The Dragonets of Destiny, Peril, Riptide and Deathbringer

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"Tsunami, Kill, Kiss, Marry... Riptide, Clay and Glory." Sunny said, smiling at her.

WHAT?!? Where did you even GET that question?" Demanded Tsunami. "Thorn5." Sunny laughed. "It's Thorn5's question."

"All right... Marry Squid-brain. And I really don't see why I have to kiss GLORY, of all dragons–"

"Good Tsunami. No kissing the Queen." Said Deathbringer, grinning at Glory. Glory glared at him. "Oh my GOSH Deathbringer! I do NOT like you and you NEED to stop trying to make me! Or else..." 

"Or else what?" Deathbringer asked with a smirk. "I will fire you as my bodyguard." She warned.

"Anyway, so, kill Glory. And, well, kiss Clay." Sunny smiled. "Yes! So, back to Glory not liking Deathbringer... Glory, Kill, Kiss, or Marry, Deathbringer, Starflight, or Clay." 

"SUNNY!" Glory yelled. Sunny giggled. "FINE. I will... Kill Starflight. And, uh, Kiss Clay..." Glory's scales went pink in embarrassment. "JUST BECAUSE I THINK OF CLAY AND STARFLIGHT AS SIBLINGS DOES NOT MEAN I LIKE DEATHBRINGER!" She shouted. Deathbringer grinned smugly. 

"But you do like me." He insisted. 

"Yea, or else you would have killed him." Sunny pointed out. Glory went even pinker.

"I– fine. Deathbringer, I like you and I like it when you look at me like that and I am so glad you didn't kill me, and became my bodyguard instead." She admitted.

"YAY! And Deathbringer? Do you have something to say to Glory?" Sunny asked.

"YES! I KNEW IT!" Deathbringer cried triumphantly. "Shut up." Glory's scales were pink with joy on her wingtips, so she folded them in. "Sunny why do you care?"

Sunny beamed. "Because you are so SWEET and LOVING!" She was almost crying with happiness now.

Peril seemed to be trying not to say something. Finally, she just shouted "SUNNY STOP SMILING! WHY DO YOU SMILE SO MUCH? IT'S SO ANNOYING!" 

Well, that ruined the mood. Sunny blinked. "But... why?" Peril sighed. "I get this a lot with Clay." 

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