Chapter 25

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Niel's POV

I walked to where Irene was sitting under a tree. The sun was at its peak and she used the tree leaves as a shade. She was staring deep into the forest but she was not tensed at all.

It's been a day since she asked me to be her helper and we have tried to get along with ourselves. Though it was awkward but I've made her laugh some few times and her laughter has been the most pleasurable sound I've heard in quite a long time.

“Irene.” I called our to her as I got close to where she seated. She turned back sharply to look at me and her strawberry blonde hair flipped. Her sapphire eyes always got me enchanted and they were looking at me with emotions. “I just finished clearing Adelaide's spices garden and with the way the sun is burning my skin I thought maybe we could go for a swim.” I said.

“Awesome. Should I say you read minds now?” She said, smiling at me.

“Huhn?” I arched my eyebrow.

“Yeah, I was waiting for you to be done with what you were doing so we could go for a swim. You know how calming the water could be.”

Now was my time to say “Awesome.” I smiled at her from ear to ear.

“Come on, let's go.” She grabbed my hand and I felt tingles as her hand touched my arm. Every single time we had just a little contact, I feel those tingles. I don't know if she also felt it too.

She was dragging me to the river and I just followed her humbly like a lamb to the slaughter.

We got to the river quickly not because it was not far from Adelaide's hut but because we were practically running . She was wearing a loose gown which Adelaide had given her so she immediately stripped them off her body.

She was BEAUTIFUL!!!

Those were the only words that rang in my head as I saw just in her undergarments. She placed her gown at the bank of the river and plunged into the water making a big splash that drained me. I didn't care if I was drained or not, just looking at her was giving me inexpressible joy.

She brought her head out of the water and had a big grin to her face, her hair was very wet and some strands plastered across her face. Her undergarments were glued to her body and her curved were more visible.

“Come on, I didn't bring you here to watch me.” She said with a little frown on her face.

“Forgive me." I apologized and began to shed my clothes off my body leaving my shorts on. When I looked at her again she wasn't looking at me and I was disappointed that she was not taking satisfaction in my body the same way I did.

I walked into the water and went over to where she was. I got closer to her and she still avoided my gaze, her cheeks were beginning to get red and I realized that she was too shy to look at me and that she was blushing.

“You know you're such a bore.” She said as she swam away from me.

“What! Why?” I joined her and swam beside her.  She stopped swimming and I also stopped swimming.

“I jumped into the water and made a big splash but you, you just simply walked into the water.” She pouted and I couldn't help but imagine my lips on hers.

“Oh really, you want to see me make a big splash?”  I asked in between laughters.

“Yes, I bet you can't beat mine.” She dared.

“Watch and see.” I swam out of the river and stood at the river bank. “Make way for my mighty splash.”

I ran, launched myself into the hair, did a somersault and dived into the water. Water covered my eyes, nostrils and mouth as I went deep into the water. I swam out of the river and I heard her laughing behind me, I turned to look at her and she was laughing so hard and clutching her stomach.

“It felt as if someone threw a small pebble into the water.” She joked.

“What? My splash made you wet.” I feigned an angry face.

“I'm drier than ever.” She laughed.

“Oh really, wait till I make you really wet.” I swam towards her and she swam away. Soon it was like a run and catch game. Actually a swim and catch game and it was fun. Though I knew with just a stride I would catch her but hearing her laugh at how I couldn't even catch her was gratifying. I swam after her for some few minutes and I finally decided to catch her. I dragged her with me under the water and she squealed as we came up.

“Now you are surely wet.” I smirked at her and she stuck out her tongue.

She was in my arms and we were just few inches away from each other. We looked at each other for a while and when she looked away she screamed. I panicked and I let go of her hands. I put on a defensive mode and I turned to where she had looked at and saw nothing at all. I looked back at her to ask her what she saw that made her scream but I saw her trying to suppress a laughter. She finally busted out laughing and I just gave a questionable look.

“Why did you scream?” I asked when she had finished laughing.

“I just wanted to give you a scare.” She smiled sheepishly at me and I couldn't even get annoyed. “Oh goodness, you should have seen your face.” She laughed.

“Yeah right, funny. Wait till I pay you back at night.”

“Who says I'm scared of the dark?”

“You might be seeing masquerades.” I continued.

“That's so not scary.” She waved her hands in a dismissing manner.

“Or maybe ghosts.”

“You have a living ghost standing in front of you.” She bragged.

“Well then I think I'll just have to do it now.”

