Chapter 6: It's Tuesday!

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A/N- I know that it has been a while since I last updated my story, and I apologize.  I'm trying to get back into my routine, and it's been difficult.  But, let's go and see what A.V.S. is up to now!  Also, the song clip doesn't fit into the beginning of the chapter.  Listen to it towards the end, and hopefully it makes sense why I chose this song for them.    


(Kristina's P.O.V.)

It was finally Tuesday, and I woke up way before the person that was suppose to watch me: Seth Rollins.  Honestly, I wish I could of pulled a Rip Van Winkle and slept for many years.  Well, I decided that I should probably get ready and eventually get "Sleeping Beauty" up.  

I wouldn't get him up in any normal way, and there were a few clues to what I was going to do.  First of all, it's Tuesday.  Second, "Mystery Spot" was on and I wanted to spook him awake.  Quietly, I turned on the television, and turned the volume down.  I waited until it was time for the younger brother, Sam, would wake up to Asia's "Heat of the Moment" and then I would roll into my lines.  

"'Heat of the moment, telling you what your heart is.  

It was the heat of the moment.  Heat of the moment, heat of the moment.  

Showed in your eyes...'"

Seth Rollins shoots up, wide awake with terror and then he says, "Really, Asia?"

"'Come on!  You love this song and you know it.'"

If anyone knows me really well, I'm not a morning person.  In this episode, Dean is a morning person so I had to play the role that I chose for myself.  As a result, I started to bop around on the bed like Dean when Sam is watching him.  

Apparently, he didn't like that wake up call and stated instead, "Is that what you are wearing to the airport?"

"Yup," I replied as I popped the 'p'.  

Seth rolled his eyes as he started to pack and get ready, "Whatever.  Next time we travel, you have to remember the Authority's expectations and keep that in your mind."  

I mumbled to myself, "Rules, rules, rules."  

We started to, HE started to pack.  I only had my backpack and a small suitcase, because my friends and I were planning on only staying overnight.  Seth, on the other hand, had a duffle bag, two suitcases, and a backpack.  All I had was the outfit from yesterday, a few t-shirts from the merchandise stand, and one set of pajamas.  

A random person, probably an assistant to Triple H, knocked on the door.  As Seth opened the door, he said, "Mr. Rollins, are you ready?  The flight leaves in an hour, and as always, breakfast is included."

Seth replied, "Let's go, kid."

I stayed quiet, because I felt like one of those Tributes in the Hunger Games.  I'm quiet, because even though I get to see my friends again, I don't know what happened to them.  I just hope that they are alright.  

We were brought to a car and it was a quick drive to Denver International Airport.  We bypassed security, because all they had to do was make sure we didn't have any explosives.  At the terminal, I saw all of my friends again.  Emma and Sarah were the most undressed, because they still had their pj's on.  D'Mitri was in her outfit for today, along with Abi and Shannon.  We all had some form of jeans on, except for Sarah and Emma, and a t-shirt.  The other "caretakers" had suits, ties, and looked as if they were heading to Broadway to see a musical.  

The plane arrived at the gate, and it amazed me that it was huge for our party.  Seriously, there were only fourteen people and that was a private plane meant for fifty people.  They loaded my friends and I on the plane first, and we made our way to the back.  

I asked the group, "So, how was everyone's first night on the road so far?"

Hanna and Shannon answered first, telling me about their Supernatural marathon.  Then, they told me about how they compared the darling car of J&J Security to a 1967 Chevrolet Impala.  We all laughed, and then Abi spoke next.  


(Flashback to last night, but in Abi's P.O.V.)

"Creeper dude" led me back to his hotel room, and did I tell you that it stinks in there?  I mean, it smells like a hundred skunks were let in during the show and died while he was gone.  Note to self, next time I go on the road, I am bring some form of air freshener no matter what people say.  

"Creeper dude", also known as Bray Wyatt, asked me, "Would you like me to tell you a story before you go to sleep, my daughter Abigail?"

I promptly flipped him off, but he started to talk to me anyway.  

"Once, when I was very young, I had a sister.  She taught me everything that I possess today.  Her name, like yours, was Abigail.  She was sweet and accepted me for who I was, and didn't judge me for being the monster that people call me.  One day, she left me for good, or so I thought.  Her spirit has been with me ever since--"

"Good night, 'Creeper dude'!  And there's no way I've ever be your daughter!"

He smiled and laughed, and I tuned him out and fell asleep.  


(Present time, Kristina's P.O.V.)

"But, the good thing is, at least they have coffee," Abi said to us.  

We laughed, and we decided to have an airplane party.  From what I hear, we are going to be on here for a little while.  As a result, we got breakfast and got back into our pajamas and joined Emma and Sarah.  

Speaking of Emma, Sarah, and D'Mitri, they told us of their night with the three main powers in the Authority.  And, it wasn't what I expected at all.  


(Sarah's P.O.V. from the night before)

I figured they would put me with one of the bosses, but at least I still had my two friends besides me.  I wasn't unfortunate, like Tini and Abi to be all alone.  At least Shannon and Hanna were together.  

The problem was that we had more people watching over us.  From what Tini told me, we had to be watched by Triple H, his wife Stephanie McMahon, and Kane.  All three of them could easily kill us, but they haven't yet.  I saw Emma and D'Mitri walk into the office that I was in, and I ran up and hugged them.  

"We aren't going to have to separate you three, are we?" Triple H said to the three of us.  

"No, you won't have to separate us at all," I replied, while nodding at Emma.  

That nod meant that they might have to separate us in the future, because we cause a lot of trouble together.  The six of us were brought to a car, and on the way back to the hotel, they tried to introduce themselves to us.  I tuned them out and didn't care.  

We go to the hotel and immediately ran to the room that was given to us.  We got into our pj's and watched the television and had a pillow fight that was started by Emma.  Then, the television was turned off and we fell asleep.    


(Kristina's P.O.V. in the present time)

"So, everyone except Emma, Sarah, and D had an eventful night?" I asked my group out loud as we finished eating.  

They all nod and I smile. 

"Maybe we should just sing the 'Sky Song'."

We nodded, and the plane started to take off when we started to sing.  The "Sky Song" is based off of the "Road Song" from Spongebob Squarepants and it is going to drive the Authority extra crazy when we start to sing it.  

Shannon started out by singing at a constant pace, "Sky, Sky, Sky..."

I started it off, "When I'm in the sky, I see stuff flying by.  When I'm in the sky..."

Shannon stops for a moment, "I got peanut dust in my eye!" and goes back to the original beat she was following.  

"When I'm in the sky..."

Our friends exclaim, "It looks clear all around!"

"When I'm in the sky...."

At this point we started to poke Seth Rollins and pull his hair, "Please, stop touching my hair!"

All of the members of A.V.S., except for Shannon, started to sing "Let's all sing the sky song!  We want to sing it all day long!  Let's all sing the sky song!  Let's all sing......along!"

Along with that, Shannon quickens how she sings, "Sky, Sky, Sky, Sky...."

As soon as we ended, we started to laugh so hard.  We weren't expecting to sing it like that, but it was too early for any of us.  

"Shhh..." Triple H and Bray Wyatt spoke at the same time. 

"-Ut it!" The seven of us reply.  

They turned around because they knew it was going to be the longest plane ride of their lives.  


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