Chapter 15

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      Dedicated to myroseswillhuntyou

Irene's POV

I watched Ella as she raised her hands and said some unclear words. She picked up a totem and waved it in the air,  shaking her head and her butt as she raised it higher. It was amazing to watch just few parts of her body shake and the rest stay stiff.

Uh-huh I came at the wrong time. I thought as I got a place to sit to wait for her to be done.

I wondered about the significance of what she doing and also who she was directing whatever she said to.

A light breeze blew and I shivered. Her house was eerie and was giving me goosebumps. I had never been scared of Ella maybe because I had not seen her in her true self or maybe because there was nothing to be scared of.

She turned and blew a white substance in my direction. I bent my head and covered my nose with my hands. When I looked up again, I couldn't see her eyeballs and her eyes were bloodshot, she was saying something very fast and it made her lips quiver.

She finally ended whatever ritual she was doing or so I thought because her eyes were back to normal and she was smiling at me.

“How are you my child ?” She said as she walked to me.

“I'm fine, Ella. I'm sorry I came at the wrong time.”

“No, child, it's fine. It was actually done because of you.”


“Yes, the spirits told me you were coming and they also told me your reason for coming here.”


“You're thinking of going to look for your mate.”

“Yes, Ella, Yes. Did they tell you if he is still alive?”

“Of course, he is not dead.”

My wolf heaved a sigh.

“That's wonderful.” I gushed. “So would I find him if I go in search of him.”

“I wasn't told about that Irene, but the spirits want you to go. What I was doing was a protection spell for you. What is out there in the woods is scary my child.” Ella took my hand and covered it with hers.

“I'm not scared Ella, I just want to see him.”

“And when you see him ?”

“When I see him---” I paused. I was confused, I didn't know what I would do when I see him. “When I see him I would bring him back.”

“How do you drag him here? How would you bring him back, child ?”

“I don't know Ella, I don't know.” I got up and walked to and fro. “I would go with whatever events the moon goddess has planned for us. Ella I can't die without a mate. Tell me Ella is that my fate?”

“No, my child. That's not your fate.”

“So one way or the other I would bring him back.”

“I know you would. But that's just the beginning of the problem.”

“What other problem is there, Ella?”

“His pack are not aware that he is still alive, when you bring him back it might cause anarchy.”

I kept quiet and thought of what Ella said. Niel might not follow me back to the pack willingly and if I have to bring him back, I might have to drag him.

Or let's say kidnap him. My wolf said.


When I bring him back, I can't put him in a dungeon again.

You won't dare. My wolf said.

No I can't do that but how do I present him to his people without a rebel.

I bit my finger and scratched my hair.

“Ella, how did this enmity start? What is the real cause of the war between Moonlight pack and Crescent park.” I asked.

“Long story, child.”

“I want to know Ella, I have time.”

“There had always been a little misunderstanding between the two packs even before your father was born because they always had land fights. One way of the other, they always encroach on each other lands but those little fights were not always serious. The real enmity started during your father's time. The Alpha of Crescent pack was never a friend of the rogues, he hated them and he killed anyone that decided to trespass.” Ella paused and took a deep breath. “Child, your father never told you the real cause of your moms death.”

“Yes, even till his death. He said he does not find it befitting to bore me with her death. But I always thought it was because he couldn't really bear the grieve.”

“I instructed your father not to tell you because I knew you had a connection with that pack and it won't be nice if you grew up with bitterness in your heart.”

“What killed my mom, Ella? I need to know.”

“I won't hide it anymore. You are old enough to handle the matter now. Your mom was killed by their Alpha.”

“Which Alpha?”

“By Crescent pack's Alpha. Your mate's father.”

“What? How?” Anger was seeping through my veins and it was taking all in me to keep calm.

“Calm down, my child.” Ella placed her hand on my shoulder and I felt calm.

“Ella, how did he kill my mom?”

“On that fateful day, your mom was taking her routine run round the pack. Your mom loved sunflowers and while she was running she saw a garden of sunflowers but it was not in this pack, it was in the other side. Because of the love your mom had for it she decided to cross into their border and get the flowers.”

“Was she alone?”

“Yes, your mom goes on runs alone.”

“So how did you know it was the flowers that she wanted to get?  How are you sure that it wasn't something else?”

“She sent a message to your father. She told him what she what she was about to do.”

“Why didn't he stop her then? Why did he allow her into the enemy's camp ?”

“He did. He told her not to go but your mom was a stubborn one and she went ahead to get the flowers. She didn't know the other Alpha was close and he killed her just as she finished getting the flowers. He thought she was a rogue.”

“So why was there no war? Why did father keep quiet? I know father too well, he couldn't have let that pass away.”

“Of course, You father was ready to let hell break loose but I told him not to do so because it wasn't the right time.”

“Right time? When is the right time, Ella ?”

“Now. If your father had gone for war, my dear child you would be mateless now.”

I looked at Ella's hands on my shoulder and I knew that was the only thing keeping me calm. She was definitely using her power to soothe me.

“Did he apologize?”

“No, he was too proud to say sorry. He said he thought she was a rogue.”

“I feel like killing him right now.”

“That's not possible because he is already dead and I'll tell you child he also tasted the food he cooked for his enemies.”


“He was fond of setting traps for the rogues. While he was going round his pack, one of his trap caught him and he bled to death.”

“Good for him.”

“His people blamed the rogues for his death, sometimes they say it's Moonlight pack.”


“Because his pack members did not know about the traps he set. They think it was set by either you or the rogues.”

“So he is not only a murderer, he is also a pretender and a liar.”

“So you see my child, Moonlight pack hates Crescent pack because they killed their Luna and Crescent pack hates Moonlight pack because they think you killed their Alpha.”

“We have a solid reason for hating them, they don't. Thank you Ella.”

“It's nothing my child. I was going to tell you some day.”

“I'm going in search of Niel tomorrow.”

“May the spirits be with you child.”

She touched my cheeks with her hands and smiled at me.

I left her house pondering about my mom's death and also about how to get Niel back.

***          **        *          ***            **        *

Thank you for reading.

I sincerely apologize for the late update. I had a bad phone.

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Inbox myroseswillhuntyou for your beautiful covers.

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