Chapter 10

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Irene's POV

My father was buried at midnight. His burial wasn't like the way the humans buried their dead.
The wolves performs a rite on the body before the body is placed on a wood shaped like a flat boat. The boat is then placed in the river and the body is set ablaze. The water carries the body away till the body and the boat burns completely.

As an Alpha, all the pack members should be present to say their final goodbyes but because I didn't want crowd I picked only the elders of the pack to attend the burial.

Caleb organized a party at the pack house which I was not in support of.  Moonlight pack is known for going crazy when it comes to celebrations and party and I didn't like the frenzy. Caleb said the party had to hold since I only chose few people to attend the burial.

If I had the chance, I would be in my room, in my soft fur bed with my duck feathered pillow having a sound sleep. But since I was the new Alpha I had to be present at the party. Perquisite of being an Alpha.

“Come on Alpha, let's dance” Arnold, one of the young pack members dragged me to the dance floor.

“I'm sorry. I don't want to dance ” I apologized.

“Why Alpha?” Arnold asked pouting.

“I don't know how to dance. I only know how to fight” I claimed.

“I could teach you how to dance and in return you would teach me how to fight” He insisted.

Oops that excuse failed!

“Don't worry I would teach you how to fight. I don't think I want to learn how to dance” I answered.

“You must be joking” He protested.

“No,  I promise I would teach you to fight”

Arnold rolled his eyes  “I'm not talking about fighting. I am talking about dancing. Your father was the best dancer in this pack.”

Okay I knew Father could dance but when did he get that title of being the best dancer.

“I don't like the song they are playing” I formed another excuse.

“The song?  I would tell them to change it.” Arnold turned to where they were playing the music but I dragged his hand before he could make a step.

“The people are enjoying the music, I don't think you should change the music” I said.

“Awww! Such selflessness” Arnold jested. “ Everyone please, your attention is needed.” He shouted out loud that the music stopped and everyone's attention was drawn to him.

“Our beloved Alpha here wants to dance butttt...” He paused.

Oh God!  What is he trying to do? Beads of sweat formed on my head and my palms gets wet.
“She says she doesn't like the music” Arnold sighed.

“oh no!  You can continue with your dancing. I'm okay” I pleaded.

“No,  Alpha. Please put her father's favourite song. She is going to open the dance floor again” Someone shouted from the crowd.
My father's favourite song was immediately played and the women came to drag me to the centre. There was no way I was escaping this. I had to dance whether I knew how to do it or not.

Now, I blame my  father for sending me to the convent where I only learnt how to fight. No, it was my fault that I did not involve myself in the fun part of the convent. I did not attend any of their social functions except it was compulsory. Even when I went for this functions I just stand and watch others dance. Now I don't even know what the first step of dancing was.

“Come on, Alpha. Just move your legs and shake your body” One of the women said already shaking my body.
I finally allowed the music to move my legs and suddenly I was moving my hips to the beat. Everyone was cheering and I was the centre of attention.

After dancing for what felt like an eternity, everyone joined me and I was no longer the only one on the dance floor. I turned my head and I saw Caleb by the side smiling at me.

Why is he not dancing?

Time to drag someone to the dance floor too. A mischievous grin formed on my face as I walked to Caleb.

“Caleb, come let's dance” I urged stretching my hand.

“No,  Irene” Caleb chuckled.

“Uh-huh. I think I need to call Arnold so he can stop the music and invite you formally to the dance floor”

“Okay, Irene. I would dance” Caleb said taking my outstretched hand and taking me to the dance floor.

The party lasted till the early morning before I finally sent everybody to bed.

A soft knock woke me up from my sleep.
“Alpha, are you there?” A voice came from behind the door. I recognized the voice to be Caleb's.
“Yes, just a moment” I stood up to change what I was wearing. I took a golden brown gown from my closet and changed into it. I walked to my bathroom and washed my face.

I opened the door and I saw Caleb standing at the door with a tray of food.
“It's afternoon, I guessed you would be hungry so I brought this for you” Caleb said handing me the tray. The food smelled delicious and I was ready to consume the contents.

“Thank you Caleb” I replied with a smile.

“Irene, we have lot of business to take care of. Please eat quickly and get downstairs”

“Business?” I questioned.

“We have to go to the Crescent pack and announce formally to them the death of your father”

“Oh!  Okay I would be quick. Just give me some minutes”

“I'll be waiting downstairs” Caleb walked away and I closed my door and set the tray on my table. I opened the plates and saw a very big chunk of pork and a glass of pomegranate juice.
Hmmm!  This was my favorite.

