Chapter 17

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Niel's POV

“And do you know this woman here can take down all, I repeat ALL of you here and none of you would escape your neck being torn apart from your body.” She pointed at us.

I was mentally face palming myself.

Seriously? How do expect to beat everyone here.

“She's so brave and sexy.” Jake whispered in my ears.

I had to admit too, she's very brave. Sexy? Oh no! I'm the only one that should say that.

I just couldn't believe she would come into the forest to look for me.

She's alone. My wolf said.

I know. Which is very stupid of her. How could she come into this place alone? At least she would have come with a guard.

She's an Alpha, remember.

Alphas are not Gods. They could be killed too.

“Who do you think you are?”  Eric shouted at her.

“I'm not here for histories man, just give me what I want and you would all leave this place without a scratch.”

“Scratch? Niel won't it be awesome to watch her fight.” Jake was getting excited about the impending the fight and I was getting uncomfortable.

I rolled my eyes.

Stop this argument, Niel. My wolf said.

How do you expect me stop this? I'm supposed to be hidden, remember?

“You are outnumbered. Young lady just go back to where ever you are coming from. I see you have the stance of the convent sisters but hey, your training rules don't work in this battle ground.”

“Wow, you are not stupid after all.” Her tone laced with sarcasm.

“Go back, lady.” Eric warned. It was obvious that Eric was already getting annoyed and anytime soon a fight would break out.

“Not without what I came for.”

I think I need to stop this now. No matter how much I wanted to beat her up the same way she did to me, there was no way I could stand and watch them almost kill her.

Eric's got wolfbane and he won't waste time to inject it into her system.

“Then you are looking for a fight then.” Eric said.

The wolves in front of me were already growling and I knew all they wanted was the 'fight' command from Eric.

“Which was highly anticipated.”

I left Jake and walked out of where I was standing.

“It would be better if you go back, Alpha.” I said.

She turned to where I was and I could see she was stopping herself from freting . Her face showed so many emotions at a time and the only one that was visible was that she was happy to see me.

Eric was staring at me with shock and I knew he had so much to say to me but I didn't care.

Man, my mate is here!

She looked at me for a while and I was also looking at her. She was more beautiful than the last time I saw her and all I wanted now was to throw her into a very tight hug but no way that's not tonight's mission.

So what's tonight mission?  My wolf asked.

Uh...  I don't know.

She raised her chin up and gave me a broad smile.

Yeah, I knew she was happy to see me.

“I'm glad you recognize me as your Alpha.”

Her statement was like a blow in my face and that was when I realized that I had called her Alpha.

“What were you thinking? That you would come into the forest, do some ninja stuff and take me back to your pack.” I asked.

“Oh, I didn't plan it like that but if that's how you want it to go, I'm ready.”

“Niel! Why did you have to come out?” Eric was by my side this time and by his tone I knew he was worried.

“Please before we start this so called battle, let's do some little introductions.” I faced the other wolves and spread my hands wide open as I talked. “This young lady here is the Alpha of Moonlight pack.”

She scoffed and the other wolves gasped.

“Wow, no wonder her audacity.” Eric whispered.

“So she was the one that kidnapped you?” Jake who had also come out of the forest said and everyone, including her laughed.

I threw Jake a glare and he mouthed a sorry.

“I wasn't prepared.” I defended.

“Stupid Excuses from an Alpha. Excuses that caused you your pack.” She said.

My chest cringed at the mention of my pack.

“You have my pack, what else do you want?”


Awwwwww. My wolf was cooing and was getting excited.

Calm down. She wants you back in her dungeon. I chided.

“Such a stupid move coming into the forest alone.” I said.

“Do you think I would allow my father's murderer to go free.”

“If I could kill your father again I won't hesitate. Your father deserves more than death.”

“Your father also deserves more than death.” She fired back.

My father has done no wrong to their pack, what's her problem?

“Don't compare my father with yours.”

“Of course, I won't be comparing my noble father with a murderer.”

“Noble. Stealing someone's pack is such a noble act. I see.” I scoffed “And how dare you call my father a murderer?”

We were circling around and throwing death glares at ourselves.

“You don't know who your father is. Your father is a pretender, a liar and above all a murderer.”

I was so enraged at what she was saying and I was on the verge of changing into my wolf form.

“My father killed no one.” I snapped.

“So you think.”

“My father would do no such thing.”

“Stop trying to defend someone you never knew.” 

“Oh well, so you know my father so---”

“He killed not only the rogues but he killed my mother.” She shouted.

“My father killed your mother? How is that possible? Maybe your mother was definitely trespassing that's why he sent her to where she was supposed to be. If your mother had stayed in her pack I'm sure she won't be dead by now. ”

She was glaring at me and I was also glaring at her.

“Why was there no war? Your mom is a luna right? Your father would have waged a war on our pack.” I continued.

“He waited for the right time.”

“Your family loves putting their nose where it shouldn't be. The same way you trespassed into my pack that would have also been the way your mom trespassed. And she was KILLED. Your father is the  murderer. He surely waited for the right time to kill my father. He set that trap that made my father bleed to death.”

“Your father was killed by the trap he set for the rogues. The rogues are here, they would surely know how big a terror your father was to them. Your pack needs to be punished, that's why the moon goddess gave you into our hands.”

“Your are a liar.” I shouted.

“Oh please, I've said no lie. Your father killed my mom and you killed my father. You are a murderer! Just like your father.”

I couldn't control my temper again and I found myself raising my hand and throwing it across her face.

I slapped her.

Yes I did.

*         *         *         *          *          *

Oh my goodness 😱😱😱😱.

He slapped her 😫😫😫.

Alpha mode activated, the real fight is about to break out.👿👿👿

Thanks for reading.





XoXo 😘😘😘

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