Chapter 8

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Dedicated to nikelline

Niel's POV

Jake dragged me to a clearing and I saw people scattered around eating some blood red stuff. The place smelled offensive and I scrunched my nose. Some children were running around and the women were chatting happily amongst themselves. The men were eating and jabbering about a funny story. Some of them looked at me when I walked in and they continued what they were doing.

The rogues didn't seem as I imagined them to be. They were like one big happy family that lived in the forest. They were like a real pack. I could feel the love that existed among them.

Jake and I sat down on a fallen tree and a woman brought the red thing they were eating.
Goodness!  They were eating raw meat. That explained the foul smell.

“I can't eat this stuff” I roared. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to my direction.
“I can't eat this! How would I eat a raw meat?” I cried out again.

“What then would you eat?” Jake asked.
“I would eat meat but not raw” I answered.

“Don't you know that as a wolf raw meat gives you strength. It enhances your abilities. That's why you pack fellows are so weak” The old man stated.

“That's barbaric” I responded.

“Wolves are barbaric. You think because you cook the meat you eat you are more civilized. Huhn!” The old man shouted “Cooking the meat makes us humans and we not humans. We are Wolves”

“That's not enough reason to act like savages. Come on. Lighting a Fire and cooking this meat won't kill you.” I protested

“Eating it raw won't also kill you” Jake answered.

“Don't worry. I would just start a fire and roast this thing” I decided.

I took the raw meat from Jake and stood to go get sticks to start a fire.

“Rule number one boy! Never you start a fire here” The old man's voice stopped me in my tracks.

Rules?  Do rogues abide by any rules?

“And why can't I start a fire?  Is that your way of punishing me?” I queried.

The old man chuckled and continued “This is no punishment boy. It's just our rules”

“And when did rogues start having rules?” I questioned.

“The fact that we are rogues doesn't mean we are wild and we don't live in order” He answered

“Wild.  That's the definition of rogue. You don't follow any law, you are unprincipled, you want to be on your own, you don't like being controlled. Is that not why everyone one of you is here?  You don't like your 'annoying Alpha'” I growled at him.

“You are wrong. You are completely wrong.  Everyone here has a story, we all have reasons for being rogues. Sometimes you Alpha over exercise your power. We are not here because we love being rebellious.”

“Oh yeah. That's what rogues are known for. Rebelling.”

“You seem to forget that you are now a rogue” Jake replies.

I cringed at the words rogue. Yes, I forgot I am now one of them.

“You are a rogue now boy! Does it mean you rebelled against your Alpha? Everyone here has a story, just like you. Like I said we are peace loving people and we have rules. You have always thought us to be villains. You and your fellow Alphas always want to eradicate us. Now that you are a rogue, you would also run away from dangers like we do, you would want to protect your life, you would face what we rogues face, you would be tagged rebellious too as you have once tagged us. Don't you forget boy,  Moonlight pack needs your head and it won't be long before they come looking for it” The old man roared.

All what he said was true. Soon I would be running around like them just to save my head.
I am now a rogue.
I am now one of the rebellious.
Sadness overshadowed me and my legs became too weak to support me. I wanted to just hit my body on the ground and sob out loud but I was too proud to do that.
The clearing was hushed and all eyes were on me.
Another embarrassing moment for me. The silence was awful and their stares were sickening.

“Why can't I light a fire?” I finally broke the silence.

“Good question. That's what I expected from you” The old man commented “We have so many people on our trail and we won't want them to know where we are. Just imagine if you light a fire, the smokes goes up and alerts them that someone is here. They would find us easily and kill us all.”

No wonder it was so hard to find the rogues. They have ways of covering their tracks and this was just one of them.
“Okay. I get it now. We don't want them to find us.”
“Yes.  Now eat up boy.  You need  the energy” The old man said and went back to his seat.

Uh-huh! Back to me eating this meat. I just couldn't do it. I knew that I would gag as soon the meat touches my tongue.

“Come on. Don't squeeze your face like that. It's not that bad” Jake encouraged me.
He sure has a weird way of encouragement but that was not working on me right now.
“Just taste it. It's the best thing you've ever tasted” Jake added.

“Huhn!? Don't say that again. This would definitely be the worst thing I would ever eat in my life” I replied.

One way or the other I would still eat this thing. This was the only food they were offering and I was so famished. I resolved to throw the meat down my throat and swallow it but the chunk was too big that if I tried such I would choke to death.

“The first time I ate raw meat I did the same thing you did. I even vomited and got sick. But this is me, I am so used to it that I can finish a herd” Jake bragged.  I rolled my eyes at him, irritated at his 'heartening story'.

“Let me give you a trick” He continued.

“Could you just shut up and let me think of how I would put this chunk in my stomach” I snapped at him.

“Oh no! This trick would work perfectly well.” He theorized ignoring my haughty comment.

Oh goodness!  Jake is such a pest.

“Would you like to hear it” He asked.

I arched an eyebrow at him.
“It's not like you gave me a choice” I answered.

“Okay. You know what?”

“What?” I snapped. Is he trying to create suspense or what.

“Change to your wolf form and it would be very easy for you.”

The idea wasn't that bad at all.

“Thanks. I think that's what I'll do” I flashed him a smile.

“Do you know this is the first time you have smiled at me. Wow we are going to be good friends”


I don't think I want such pestering person as my friend. I would just strangle him.

“You have a complete set of teeth. Mine is incomplete. I lost my front tooth when I got in a fight in my pack. Though I won the fight” Jake chimed.

I took note of his missing tooth while he talked. No wonder he had a weird smile. He didn't seem like someone that could fight though.

I left Jake and walked to a tree to change and my thoughts went to Sebastian.
My best friend.
My beta.
Sebastian is nothing close to Jake.
I looked back and I saw Jake following me.

“Why are you following me?” I asked annoyed.
“You forgot the meat so I brought it for you. Is that not what friends do?”

“What?” I asked confused.

“Help their fellow friends” He answered sheepishly.

“Thank you. Now you can go away” I shooed  but he didn't go away instead he found a fallen tree and sat there.
Moon goddess! Please save me from this boy. I could kill him.

I changed to my wolf form and immediately consumed the meat. It tasted awesome and my wolf was excited. I still wanted more so I barked at Jake.
“You like it huhn? ” He asked smiling.“Seems like you want more. Lemme go get it” .
He left me and came back with two legs of an antelope.
I ate the legs and even broke the bones to my satisfaction. This was shocking because I never eat bones.

I was filled to the brim and was contented. This tasted like the best meal I had eaten in a long time to my wolf.

Well it is official now.
I am now a ROGUE!

*      *      *
Who else hates clingy people apart from Niel?
I hate them too 😩
Though they can be lovely sometimes but most times they are annoying to me 😣

Don't forget to
That encourages me 😊
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XoXo 😍😍😍

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