I ate the food in a rush and went to take my bath. I didn't wear a gown because I was more comfortable in trousers and I felt like the Crescent pack would try to put up a fight. I wore a black tight trouser and a black T-shirt. Even though my wolf was white, I still loved black.

I went to meet Caleb downstairs and he was sitting on the couch with some of the pack's guards.

“Are you ready?” Caleb asked as he noticed my presence.

“Yes, I'm ready” I replied.

“We would be using the car.” Caleb said.

“No problem I was not planning to go in my wolf form” I answered.

I and Caleb got into one of the cars and the other guards got into the other car. We were going with two black convertible cars.

We got to Crescent pack house and Caleb went to meet with the beta, Sebastian.

“Gather your people together, we have an important message to pass to all of you” Caleb said to Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded and walked into the pack house.

Irene, you would be telling them of your father's death”  Caleb mindlinked me.

Uh, why?”  I asked.

Because you are the new Alpha. They have to see how strong you are. They have to know you are not weak if not they would rebel. Don't use a soft hand on them. Don't be lenient with them.” Caleb lectured.

I was not planning to” I replied.

“Everyone is ready. They are waiting for your 'important' message” Sebastian commented with mocking respect.

He would definitely be the first person I would be dealing with. Maybe I would be dragging his dark long hair and torturing him till his hazel eyes pops out.
Such a rude thing!

“Irene, let's go in” Caleb spoke.
I followed them into the pack house and saw everyone waiting for what we had to say.
I cleared my throat and everyone's attention fell on me.

“Good day everyone” A small smile formed on my face. No one replied me with words they only sneered at me.

“I have a very touching news to tell you” I continued.

“Tch!  Touching” Sebastian scoffed and I threw a glare at his chubby face. I would be sucking that face dry too.

“Your Alpha is dead” I said.

“That's no news.” Someone said from the crowd.

“I was not talking about your former weak Alpha. I was talking about my father” I shouted and they all gasped.

“Wow, the moon goddess took the life of someone wasting oxygen” Another man jested and everyone laughed.

I was furious and with swift movement I grabbed the neck of the man and pinned him to the ground.

“You are also wasting oxygen and I won't waste time to send you to the afterlife” I swore, squeezing his neck with my hands.

“I....  am.. soo.. rr...rr.. ry” The man begged. I released his neck and he coughed like he just woke up from the dead.

“My father is dead and I am your new Alpha”I said, walking back to where I was standing.

Their faces were contoured with shock and some of them were whispering.

“I would not tolerate any indiscipline or rebellion.”  I roared. “Caleb would still be in charge of this region and he would report to me. Sebastian would be following me back. So get your things ready”

“Why?” Sebastian questioned.

“I don't think I left any room for questions” I turned to him with a raised eyebrow.
He mumbled something under his breath and walked away.

“I also did not excuse you from this gathering” I called.

“What do you want from me?” He grumbled.

“Nothing.” I snapped. “I'm not done talking to you, you have no right to walk away from me”

“I'm sorry, my lord” He said with mocking bow.

I'll deal with you. Trust me.

I glared at him and imagined so many ways I would be dealing with his arrogance.

“I want to mix our pack members together. Now that we are one it is not nice that Crescent pack is still on one side and Moonlight pack is on the other side. Some of you would be going to the other side and some of my pack would be coming here” This was the best way I could decentralize them. If I put them all together, they could be planning something and Caleb's eyes might not notice it. “Caleb, please select the people you would like to go to the other side”

“Okay, Irene” Caleb answered.

“If he chooses you, get your things ready and meet me outside. Mates would be following Mates so if your mate is chosen just know you would be going too” I said and left the house to wait for them outside.

Twenty men with their mates and children joined me outside and we journeyed to the other side

*                            *                        *
Thank you for reading

Long chapter shey?

So many funny things I wanted to write in this chapter.
Okay that part where Arnold shouted for everyone's attention and Irene was sweating, I actually felt like writing one famous Nigerian slang
'Please shift lemme faint'

And also that part where Sebastian was irritating Irene. I wanted to write
'Guy I would soon treat your fvck up'
So you could put those lines there if you like. 😊😊😊

And I kinda described Sebastian here in case you didn't notice.

Don't forget to vote. please.

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year in advance.


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