Chapter 7: Trying to Blend

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(Kristina's P.O.V.)

We were laughing so hard after the "Sky Song" did its job. After that, the Authority was slowly starting to tune us out. All seven of them fell asleep, but we couldn't just let them be.

I guess our vision we thought of was that they threw us into the fire. What they didn't know is that the seven of us were gasoline, and they should know that gasoline and fire don't mix.

The plane was taking off as I asked, "What should we do to wake them up?"

Shannon replied to me, "Maybe we use the monkey scene from Catching Fire?"

The seven of us laughed as I exclaimed, "Too much like Bray Wyatt!"

Hanna then suggested, "Why don't we do our own thing and let them be?"

As much as I didn't like the idea, the others agreed to it. I added in my nod of agreement, and the plane was already at cruising altitude. We couldn't cause trouble or escape, because we were already too far gone. We crashed for a little while and watched The Hunger Games. It was where Katniss' rebellion was just beginning. It made me think of all of the similarities and differences between our rebellion and the one that was beginning in the movie. The only difference, to me, was they started it with poison berries, and we started ours with a wall.

After the movie, Shannon nodded at me. I changed into my outfit for the day which was all orange and black. I had a San Francisco Giants jersey, I put orange temporary hair dye in, a fake orange beard, orange sneakers, and orange and black ribbons. I slowly started to stand up and I took my glasses off. I opened my eyes wide open.

I whispered to my family, "Cover your ears if you are scared."

Abi started to laugh nervously a little bit at my plan. Hanna and D'Mitri looked at me funny and they said at the same time, "What are you doing?"

"Watch me," I responded.

I stood up in the middle of the aisle. Emma even asked me, "What are you doing?"

I startled everyone by starting a loud speech, "Look into my eyes! Look into my eyes! Today, we have a chance to make history. We have a chance to change the world! I don't care what the Authority says about us! I don't care if they call us rowdy! It's about the seven of us on this plane! Nobody has been where we are right now, and nobody's going to stop us! I'm ready to kick this thing off, and every time we start to rebel, we gotta be thinking WIN! Every step, every word that is said, we gotta be thinking WIN! I want one more day! Emma, I wanna see what you plan on doing tomorrow! Just one more day, and we'll be out of here. One more day!"

I started to clap wildly, and if my speech didn't wake them up, the clapping did. Seth Rollins was about to say something, but he saw and heard the seven of us chanting and clapping, "One day more! One day more!"

Bray Wyatt was shocked at how hyped we could get with just a few words. Then, the captain came on, "We have to make an emergency landing due to mechanical issues. Prepare for landing immediately."

As quickly as we stood up, we sat down and buckled up. It was a somewhat smooth flight down, so we decided to act like the decent was that old beach roller coaster. It annoyed the heck out of the Authority. We hit the ground hard, but I recognized where we did land was close to my heart.

Of all the places to make an emergency landing, we landed in that "Crazy Town" known as Nashville, Tennessee. Immediately, I blurted out, "Home!"

Stephanie must of heard this chant of mine because she said, "We're going to be here for a while. Why don't we have one on one bonding with your mentor?"

We nodded, because what else could we do? We could try to run, but that wouldn't work.

I heard Seth mumble, "She has to have some workout clothes."

Before we got off the plane, I took the fake beard, the ribbons, and the jersey off. To answer Seth's statement, my only workout clothes were from yesterday. The Authority then escorted us off the plane with our mentor so we could get our luggage. Seth and I had to walk off together, and there was a camera crew ready. I didn't want them to see how weak my family was at this moment.

I saw my suitcases, and I was shocked. Yeah, somehow each of us had multiple suitcases with a ton of clothing in it. Our parents must of known, because Shannon's golf clubs were there at Nashville International Airport. She was so excited! Then, out of nowhere, I yell out, "палка!"

I saw my stick bag with all of my lacrosse gear inside of it. I was smiling for the first time since the Authority got us. Seth was trying to figure out what was I saying or babbling about.

If he wanted to go somewhere, that place needed to have a field. That field needed an eight meter and a twelve meter arc. The field needed to also have a restraining line with a center in the middle of it.

