Forced Friendships

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Charlie Hawkins was awoken early in the morning by a loud rapping sound on his door. He grumbled something unintelligible, even to himself, under his breathe before he trudged to the door opening it. Standing there was Mika Barton, fully dressed, lips drawn into a thin line. Charlie rubbed one eye, yawning loudly.

"Bloody hell Mika? It's Saturday, I want to sleep, you better have an extremely good explanation for why you're waking me up so early." Mika opened his mouth to respond before his gaze was drawn down to the shirt Charlie was wearing. His eyes narrowed, Charlie shrugged.

"What you don't like it?" Mika arched a thin black brow.

"A Wakefield ripper shirt? Are you serious?"


"That's so distasteful. Someone you know was murdered by him. How can you wear that around like he's the villain of some shitty ass slasher movie? This is real life Charlie, the Wakefield ripper kills real people."

"It's not distasteful, this will be a historic event some day. I'm just getting with it before it becomes vintage."

"How can you not call it distasteful? It says 'Wakefield Ripper can rip my ass' and the pattern is pink leopard print!"

"Okay you got me there."

"You're an embarrassment to this school."

"Thank you. I try." Charlie crossed his arms now, leaning against the doorframe.

"Now, as much as I would enjoy to continue on about my taste in clothes I would really love to know why you're showing up at my room this early."

"Andreis didn't come back last night." Charlie froze.

"Shit, really?" Mika nodded firmly.

"Last we heard he was going to spy on the White Rose club." Mika ran a hand through his hair squeezing his eyes shut.

"Fuuuuuuuck." Charlie arched a brow.

"I thought you said you didn't care if he got kicked out." Mika glared at him.

"I don't." Charlie simply shrugged.

"Listen, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but he knew full well what he was getting into when he tried to spy on them. I was starting to like the little guy too but there's nothing we can do now. There was nothing more we could have done." Mika's shoulders sagged.

"I know, I just never thought he would have been that stupid." Charlie swung an arm over his shoulder.

"Never underestimate a human's stupidity. That is the number one rule for living on this planet. It's the one thing you can always count on, that and white privilege. I'll tell you what, why don't you and I go out and get us some pancakes or some shit." Mika nodded slowly.

"Alright sure, let's go." Charlie didn't even bother to get fully dressed, he just tugged on a pair of jeans and pulled a jacket up over his Wakefield Ripper shirt before he grabbed Mika by the arm and pulled him out the door. As they walked outside Charlie pointed cheerfully at the little bat and spider decorations that had been put up around the school courtyard. The courtyard was surprisingly crowded for a Saturday morning, filled with boys chattering and hanging about. "Do you like them? The student council put them up yesterday. We're getting everyone in the festive halloween spirit." Mika shrugged.

"I've seen scarier." Charlie gave him a little shove.

"Hey! It's not supposed to be scary, it's supposed to be aesthetic...y. You think the administration would have let us do something super scary with a real honest to God murderer having just killed a student on school grounds, no way jose. Even the Halloween events are getting toned down. We're having a stupid ass costume contest instead of the massive gore fest I had been planning since last year!" He frowned, crossing his arms. "And do you know who they're letting host the costume contest?" Mika rolled his eyes.

"I don't care-"

"REED! Robert FUCKING Reed! Ugh! I'm so angry I could punch someone! I bet they just let him host cause his daddy donates millions to the school every year. I should be the one hosting Mika, ME! I'm the one with the edge for flare! Not freaking Robert Reed! If you took away the blue hair he would have about as much personality as a cardboard cut out!"

"May they rest in peace..." Mika said suddenly. Charlie arched a brow.

"What was that Mika?" Mika blinked,

"Oh sorry, I was just giving a formal farewell to the 22 seconds of my life you just wasted by talking so much."

"You are seriously an ass. You know that right?" Mika just nodded.
"Yeah. You know what, it's a good thing this school is within walking distance of an ihop because I think that might be the last good feature about this shit hole." Charlie grinned.

"It's true. I'm pretty sure ihop is the bloody shangri la of- hooooooly shit. Mika look." A hush had fallen over the rest of the boy's in the courtyard and suddenly everyone was looking in the same direction as Charlie who's eyes had suddenly grown huge. Mika slowly turned to look as well. The White Rose club was walking through the yard, Eric Marshall was at the front with the twins at either side of him and Bentlee, Fitz and Robert behind them. At the very back was a boy who looked so different he was hardly recognizable. His glasses were off and his hair had been cut and smoothed back, his expression blank as he made his way behind them in the line.

"Holy freaking fuck..." Charlie said slowly. Andreis Emsworth didn't even look at them as he passed and Charlie could practically feel the anger boiling and bubbling up in his chest. He grabbed Mika by the arm again and began to move. "C'mon let's go." Mika nodded slowly. "Uuuuugh! I can't believe I actually thought we were friends with that dip shit. I guess it doesn't matter that Andreis didn't get chased out of the school cause he sure as HELL is dead to me now. What the fuck is wrong with us? Why would he want to trade up perfectly great people to hang out with that group of asshats." Mika hadn't said anything since he had seen Andreis but Charlie could tell deep down the boy was hurt. Despite Mika's complaints about him being an 'idiot' Andreis seemed to be one of the the first people that Mika had actually seemed to enjoy talking with. "ihope better be ready for us cause I'm about to buy us both a shit load of pancakes."


