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Irene's pov
I walked into my father's office and waited for him at the door for his errand, my new and first mission.

It's been two years since I stepped my leg into this office and the office hadn't changed a bit. That was not surprising because my father was a conventional person. His big mahogany table was still at the centre and neatly arranged stack of papers and files decorated the table. I could smell antiseptic which meant that the cleaner just cleaned his office. My father was a clean freak and he could have his office cleaned a thousand times a day. 

The door creaked open and my Father walked in. Well he also hadn't changed except for the few strands of grey hair that were on his head.

I bowed as he walked in and raised my head as he sat on his extremely large chair. Yeah I forgot to say my father is a very large man and his stature is actually very intimidating not only to his people but also to me too. I got my small frame from my mom.

“Irene” His baritone voice filled the office as he called my name.

“Yes father” I responded

“Wow, you are so grown up now and you just remind me of your mother. May the moon goddess accept her soul.” My father looked up as he mentioned the moon goddess, his eyes filled with emotions that showed he still misses my mom. These emotions only appears when he talks of my mom.

“Well I called you home because I have a very urgent mission for you.” He continued

“But father I have just a few months to complete my training, can't it wait?” I protested.

My father stood up with his hands folded behind his back, walked to the window and came back to his table.

“Like I said a very urgent mission, your training can wait, after all I sent you there and I can tell you to stop anytime I like” He said to me sternly.

Sometimes I wonder if he was really my father because just at age five after the death of my mother, he sent me away to the convent for them to train me. I only come back when he requests for me.

“What is the mission and why can't you send your best warriors?”

“Your mistress actually told me how very good you are now and I think this would be the best way to test what she says.”  My father smirked at me

Well whatever mission he has for me definitely won't be pleasant.

“Irene, It is time to take over.” He raised his two hands as if to pray.

“Take over what?”

“Take over Crescent pack.”


“You heard me right.”

“How do you expect me to fight that pack? A pack that is known to have the best and the strongest warr---”

“I'm not sending you to fight the pack. Your mission is very simple.” My father cuts in.

“Simple? ” I raised an eyebrow at the word simple

“Yes.” He smiled at me and walked closer to where I was standing. Putting his two hands on my shoulders he continued “I just want you to kill the Alpha ”

My father burst into laughter like the best comedian just cracked an epic joke.

“But Father that's not simple at all” I protested.

“Oh yes, it is. That Alpha is just a small boy that thinks he is strong and you my dear Irene. You have been trained for this, so you see that it is very simple.  Except if your mistress has been lying to me.”

My face should definitely be showing the emotion I felt right now. I was scared. Scared of the mission. What if I don't succeed.
I have always wanted my father's approval and this seemed like a way to get it.

“Irene I want his head and you dare not disobey me, I could have your head instead”. He threatened. “ You can go now”

I turned to leave his office.

“And Irene be quick about it ” My father added just as I opened the door.

I gave him one last look before leaving his office.

*                  *                   *                     *        Thanks for reading.

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