Chapter 1

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Irene's POV
I watched as he dished orders to his pack members and how they scurried away to do his biddings. They all loved and respected him. Alpha Niel of Crescent pack.

I had been watching him for the past three months. I was meant to kill him and anytime that thought crossed my mind, my wolf would whimper and showed her disapproval.

My father was getting impatient and had given me two weeks to bring his head or my head would be brought to him.

How would a father threaten to kill his only daughter?
He never acknowledges me.
His only heir. 

I can't kill my Mate. I concluded

The death of my mother killed my father, mostly his emotions. He suffered terribly when my mom died. I watched grieve change him to a bitter, heartless and callous man.

Killing my Mate with my own hands would kill me too just like my father

My wolf would kill me.

The only way was to kidnap him and if he is as strong and smart as they say he is, he would find a way to escape from my father.

I realised that his beta was also his best friend and partner in crime. Once in a week, they went to the waterfall to swim and discuss. And I saw his rare smile whenever he was in the water.

"Sebastian, why do you think the moonlight pack have been awfully quiet?" I heard him ask his Beta as he dipped himself into the water .

"They have not really been quiet, Alpha." His Beta replied also entering into the water.

“Then what's happening , what have our ears heard?”

“I sent Bryan to get some information and he heard from the rogues that something is either exciting their Alpha or making him angry. He is not settled"

“The rogues?” His voice stating his disapproval. Niel was not friends nor merciful to rogues.  He despised them.

“You know that no information would ever escape the rogues ears.” His Beta laughed.

From the moment I learnt of the rogues,  I knew that to get first hand information you need the rogues. Their ears were more useful than their claws.

“They stay informed to know when any Alpha is on their lead.” His Beta added .

“You think so? ” Niel asked mocking them.

I didn't hear his Beta respond so I guessed he gave a body sign.

I was bored but my wolf wasn't.

She was excited that her mate was nearby.

Oh! Irene let's join him”  My wolf says excitedly

Really? Do you want your head on a platter? ”

My wolf rolled her eyes

Your dad can't kill you”

“Like you have forgotten who he really his”

“You are his only heir”

“He could give his Beta that position after all he loves him more than he loves me ”

“You think he could do that?”

“Why do you think he would threaten to have my head?”

My father doesn't care about me. He never did.

“What happened?” I heard Alpha Niel ask bringing my attention back to them.

“Something's wrong with Becca” His beta answered.

The way he said Becca with so much admiration showed she was his mate.

“What?” Niel asked.

“I don't know but she is telling me to come home quickly.”

She definitely was mind linking him.

“Hmm, Let's go and see what's wrong”

“Oh no! Alpha, I don't think it is that serious”

I was looking at them now and Alpha Niel raised an eyebrow

“You know Becca is so full of so many pranks. ” Sebastian continued

“Okay.  If you say so but if there is really any problem don't waste time to tell me”


Sebastian came out of the water naked and I turned my eyes away

We don't want to see his naked body. We want Niel's.” My wolf says

“And who is we? ”

“Oh come on Irene. Don't say you wouldn't like to see him naked”

I rolled my eyes at her, but truly I would love to see him naked. My face heated up as I imagined him naked.

Sebastian wore his clothes and left quickly.

Alpha Niel was alone and this would definitely be the only opportunity I would have.

What's that saying again: Opportunity comes but once.

My wolf was screaming for us to join him in the water but I immediately blocked her so she wouldn't distract me.

 He was never alone.

Now was the time. If I don't do this now then my father would have my head instead.

What's the plan? I asked myself

Join him in the pool dummy.” My wolf replies

“Please can you just not say anything till I'm done with this.”  I begged her

Don't just kill him.”  She replies

I wasn't planning to.

I came out of the thicket I was hiding and starting walking to where he was. He had his eyes closed and he was whistling. He was definitely enjoying himself.

Well I'm here to kill his joy

That's bad.” My wolf says

Hey I said you should keep quiet”

I'm so sorry madame.”  My wolf rolled her eyes and kept quiet.

I was going to snap his head and take him with me.

Awww! We would be carrying our mate. What a lovely experience.” My wolf interjected

I rolled my eyes at her and I imagined it. It would definitely be very funny. How would I carry such a big person?


Niel had opened his eyes and he was looking at me

Oh my goodness, what do I do?

Well I won't be kidnapping him without a fight.

Niel's POV

I closed my my eyes after Sebastian left and started whistling the tune of my favourite song. A melody my mom composed for my dad when they came to this spring. It was a song I learnt solely because it would be beautiful to sing to my mate. I usually watched my mom sing that song for my dad and my dad would smile from ear to ear. I just couldn't imagine how my mate would be smiling while I sang to her.
My pack was getting bigger by the day and the rogues were becoming a pain in the ass.  I needed stiffer methods to handle them. They seemed to know everything that is going on.


That I'm still planning to find out.  I didn't like the fact that Bryan got information from them. You have to give something to get something else. I just hoped he didn't give out a top secret information. Though Bryan was not in the inner caucus but I still wouldn't like if even the tiny bit of information leaves his mouth. I really need to find a way to get rid of these rogues.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew my attention and I lazily opened my eyes. A girl with a confused facial expression was walking towards me and her attention was not on me even when she was looking at me.
She is definitely a rogue. And I wouldn't be treating her well. My wolf was excited about something but I didn't pay attention to it.

Suddenly she stopped and widened her eyes in surprise.

Didn't she know I was there?

Surprise immediately left her face and it was replaced with a daring face. She smirked at me and her lips parted

“Young man! Can you get out of that water and wear your cloth so we can fight”

Young man..  She definitely doesn't know I'm an Alpha

Fight!  Why should we fight?

Well I did as she ordered, I got out of the water and she turned her face away.

I smirked at her.

As soon as I wore my shorts, a hard blow landed on my face and that sent me flying. If not because I was an Alpha I would have fainted.

Did that blow come from her?

She got to me as I was still trying to recover from the blow and grabbed my neck. I was raised off the ground and smacked down.

Like how can this fragile thing raise an Alpha.
My back hit a tree and I was pinned to the tree.

My wolf was actually cooing at how strong his mate was.
Why is she fighting with her mate?
Did she not feel the bond between us?

She was suffocating me and then I realized that I had to fight back
I kicked her stomach and that released her grip on my neck. I took that as an opportunity and threw my fist at her. She ducked and launched her own to my stomach. I blocked her attack with my other hand, grabbing her wrist. With a twisting motion, she pulled out of my grasp, whirled around and kicked. I blocked it with my palm pushing her foot away. She lost balance and she toppled over into the dirt. I dove down after her and pinned her down.
Her sapphire eyes stared into mine.

“Who are you?” I shouted at her. I didn't mean to shout but my Alpha mode was activated. She didn't even shake instead she smirked at me and that made me furious.

Irene's pov

“Who are you? ”  He barked at me.
This was the perfect time to snap his head. The idea made me smirk and this made him enraged

It is Now or Never

With quick movements, I raised my two hands and snapped his neck. He dropped by my left side and I immediately got up.

Pheew! Finally

I ran to where my backpack was and got the wolfsbane I had in there. It was a long journey to my pack and I don't need him to wake up on the way and continue the fight.

I injected the wolfsbane into his hands so he won't heal fast.

I changed into my wolf form so I would be able to carry him and also get to my pack before his pack members notice his absence.

I picked him up with my mouth,threw him on my shoulder and ran in the direction of my pack.

*                                     *                             *
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