Chapter 24

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Thank you elliot_john for the beautiful covers. Check out his books Love, Juliet and Life of Jade and other of his cool books.

Sebastian's POV

It's been four days, four days since we last saw our Alpha and everyone is acting like it's a normal thing. I guess I was the only one paranoid in this pack about her disappearance, maybe because the excuse from the beta was actually very dumb.

“She went for an important meeting.” He said, when I asked.

And Yes! I was the only one asking.

Well, I don't know about any meeting that allows the alpha stay for more than four days.

The pack seemed peaceful but the glances the guards and the beta shared sometimes actually meant they had something fishy they were trying to cover up.

Craig had apparently been warned not to say anything about the pack to me. Though he didn't tell but as a former beta I know when someone is under the Alpha's control. His beating around the bush had become worse and he was actually of no use to me any more. I had tried to do my findings about things that had happened in the pack but no good result had come out from my efforts.

My guts kept telling me that Niel was not dead and maybe he ran away but it just didn't connect with why the Alpha was gone for four days.

Even if he ran away, the guards are meant to be the one searching for him and not the Alpha. All the guards seemed kinda relaxed though the guards at the borders were increased.

It's been so long since when Niel was kidnapped, if there's any chance that he had ran away, why didn't he come to reclaim the pack?

Why is he staying away like a coward?

The Niel I knew was not a coward and would never leave his pack in the hands of strangers. Well that leaves me still with the painful fact that Niel was dead.

“Hey.” A finger clicked in my face cutting my train of thoughts. I looked at the owner of the hand and saw my mate's beautiful face contorted with fury. “What are you thinking of that actually made you not realize I was home and also did not make you hear what I was saying?” She said. She was carrying her handbag and another bag that contained food items.

“Oh baby, I'm sorry.” I pulled her into my embrace and she rested her head on my shoulders. I placed my hands on her stomach and smiled at her stomach. I would soon be a father, the joy could never be hidden.

“The pack doctor said we should be expecting her soon.” Becca said.

“I can't wait to hold her in my hands.” I gushed.

“I'm not sure about that.” She released herself from my hands and walked away. She was annoyed and  I followed her as she walked to the kitchen to drop what she had brought.

“What do you mean Becca?” I asked confused.

“Because I'm sure you are still planning something that could actually make us lose you.” She turned to look at me

“Oh no, I'm not planning anything my love. I've actually given up on my plan.” I assured her.

“Really? So why did I come in here and you did not notice my presence? What were you thinking of?”

“The Alpha has not been around for the past---”

“There you go, it surely has to do with them” She cut in. “Oh, when I thought you were thinking of how to raise our daughter.”

“Come on, Becca don't you think the Alpha's absence is suspicious?”

Becca brought out the fruits and vegetables from the bag and placed in a bowl on the counter. She looked at me and back at the bowl in front of her.

“Sebastian, look outside,” She pointed to the window and my eyes followed where her finger pointed at.  “No look around. You love to supervise this pack so go around and look at how people are living their lives without worrying about the whereabouts of their Alpha.”

“That's where they get it wrong, dear.”

“Stop being paranoid Sebastian. This your nosy character is actually getting on my nerves. I can imagine how the Alpha and Beta feels when they have to put up with you.” She said with her voice a little high.

“I'm happy they feel uneasy when they see me coming.” I shrugged.

“Niel is dead Sebastian, Niel is dead.” Becca shouted. “That happened some moons back. That was a long time. Why don't you forget about everything and move on?”

“How do you expect me to forget about my pack? A pack that I was once led. How do you expect me to forget about my best friend? My best friend. Your former Alpha.”

“You should be thankful we are not treated as fugitive here. They accepted us as a family and---”

“I don't care about that.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot that you want revenge. Revenge is sweet right. Come on tell me your plans, tell me the plans you have that would make your head safe.” Becca walked up to me and we were standing just few inches from each other.

“Becca, I know you don't want any harm to come to me but---” I tried to put my hands on her arms but she put my hands down with hers.

“Even if you are not killed, we would be banished. We would become rogues Sebastian, and you know how the rogues are treated. Is that what you want for your family? Why don't you just let go?”

Let go?

Why doesn't she just see my point of view?

Is it so easy to move on?

“It's so easy for you to let things go. It's easy for you to forgive people and let go but it isn't for me.”

“Yes, it's easy for me but just so you know if because of your stupidity something wrong happens to you and you leave me alone here, I would never, ever forgive you even in the afterlife.”