Before we left, Triple H spoke and stated, "We will be watching you."

I grabbed my luggage and made my way to the rental car that Seth got and we left. The rental looked like the precious Cadillac that belonged to J&J Security. I held my stick bag close to me.

Seth drove to a local gym that has Crossfit, because he HAD to participate in it.

Seth spoke as we pulled up, "I'm going to do my thing, and you're going to join me."

"I think I need some LOL time," I replied.

"This isn't funny! Crossfit is meant to be taken seriously!"

"No, I meant Lax Out Loud," I said to him.

As we walked into the gym, I saw a turf field that was covered with equipment on one side. That was the Crossfit side of the field, but the other side was a blank canvas with all of the markings of a lacrosse field. All the blank side needed was a goal and some players.

It was home to me. I found and put together a pop-up net. I moved the goal into the crease and started to test out the goal with shots. It was time to play the game of lacrosse.

After I was playing for a while, I noticed there was a slight problem. Three guys were watching me, and a fourth one joined them. They looked familiar to me, and I figured out that they were some of my "coworkers.". I believed they were spies for the Authority.

"Do you want to come and join me?" I asked.

"Sure," the man with scruffy hair replied.

His other friends followed, and grabbed some extra lacrosse gear from the equipment shed. I was scared, and Seth was nowhere to be found just in case something bad happened. The men came out there, and one of the two that looked alike asked, "Are you one of the ones they kidnapped?"


"We aren't going to hurt you," the other duplicate replied.

He continued, "My name is Jey. My twin is Jimmy Uso. We're the Usos."

Scruffy went next, "I'm Dean and that's Roman."

I looked at them with a little bit of concern on my face. Sure, they claimed they weren't going to hurt me, but they could easily crush me like a grape.

Dean asked, "What sport are you playing?"

I answered, "Lacrosse."

The Usos asked, "Who is everybody that the Authority kidnapped?"

I looked at the four of them. I started to speak, "Yesterday, my family was kidnapped by the Authority. The seven of us didn't go down without a fight. We learned to fly when we were on the way down. To answer your question," I pulled up a photo, "That's my sister, Shannon. There's Sarah, Emma, D'Mitri, Hanna, and Abi."

They looked at me as if I was possessed. I think they didn't know how personal this was for me.

Dean asked, "Why the seven of you?"

I told them my story. I told them why we were at the show. I told them about the first fight against the Authority. It felt like some burden was lifted off my shoulders.

I finished my tale off with saying, "And now, I'm stuck with someone who hurt his so called 'brothers'."

Dean and Roman knew exactly who I was talking about.

"Where is Seth?" Dean asked, with a hint of rage in his voice.

"On the other side of the field."

Dean, Roman, Jimmy, and Jey looked over at the Crossfit equipment. There he was, just taking a quick break.

I started to cut in towards the goal. At the last minute, I went to my weaker side and made it in the goal. I took out my feelings towards Seth with lacrosse.

The four of them applauded me, and Dean asked, "Can you teach me that?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything you can teach us."


After an hour, they were exhausted. Sure, they might be pro wrestlers, but they are not lacrosse players. I was smiling and enjoying myself until, "Why are you with these rebels?"

"Rebels? I'm sorry, Seth, but I was trying to meet my coworkers."

Seth then said, "Let's go."

He yanked me away from them. As he did that, I realized my stick bag was with the four of them.


It was left in the gym, and I was angry.

He led me to the car, but Roman caught up to me with my stick bag. He handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said to him.

Roman spoke, "No problem."

Seth saw this, but before he could do anything, Roman walked away with Dean. We drove off, and I was thankful for their kindness. I don't know what I would do without them.

The drive through Nashville was quiet, except for Maddie and Tae's song "Fly" coming through the radio.

It reminded me of a quote, and it made me think about the situation.

"The only thing that is stronger than fear is hope."

And the silence continued, but at least I had hope.
A/N- I apologize for the incomplete chapter being published. Wattpad has been acting weird lately, but here is the complete chapter now. Hope everyone enjoys it!!

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