Chapter 11

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Sebastian's POV

"Sebastian you would be following me back."

Those words kept ringing in my head as I cleaned. I wondered why she wanted me to go with her. I needed to be with my people, they would never listen to Caleb.

Well that was not the only reason I wanted to be with them. I needed to be with them to devise a plan to take over from Moonlight pack. Now that the former Alpha was dead and a female was the Alpha it would be easier to take over.
I know all her strong guise are only a facade. A female is a Female. They would surely be weak.

"Sebastian! The baby just kicked" Becca gasped.

I dropped the rag I was using to clean our new house and walked up to her. We were given a small bungalow at the right wing of the pack to live in and we were arranging and cleaning the house. Becca didn't like the way the house was decorated so we had to change so many things in the house.

Moonlight pack really deserved the title of being the 'most blessed pack'. They were known to be favoured by the moon goddess herself with a very rich land. Though it seemed their leaders loved trouble but their people were relatively peaceful. They went about their daily business and cared about each other well being.
Becca and I had been greeted and welcomed numerous times by our 'busy bodies' neighbours. Even when it wasn't pleasant I had to smile at everyone of them that came to greet us. Becca on the other hand didn't seem disturbed and she was happy we were not on the lonely part of the pack.

Their pack house was mighty, larger than ours but each pack member still had their own house. Moonlight pack is a big pack and has a very big land but I wonder why they still wanted our lands.

I placed my hands on Becca's protruding stomach and felt my baby kick again.

"I felt it" I gushed and Becca grinned at me.

She and the baby were the only ones that brought joy to me now. No matter what I would protect the two of them.

"Sebastian this place is lovely" Becca said.

"Lovely?" I asked. Yes, they had a blessed land but I didn't feel like it was a lovely place. There's no place like home.

"The people are wonderful, their land is richly blessed. Our house is beautiful and just look, I have a personal garden in front of my house" Becca chimed

Becca always loved flowers and had always begged Niel to have a flower garden in front of the pack house. Niel was allergic to flowers so he never allowed such request to be granted.

"Yes, it is lovely but remember the circumstances that brought us here. I don't think we should be happy we are here. Becca see we are far away from our family"
"We can't continue to grieve over the past, Sebastian. The past is gone. Let us think about the future"

"The future is us taking over again"

"Taking over again? Sebastian, you are not an Alpha, you are no longer the beta. You are just an ordinary wolf now. Taking over won't be that easy. Remember you are now in the middle of the enemy. If you try any rebellious act they would have your neck"

"Becca, I know I am no longer the Beta. I know I'm now an ordinary wolf. But I promise to revenge the death of Niel. Even if I can't take over. I would surely kill the one that killed him."

"And when you kill her, won't they kill you too"

"Then I would die a noble death"

"You're such an Idiot. You want to die a noble death and leave me and your child here? You want to leave me mateless because of revenge? What happened to us staying forever huhn? You are so blinded by revenge that you have forgotten about me." Becca eyes got filled with tears and she stormed out of the house.

I ran after her and tried to stop her from going to wherever she was going to.

"Just leave me alone Sebastian" She shouted without looking back.

"Becca please, listen" I begged. I did not really have anything to tell her. I just wanted her to come back.

"Well, well, well. Not even up to a week and you guys are already acting this beautiful drama" A female's voice stopped me and Becca and I turned to where the voice came from.

The mocking face of the Alpha was staring at me and I glared at her.

Out of everyone in this pack why does she have to be the one to see this.

"So won't you like to tell your Alpha what is making you do Run and Chase?" The Alpha asked.

"Is that how you meddle in other people business?" I questioned.

"Meddle? I'm not meddling. As an Alpha I'm meant to know about every single thing that happens in my pack. I'm meant to settle dispute and make sure everyone is at peace with each other. You of all people should know that" She answered.

"Becca come on, let's go inside. We have caused enough drama for today" I motioned to Becca and this time she did not hesitate to follow me.

"I was going round to check on all of you that just came to this pack. So far I have not heard any bad comment about this pack." The Alpha said as I and Becca were about to enter the house.

How can they give you a bad comment when they are all afraid of losing their head?

"What is your experience so far since you came here?" She continued.

"Everything is fine" I answered not interested in long story. I didn't even have any good thing to say about this pack.

She arched an eyebrow at me and looked at me like she expected more.

"This place is lovely. Your people are very friendly. I'm actually happy I have a flower garden in front of my house" Becca said excitedly "And you guys have my favorite fruit in abundance here. Over there in Crescent pack it is very scarce"

"And what is your favourite fruit?" The Alpha asked.

"Pomegranate" Becca giggled and I rolled my eyes.

Why is she having this conversation with her?

"Oh My God! That's my favourite too" The Alpha gushed.

I groaned.

When girls find out they love the same thing.

"Are you serious?" Becca asked.

"Yeah, it is actually planted every where because of me. Not really me though. It was my father's favourite fruit and he couldn't live a day without its juice"

"Sebastian here hates pomegranate but I love it" Becca pats my hand as she said.

"That's lovely. I think we are going to be great friends"

"Yeah" Becca said batting her eyes like she was shy.

Now they are talking about being friends. This is torture!

"My name is Irene. There's no need for any formality. You could just call me Irene" The Alpha said extending her hands.

"Mine is Becca" Becca said taking her hand.

"Becca, what a lovely name. I would send you a jug of pomegranate juice everyday." Irene said letting go of Becca's hand.

"Wow, thank you so much" Becca beamed.

"You're welcome, Goodbye" Irene smiled at her.

"Goodbye" Becca waved.

"Goodness, I forgot to tell you of the party" Irene said just as she was leaving.

"What party?" I asked.

"There's going to be a party to celebrate your coming into our pack. Not my idea though" Irene remarked.

"I don't think there's any need for a party" I replied.

"Like I said, it is not my idea. Welcome to Moonlight pack where they celebrate any thing joyous. If they could celebrate the breaking of the day everyday or the shining of the moon, they would celebrate it. I don't like parties that much but the people wants to celebrate you all so what I can say"

"What can you say?" I scoffed "Like you are not the Alpha"

"If partying brings joy to my people I don't think I would want to end their joy." Irene said "The party is this night at the pack house, Don't be late"

She walked away and Becca and I entered our house.

"Becca I'm sorry" I apologized

"It's okay. The argument got me my juice"

"Goddess No! I would be waking up every morning to the foul smell of pomegranate" I groaned.

Becca laughed and I joined her too.

No matter what, my future is still my mate and my unborn child. They are all I've got now.

* * *


It was difficult writing this chapter.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading.

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