Becca walked out of the kitchen and I turned and watched her as she left. She was hurt and so was I.

I know the thought of loosing me was making her go crazy.

Maybe she's right. Maybe I should let go of these things. Niel is dead and I have no solid plan on how to bring Crescent pack to reality again. Communicating  with other pack members was hard and only I couldn't do the rebelling. My head would be cut and hung on a stake and used as an example to others who thought of rebelling too.

The thought of having my head on a stake made me cringe and I realized the pain Becca felt when she also imagined me dead.

Becca was talking to someone at the door and I went to see who it was. It was Alice, Niel's mother, she had come to stay with us since Becca was almost due. Becca had sent her message to come and she had agreed to come. Both our parents were dead, her parents had died in a fire accident in their home when Becca was little, my mother died during childbirth and my father had died when he went on a rogue raid with the Alpha; Niel's father. They both died on the same day. Since then, Alice had been a mother figure to us.

“How's that little wolf doing in there?” Alice was cooing at Becca's stomach. Becca laughed and hugged Alice.

“Welcome, Alice.” I said after she pulled herself away from Becca's embrace.

“Oh, Sebastian. Come here. I didn't see you standing there.” She gestured for me to come hug her.

I walked up to her and she pulled me into a very tight hug. She parted my back as she hugged me.

“I've missed you so much.” She said as she stopped parting my back.

“Yeah, we too. We've missed you so much. How's life over there?” I asked. She had more grey hair on her head and she was a little slimmer, apart from those little changes she still looked the same.

“Fine, very fine.”

“Let me help you with your bag and show you your room.” I picked her bag that was on the floor and took it to the spare room we had prepared for her that was on the left. Becca had specially prepared this room for her and she had hoped she would loved it.

We painted the room sky blue since that was Alice favourite colour. The room contained a medium sized bed which was in the centre of the room, a small wardrobe and a vanity table both at the left side of the room. It also had two windows that faced each other and on the window there were two vases each that contained flowers. Becca had gone out and plucked flowers of different kind from her garden. By the right side of the room, there was a door that led to the bathroom.

“I hope you like it?” I asked as I opened the door to the room.

“Wow, it's lovely. I love it." Alice gushed as she stepped into the room.

“I'm happy you love it Alice, I specially designed it for you.” Becca said, she was the last to enter the room and she stood by my side as she entered.

“ It's really beautiful dear.” Alice turned to look at us with a smile. “ I'm also happy that you have not lost your designing skills.” Alice laughed and Becca and I joined her.

“Oh look, you have flowers here.” Alice said as she noticed the flower vases on the window frame. She walked up to the window on the right and smelt the flowers in the vases.

“Yes, I actually put them there because of the sunlight. You could change it if you don't like the position." Becca said.

“Oh No! The position is fine. I was actually commenting on the fact that here you are free to plant flowers as you like and also have then in your room. You know Niel never loved flowers.”

“Yeah, that's true. There are so many flowers in this pack, they love nature and that what had made me fall in love with this place.”

“This place is really beautiful, I like it here already.”

What's with this pack that makes people fall in love with it

“It is really blessed by the moon goddess.” Alice said, like she was giving an answer to my thoughts.

“If the Alpha comes back, I could ask her to allow you stay here permanently.” Becca said.

“Oh no child. I'm fine there. I'm still a motivation to the people over there. Imagine if I leave, they might feel rejected and forgotten.”

“That's true Alice.” I agreed with her and Becca gave me a side look that showed her disapproval.

“Oh well, Alice let's leave you to clean up while we go prepare dinner for you.” Becca said.

“Oh, thank you child. I'll be out soon to have dinner with you. I've missed those days when we had our meals together.” She smiled but her eyes still had a glint of sorrow and I knew she remembered Niel, her son.

“Yeah, those days.” Becca gave an awkward laugh and I knew she also noticed the sadness in Alice's eyes.

“Come on, if you stand here we would be eating dinner late.” Alice said, dismissing us with her hands.

Becca laughed as she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room.

“If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask us.” I said as I was about to leave the room.

“Sure I would.” Alice answered just as Becca closed the door.

That sadness, that sorrow, that pain, all of us feel when we remember the past is enough to ignite my passion for revenge.

Someday I know Crescent pack would be vindicated.

Someday I know Niel's death would be revenged.

Someday all the tears we cried because of the hurt caused by moon light pack would be paid in full.

*                     *                    *                     *               *

Thank you for reading.





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