Chapter 2

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Irene's POV

I ran for like 30 minutes following the part that had less guards. I knew my pack members were waiting for me at the border and immediately I got there they all came to meet me. Their faces all filled with shocked. They were expecting a head and not the full body. I am so good at what I do that I brought not only his body but his soul.

I dropped his body down and went to a big tree and changed. I wore my clothes quickly and went to meet my pack members who were staring at him like he was a ghost.

“Irene! This is not what your father sent you to do.” My Dad's beta, Caleb was the first to break the silence.

“And could you please remind me what he said.”  I answered him looking at him in the eyes

“You were to bring his head.”

“And I don't think I brought an headless person.” I gave him a cocky smile.

“He is not yet dead. Why did you bring him alive?” Caleb replied obviously getting annoyed.

“My father wanted his head, I want his body.”

“Body? For what?”

“Enough of this questions, could you please take him to the dungeon while I meet my father. ”

Caleb didn't move an inch and I took it that he wasn't prepared to follow my orders. Well I have no right to order him so I motioned to the other pack members there.

“Help me carry him please, I would lock him in the dungeon myself.”

While they helped  me to carry him I saw Caleb leave. He obviously was going to break the news to my father. Such a Gossip!

I walked slowly behind the two guys that carried Niel. I was exhausted after carrying him and running a very long distance.

I carried him not you.” My wolf answered.

Yeah you did.”  I rolled my eyes at her.

We got to the dungeon and the guards threw his body into a cell.  His body hitting the cold hard floor. The wolfsbane in his system won't make him wake up for the next 2 hours. The guards locked the cell and I stood outside staring at him and that was when I took my time to notice his body features.

He had a muscular body and he had a light brown skin. I remembered he had sharp green eyes when I saw him at the water fall. He had very black hair and they were plastered all over his face as he laid on the floor. He had a pointed noise and a full lips, they were now fuller because of the blow I gave him on his face. The blow had really disfigured his beautiful face.

While I was still admiring his body, some guards walked in.

“Your father sends for you” One of the guards said.

I didn't respond, I just turned and followed them to my father's office.

Getting to his office, the guards didn't follow me inside instead they waited at the door while I entered his office.
My father was sitting on his chair , he was facing the window and his back was turned on me.
He turned when I got to his table.

“Irene! What did you do?” His voice was raised and it was obvious that he was annoyed.

“Father I brought him as you have requested” I replied. That wasn't his request.

“That was not what I sent you to do”

“Father I wanted to give you the pleasure of cutting his head yourself”

My father was silent for some seconds and suddenly he burst out laughing.

A very evil laughter.

He walked to where I was standing and clapped his hands.

“Now I know you took my wittiness” He said annoyance written off his face.

“What a very perfect idea.” He said. “It would be my greatest pleasure to chop the head of that boy” My father was so excited that he started humming and tapping his feet on the ground with his hands moving like he was dancing.

This is making my father so excited.

“There is going to be a banquet to celebrate your successful mission.” He said still tapping his feet on the ground.
A banquet to celebrate me?
Wow this is new, I'm finally getting attention from my father.

“Go and get ready. The banquet would be in 2 hours” He added.

I turned around with a smile on my face and left his office.

Niel's POV

I woke up with a very sharp pain in my head. The floor was hard and the smell of wolfsbane filled my nose.

Where am I?

This is definitely not my pack. I tried to get up but my feet were too weak to support my body, so I fell right back to ground. The memory of what happened before I fainted came rushing to my head.

I found my Mate!
Why did she fight with me?
Who is she?
Where is she from?
Is kidnapping their mate a tradition in their pack?
I've never heard of such tradition from any neighbouring pack?
My mind immediately went to my pack members.
Has Sebastian noticed my absence?
My pack would definitely be in chaos if they find out am missing?
I need to find a way to get out of here.
Determination rushed through my bones and I stood up from the ground. I saw two guards standing by my cell and I noticed the symbol on their robes


Only them could do such a treacherous thing.

I was so enraged that I shouted out loud.

“Hey, calm down boy. Save your energy for something better.”  The guard on the left side replied while the other one just laughed.

Boy?  An Alpha called boy. I've been insulted two time today by low class people. First I was called a young man by that.... that small girl.. Now I'm called a Boy.

Well I followed his advice and decided to save my energy for something better, something better like how to escape from this dungeon.

Irene's POV

I sat at the table and watched how my father and his cohorts wined and dined. I was at the left hand side of my father while his Beta was at his right hand side.
My father's happiness was contagious but I was the only one there that didn't catch the sickness.
Maybe because I didn't like the way they were misbehaving. The banquet wasn't what I was expecting. They were all irritating me and I looked at them with disgust.
Caleb didn't look excited too but it seemed like he was enjoying the music because he was moving his head to the rhythm.

The table was filled with varieties of food but I had no appetite. The wine was the best I have ever tasted but it did not please me.

My father cleared his throat and everyone's attention was drawn to him including mine. My father raised his cup and made a toast to me.

“Today we gather here to celebrate my beloved Daughter who has so pleased me” My father said motioning to me and I smiled “And we also celebrate the beginning of a new era. Moonlight pack would be taking over Crescent pack and that would be done tomorrow at the break of dawn" My father added while raising his cup

“Tonight, we are going to drink and celebrate because tomorrow would be a success” He added. “So drink--- Drink and fill your stomach till you can't take in no more ”
My father did not say anything about Alpha Niel and I wondered what he was planning

“Alpha! What would we do with their Alpha” Beta Caleb asked like he just read my mind.

“I want him to be alive for now till I have taken over. I want him to feel how it is to lose something dear. He would be killed after the rituals.” My father replied

The merry noise and cheers increased and even the sound of the music that was playing could not be heard. This got on my nerves so I stood up and made to leave.

“Oh dear Irene, you should get some rest. Tomorrow would be very hectic”

“Would I be following you to Crescent pack?” I asked

“Of course I want them to see you,my only heir, their future Alpha” My father said smiling at me.

“Okay father” I bowed and left the room.

*                                    *                              *

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