bosses were and their power. There were two bedrooms, and Hanna and I claimed one of the rooms, and it, luckily, had two beds in it. It also had a television, which meant only one thing: Supernatural marathon.

We turned it on, and the 200th episode was playing. We were towards the end of it, and they just started "Carry On My Wayward Son." Even though Hanna and I were kidnapped and basically forced into the Authority, we wouldn't give up. I know that Dean, I mean Kristina, felt bad about the whole ordeal, but that wasn't her fault. I grabbed Annie and Sparky out of my bag, and I held them close.

Hanna and I decided to turn on another episode, which was from Season Three. It was none other than an episode with the Trickster and the never-ending Tuesday in, "Mystery Spot." This is where the advice from Kristina came from when she said, "Don't hear anything from Asia on a Tuesday."

Sam gets stuck in so many Tuesdays because his brother keeps dying. Over and over again, and he keeps waking up to Asia's "Heat of the Moment." Every time that he wakes up, Dean would somehow be alive and bopping around to the song. Once we exited the never-ending Tuesdays and the one Wednesday that happened, I pulled up the WWE roster on my phone.

"Shannon, what are you doing?"

I answered her question by asking her, "Who would play the role of what Supernatural character on the roster?"

We sat there for hours deciding who would be Sammy and Dean. I had to show her footage of most of the roster, and Hanna's reactions were priceless. The first match we watched was from the show that we were supposed to see was Stardust against Neville.

"I think the guy with the paint on him should be Metatron. He keeps telling...oh! He keeps telling Castiel that he is the true hero. Cas, on the other hand, is the 'villain' in Metatron's eyes but he doesn't believe him," Hanna said.

"Sparky and Annie agree with me. Okay, but we got to decide Sam and Dean," I said.

Eventually, we decided most of the people that the Winchesters would encounter and those who would eventually die because of said encounter. We even decided some of the villain roles that the Winchesters would face.

First of all, our colorful cast of characters began with John and Mary Winchester. For some odd reason, we chose Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. Don't ask us, but they were the only couple we could think of from the company.

The two that we decided would play the roles of Dean and Sam Winchester had to actually act like they were meant to be brothers from the day they met. I had the perfect superstars in my mind, and once I showed Hanna some footage of them, she agreed with me instantly. We chose Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns to act out Dean and Sammy.

The rest was kinda easy, but it doesn't mean there was some debate. We decided that Kristina's kidnapper is the forgotten brother who is stuck in the cage with Lucifer. Seth Rollins is in the role of Adam Milligan. We decided that J&J Security are either hellhounds or crossroad demons. Triple H is Lucifer, and Stephanie was the demon Ruby.

It quickly went down hill, as we decided Bobby Singer was none other than "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Like I said, don't ask us why we chose him for that role. We just did what we wanted to and this led us to discuss this and write our ideas down until well past midnight.

Joanna Beth Harvelle, also known as Jo, was decided to be the interviewer Renee Young. Ellen Harvelle was the ring announcer Lilian Garcia because she was a veteran. "Dr. Badass" or Ash, would be played by Dolph Ziggler.

Now, we decided that Azazel would be played by Bray Wyatt. We said him because he must be either insane or possessed by "Yellow Eyes" to be that crazy. The demon Meg would be played by Summer Rae. Crowley fit the current King of the Ring, King Barrett. We couldn't forget Dick Roman, the infamous Leviathan. We chose Paul Heyman to fit that role, because his main client, Brock Lesnar, would help him with his needs.

Finally, we decided on some of the strongest foes that the Winchesters would have to face. First, we chose the roles of some of the angels in the series. Gabriel would be perfect for Adam Rose, because he loves to party. We already mentioned who Luci was going to be, and Michael would be John Cena. Raphael would be represented by somebody from the trio known as the New Day. Balthazar would be The Miz, because he would be the one to attempt to unsink the Titanic. The Four Horsemen were also decided by Hanna and me as well.

Death would be represented by the Deadman himself: the Undertaker. Pestilence would be Heath Slater because he's a pest. War is none other than the Viper himself, Randy Orton. Finally Famine would be represented by Ryback.

After this conversation, it was already close to one in the morning. We decided to end it there, and we got ready to go to sleep. I tucked Annie and Sparky into bed, and I started to drift to sleep.

"Good night, Hanna," I said.

"Night, Shannon. Don't let the hellhounds bite," she replied.

"That's why we have salt with us at all times."

"Yup. We'll find out if they came if J&J are gone."

"'Pray with me, friends' for their departure."

We laughed and I slowly drifted off to sleep, not knowing what was to come in the morning.

But it better not start off with Asia.


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