Chapter 18

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Niel's POV

“Your are a liar.” I shouted.

“Oh please, I've said no lie. Your father killed my mom and you killed my father. You are a murderer! Just like your father.”

My anger could not be contained again, at that moment I didn't care if she was my mate or not. I was furious and I slapped her real hard on the face.

She staggered backwards with her left hand on her face and she looked at me in shock and annoyance. Her eyeballs turned black and her canines came out. She was breathing heavily like a bull and I knew she was going to change anytime soon.With the way I was annoyed too, I knew I was also reflecting the same look she had.

The clearing was silent and within those seconds everyone watched in shock.

She changed into her white wolf form and jumped at me.  I dodged her claws and changed into my black wolf form too. She threw her left claws at me and I pushed it with my right claws making her stumble a little. She got her stance back and tried to jump at me again but Eric's brown wolf came in between us and growled at us. She growled angrily and I responded with an howl.

Niel, you need to control yourself. Eric said in my head.

Get out. I barked and gave him a threatening stance Get out of the way Eric, let me teach her some lessons.

I would be forced to tell everyone to restrain you from doing something stupid.

How dare you, Eric? Get out!  I bent down like I was about to leap at him, my eyes fixed on him entirely. He moved a little closer to me and bent down the same way I did. I growled at him and he did the same too.

Irene who had been watching Eric and I growl at ourselves, turned and left the clearing. I raised my head up and watched as she left with her head hung low. Somehow I felt a pang on my chest but I quickly brushed it away and walked away from the clearing too.

Eric followed me as I went to get some new clothes to change into. I found a big tree and change into my human form. I came out from behind the tree and saw Eric waiting for me in only shorts and with arms akimbo.

“How dare you? How dare you stop that fight?” I shouted at him.

“Last I remember, you don't rule this forest.” He answered me calmly.

“This does not concern the woods, Eric. This is a fight between me and someone that stole my rights, between me and someone that does not have respect for my family, someone that wants me dead---”

“Between you and your mate?” Eric cuts in.

“ I don't care if she's my mate I'm rejecting her, I don't need someone like that in my life.” I pointed to where Irene went through.  “I was just born to be punished by the moon goddess. She's using me as her toy and she's having fun doing it but this fight does not concern you Eric, why don't mind your business.”

“Well, this is my business because it's happening here in my territory and I don't want no blood spilled tonight.”

“Well, I want blood spilled tonight. I want to feel her blood on my canines. I want to have her head on a stake, I want her heart on my platter. I want to see her dead.”

Eric looked at me with no emotion written on his face. He still had his hands akimbo and I just wanted him to give me a response. I wanted him to react. His silence was making me infuriated. I picked up a stick and threw it at him but it went above his head. Eric still had his hands akimbo with no emotion on his face.

I walked past him and used my shoulder to push him. He staggered a little but he still did not react.

“Just know you aren't the one saying or doing all this.” He said.

“Well I love the demons that have taken over my life now.” I answered him without looking back at him.

Lightening struck and a loud rumbled made the animals in the forest awake from their sleeps, the trees and shrubs danced as the winds played her stimulating songs. The forest was noisy again as animals were running around. The skies opened up her doors and poured down rain. It was a heavy one and every living creature in the forest ran for shelter.

Dear Moon Goddess there's no need for this stupid downpour. No blood was shed so there's nothing to wash away.

I joined the other men in the caves. A large fire had been lit and every one sat round it trying to get warmth. The caves was quiet as the storm raged on. Jake came into the caves wet and walked straight to where Eric was sitting and whispered into his ears. Eric looked at me with sadness and I glared at him. Eric and     Jake stood up and came to sit by my side. Eric sat at my left side while Jake sat by my right.

Now what do they have to say. I thought disgusted already with the fact that Jake had been the one to bring the news.

“She drank from the river, Eric.” Jake said.

“She would be so weak now.” Eric said.

What river?

And who drank from it?

I gave Jake a questioning look and he just shrugged.

“Is she going to die?” Jake asked.

“I don't----”

“What's this discussion you guys are having by my side.” I cut in.

“He doesn't know about the river, Eric.” Jake said.

“What river?”

“Boy,” Eric put his hands around my shoulder “In other to protect ourselves, we have this river called bane river.”


“Actually we planted wolfsbane all around this river and it is contaminated with bane, so any wolf that comes in search of us and decides to drink from the river gets weak. Extremely weak.”

“Who drank from this river?” I asked alarmed that Irene might have drank from it.

“The Alpha.” Jake answered.

“Where is this river?”

“Somewhere to the South, I could take you there.”

“No, don't. I just want to know where to pick her dead body. She is free to die in pains.” I said.

Eric and Jake looked at me with their mouths open. Eric wanted to say something but he closed his mouth and stared at the fire.

I was in a dilemma, my head was up and about and so many voices were telling me what to do and what not to do, but I sat still.

I sat and watched the fire just like the others did.

*               *                *                *                *

Thanks for reading.

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