I grabbed her wrist and felt tingles. She tried to run away and break her wrist free from my grip but I turned her and her body landed on my chest. I used my other arm to draw her closer and my fingers dug into her back. Her reaction filled my being with want, an illogical thrill I had never felt before. A warm rush flowed from her body into mine and my grip tighten on her. The look in Irene eyes confirmed that we wanted the same thing so I immediately covered her lips with mine. Our kiss was tender and slow and it was like we followed whatever rhythm was being played for us. Her lips were soft and I breathed her breath as we kissed. She let her hands explore the hardness of my shoulders while I slid my hand through her hair.

Irene shivered and that made me remember that we were still in the water. I pulled away from her and we both took some seconds to catch our breath. The sun was setting and the evening was upon us already. A calm breeze blew and it also sent shivers through my body. I looked at Irene and she smiled at me. Both of us using our eyes to communicate on how that kiss felt.

“Come on, let's get out of the water, it's getting cold.” I said to her and we walked out of the water with my hands around her waist and hers around my shoulders. She picked up her gown and threw it over her head, stretching her two hands so they just slide into the hands of the cloth. It was a loose gown so it was just easy to wear. I didn't wear my clothes because I didn't see a need to wear it so I threw it across my shoulders and Irene and I started to walk towards Adelaide's hut.

Irene's POV

We walked in silence to Adelaide's hut. I did not like the silence and  my wolf also did not like the silence. There was so many things I wanted to say but I just kept quiet and gave him some sideway glances. He was calm, very calm and I wondered what was going through his mind.

This was what I wanted, that's why I took him to the river. I knew he loved water so much and I prayed he would be wise enough to at least initiate our first kiss. Now I wanted more, I wanted more than just a kiss. I wanted us to mate.

My wolf wanted that so much and she was threatening to change so they could speak to each other in wolf language.

We still walked silently and when I looked up to give him a full glance he smiled at me.

“Stop.” I heard myself say. “Is that all?”

Uh-huh this is definitely not me.

I lifted my slender arms around his neck and drew him closer to me, his beautiful and shining eyes stared into mine with an expression of love that made me confident to do what I wanted to do.

He was MINE and I quit thinking about any other thing and let myself enjoy the magic of this night. I pulled him closer and placed my lips on his. This time, our kiss wasn't tender but rough. I let my hands slide over his bare back and he inhaled sharply as my hands slid up and down his back. He let his hands travel down my thighs, his touch making every part of my body explode. His touches were making it hard for me to concentrate on kissing him and as I forgot what my next move would be, Niel's lips moved from my mouth to my neck. It was so intense and though our mouths weren't jammed together I was still finding it difficult to breath. I floated on clouds of desire, my body turning and shaking at his touch as natural as a tree shakes at the touch of the wind.

Mate me!

Those two words kept ringing in my head and I didn't know when I allowed my lips to trembly say it.

He pushed me against the bark of the tree, his mouth pressed against my neck. I gasped as he ran his hands up my back. A small moan escaped my lips. He pulled me away from the tree and soon we found ourselves on the floor.

The forest was dark but his eyes still shone with desire. Nobody had ever made me feel that way, no body had ever matched me, like the missing piece of a broken vase sliding into place, and miraculously becoming whole again. I felt complete as I was with him.

“Mark me” I said again through trembling lips. “Make me your own.”

It seemed those words were what he wanted to hear so he tugged at my dress and I removed my gown gently from my body and also removed my wet undergarments. He kissed my lips and neck once more.

I was naked under him and the heat between us grew greater. When he finally entered me, whispering my name warmly into my ear, I almost cried. It was pleasure at it best and It was perfection; it was a new feeling, it was strength and softness, it was a promise of love made physical in one moment.

I saw his canines come out from his mouth and soon he found the left side of her neck.

It was time to completely make me his.
He raised his head up and dug his teeth into my neck. I had thought it was going to be painful but it was another burst of pleasure for me. He licked the small blood that trickled down my neck and I moaned softly.

Together we traveled to the beautiful place where bodies and hearts ignite with joy and immeasurable excitement.

We were now fully mated.

I was his; he was MINE.

We rested in each other's arms, whispering endearments and trading tender touches and looks with each other.


*                 *                *                *               *


*Wipes sweat away*

This chapter was ..... *Sighs*

Very tough to write.😰😰😰😰

I hope you enjoyed it.

Finally, some perfect Irene and Niel moment.

Raise your hand if you've waited for it for long 🙋🙋🙋

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