Jade Winglet

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"Kill kiss or marry, Winter-" "Uh, NO. I am NOT playing this time." 

"RELAX, IT WASN'T FOR YOU!" Peril shouted at Moon, who jumped back. After calming herself, she replied "Relax. Strange thing to hear, coming from you." Peril glared at her.

"As I was SAYING, Kill Kiss or Marry, Winter, Moon, Kinkajou. Qibli." Moon sighed, expecting him to say he would marry her or something. 

Well, not exactly.

"I'm just gonna show you..." Qibli said. Turtle sighed. "Then I suppose I should come over there and be ready for someone to die, not sit in this corner and hope no one notices me. Alright, you can start, Qibli." 

Qibli took a deep breath, and pressed his snout against Winter's, who's eyes widened in horror. Winter pushed Qibli away and ran to the far corner of the cave. Next, Qibli pressed his snout against Moon's, who's eyes also widened at first, but then she relaxed. Qibli pulled away from her, and she whispered "I left the game to avoid this."

Qibli whirled around and stabbed Kinkajou in the heart with his venom barb. Kinkajou screamed, and her scales went white. Turtle quickly removed a black stone from the pouch where he kept all of his enchanted objects and whispered "Kinkajou." to it. Color slowly seeped back into Kinkajou's white form, and finally she stood up. She turned around and took her spot next to Turtle, fangs bared at Qibli. 

"Kinkajou, Kill Kiss or Marry... Turtle, Qibli, and Glory." Asked Peril.

 "Peril, was that supposed to be easy? Because that's super easy. Kill Qibli–" She shot a spray of venom into Qibli's eye. 

"Kiss Glory–" Weirdly enough, Glory walked into the cave right on cue. Of course, no one noticed Peril smirking at everyone's shocked expressions. Kinkajou kissed her. "Bye Glory! Marry Turtle." Turtle closed his eyes and Glory disappeared. He then whispered "Qibli." to the black stone, and Qibli stood up. 

"Kinkajou, OW." He said.

Winter crossed the cave, back over to where the game was, and said "Did no one else notice that Qibli kissed me and Moon? Is that even allowed?"

"No, actually. Qibli–" Turtle stopped when Qibli pinned him to the wall, venom barb over his heart. "It's. ALLOWED." He hissed. Turtle nodded frantically. "It's allowed, it's allowed!" Qibli released him.

"Well, that looked like fun." Moon commented to Kinkajou as they walked to their sleeping cave. "Killing Qibli, getting killed by Qibli, kissing your Queen, watching your boyfriend be pinned to a wall– all for fun, right?" "Well, not exactly in that order." Kinkajou replied. "And, to be honest, killing Qibli was actually pretty fun." Moon sighed. 

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