Chapter 14

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Dedicated to myroseswillhuntyou for the awesome cover

Sebastian's POV

"So Craig tell me, how did the Alpha die?" I asked Craig who was so eager to sell his pack with his mouth.

We were sitting on a bench at the centre of the pack territory which was like a park because of the way different trees and flowers were beautifully planted. These parts of nature made that place a awesome sight to see.

"Which Alpha?" Craig asked raising his left eyebrow.

"Uhm! How many Alpha have died since your birth?"

"Just joking friend" Craig laughed and patted my back and I chuckled not actually getting his joke.

"Ahh, the Alpha, What a wonderful Wolf" Craig scratched his bald head. "He was a brave wolf, very strict but also a fun loving person."

I nodded my head as I was not interested in the beautiful description of his Alpha. Craig had an habit of beating around the bush and only a patient person could tolerate his attitude.

"You see, I love that strong wolf so much because he was like a father to me. I think I loved him more than his daughter. Nah Nah" He waved his hands in the air "I love the new Alpha more. Oh Goodness I have a hard time picking." Craig giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"So how did the Alpha die? What killed him?" I asked impatiently.

"Oh yes, how did he die?"

"Are you asking me?" I widened my eyes in shocked and I could feel annoyance flowing through my veins.

Well I needed to be calm and not make any irrational action, no matter how useless Craig seems to be he is still very useful to me.

"You see dear friend, I don't know how he died. All I know is that the news was announced and boy O boy celebration followed." Craig said sounding so happy with the memory of how he would have had so much to drink.

"Don't you find it suspicious that you don't know what killed him?" I asked trying to get more information from Craig.

"He died of natural causes. That's what they said."

"Natural causes." I said subconsciously.


"So Craig, tell me about your dungeon. What's it like?"

"Aishh, I don't know about that place. The guards there won't even allow you get close."

"Was there any public execution of any wolf?"

"What's that?"

"Like has any wolf, any of your prisoners been killed publicly"

"Nah, have not seen that since my birth."

Does it mean Niel was not killed?

"The Alpha does his things in secret." Craig whispered in my ear.

"It's awesome to see two of you bonding" Craig and I turned and we saw the Alpha walking towards us.

Craig started fidgeting and I felt like giving him a slap on his bald head and shouting at him to behave like a grown man.

"Sebastian I'm so happy to see you flowing with your new pack members" Irene said with a smile on face.

I know a fake smile when I see one and this definitely a perfect example of one.

"So would you like to tell me what you have been discussing. I'm interested."

How do I scream 'MIND YOUR BUSINESS' in her face without getting a blow in my face too?

"I would leave Craig to do that, I have a pregnant woman waiting for me at home." I stood up and walked away from them.

I was not scared of leaving Craig with her because I was sure he was definitely going to say off the point.

"You don't walk out of your Alpha Sebastian, the next time you try that I might have you thrown into the dungeon."

"Dungeon? For what?" I turned around.

"You are free to go now Sebastian, go to your pregnant wife. She's definitely waiting for you since you've been out all morning." She dismissed me with her hands.

Such abuse of power!

Throw me in a dungeon?

She must be joking.

Irene's POV

"You are free to go now Sebastian, go to your pregnant wife. She's definitely waiting for you since you've been out all morning." I dismissed him with my hands.

Such rude thing!

I would have faced him but I had a more important reason for coming here and that was to talk to this big mouthed Craig.

"Craig" I faced him. "It's been a long time since I saw you. You look better." I commended his looks which was only good when he was not drunk.

"Thank you, Alpha" Craig said sheepishly.

"Tell me, Craig, what were you talking about?" I placed my hands and he flinched. "Oh I'm sorry."

"It's nothing, Alpha."

"So... Criag?" I was expecting a response from him.

"Sebastian is such a good person, we were just talking about random things Alpha."

Random things that involves the pack.
"Well I hope those random things are not harmful to this pack."

"Not at all, Alpha."

"Good. Now Craig I don't want you talking to Sebastian about any of the packs affairs." I used my Alpha tone to command him and he cowered.

"You guys should stick to your random things but no matter of this pack must leave your mouth." I continued "Do you understand Craig?" I asked with a softer voice.

"Yes, Alpha I do."

"That's good Craig and also I would like to know about everything he says to you."

"Okay Alpha."

"You are free to continue being friends, you actually make a lovely pair. " I stood up from the bench.

"Thank you, Alpha."

"Have a lovely day, Craig" I smiled at him and walked away.

Have a drink -free day Craig, that should have been the parting statement. My wolf said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

I think I need to see Ella for another pressing issue. I would need her help to locate Niel.

Sebastian was making fast moves and I needed to be faster than he was.

I need to find Niel.

Even if I have to go into the forest to look for him myself.

* * *

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Dedicated to Finest_Wine for the love she showered on my book.

Check out her book too SERENDIPITY

it's one of my favourite on wattpad.

And also to myroseswillhuntyou for the beautiful cover she made for me. Check out her book too I am Supernatural


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