Andreis had currently been in the White Rose club for about two weeks and things were well...not going as smoothly as he had hoped. He had struggled to somehow get mister Keeley to grant him a position in his history club. There were only three other members and one was Charlie so it wasn't that hard for him to meet the 'one other club/activity' requirement of the White Rose boys. Charlie and Mika had definitely become quite a problem. Neither of them would acknowledge his existence. This wasn't as big a deal with Charlie since Andreis wasn't allowed to talk with him anyways but it was extremely difficult when it came to Mika. His roommate refused to even look at him and if Andreis ever came into the room before Mika had settled in for the night he would promptly stand up and leave. Andreis would be lying if he thought he didn't feel at least slightly bad for just up and ditching them, it was just...well they were them and these boys were the White Rose Club. Speaking of which, things with the White Rose club could have been going slightly better for Andreis as well. Sure not all of them had been awful to him, Norman and Bentlee would sit by him and occasionally Eric would toss a conversation his way but the others, mainly Kian and Fitz, had decided they wanted to make his time with the club a living hell. They would ignore him as much they could and if they ever interacted with him at all it was to make fun of him or mock him until Eric stepped in and forced them to stop. This was exactly what they were doing now as the club members hung out around the library before a White Rose meeting was to officially start.

"Hey Andreis," Fitz said through lidded eyes. Andreis's shoulders sagged, Jesus Christ, what was it going to be now?


"Why is your name spelled so strangely? I mean, usually you would spell your name A-n-d-r-i-e-s. But you spell it with the e before the i. Why is that?" Fucking hell, they must have done some digging and found out about his name, why else would they have brought this up? He knew Fitz and Kian were assholes but did they have to be over achieving assholes as well?

"I was named after..." he tried to mumble the last bit. Kian arched a brow and Fitz grinned.

"Andries love, we can't hear you. You need to speak up." He wanted to die.

"I was named after Andrei's Conscious Cuisine & Cocktails." Fitz and Kian burst into laughter at that even though Andreis was sure they already knew.

"And why did your parents decide to name you after a restaurant?" Kian cooed. Andreis bowed his head.

"That's where I was conceived." The two broke into laughter again. Bentlee glared at them from across the room.

"Can you guys freaking stop? The kid isn't doing anything to you." Kian stood up now, a look of pure fury on his face.

"Why don't you stop trying to get up in my goddamn business all the time?" Bentlee took a step forward now, his gaze locked into Kian's.

"Maybe I wouldn't have to get into your 'goddamn business' if didn't bully a member of our own club!"

"He shouldn't be a member of our club," Fitz said from the sideline.

"Stay out of this!" Bentlee snapped backed. He turned back to Kian slowly. "Whether you like it or not you can't keep doing this, Eric decided to let him in and Eric makes the rules." Kian crossed his arms.

"Well Eric's not here. You and Eric can't just keep jumping to his defense like you're his goddamn parents every time he's in trouble."

"He's one of us now Kian!"

"He'll never be one of us," Kian practically hissed back. Bentlee laughed now, rolling his eyes. Norman and Robert who had been playing some sort of card game in the corner prior to the fight were now watching them intently with wide eyes.
"Oh I get this, this isn't really about Andreis. This is about you and your ego. You need to bully people smaller and weaker than you because it's the only way you can keep any control over everything that's going on around you. You just can't live with the kind of person you are and the fact that your brother cares more about me than you-" That's all it took to cause Kian Faulkner to completely snap.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU," Kian roared. He moved forward, grabbing Bentlee by the collar of his shirt and lifting him up. Norman jumped to his feet, a look of terror on his face.

"Kian! Please! Put him down! Don't hurt him!"

Kian glared at his brother.

"Oh so you're taking his side now?"

"I'm not taking anyone's side! Just please don' anything to him..." Norman looked like he was about to cry. Bentlee continued to stare intently at Kian.

"See? Norman! Tell Kian that you don't want to be his little bitch anymore! Norman and I are in love and if you can't be happy for us then you might as well get the FUCK out of his life."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Kian had begun screaming over and over again. Robert had stood up now.

" need to be quiet. The people around campus are going to be able to hear you."

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! OKAY? You can shut the FUCK up Bentlee or suck my goddamn dick. None of us can separate from each other now. We're all stuck together even if we don't want to be. FUCKING SHIT-"
"That is enough." The boys fell dead silent as Eric Marshall stepped into the room. His expression and tone didn't change, he simply entered and sat down in his chair. He crossed one long leg over the other, his hands resting in his lap. Kian dropped Bentlee immediately and the boy fell to his knees with a thud, panting heavily. "You know you are all better then this. I could hear your screams practically from the other end of campus." Kian bowed his head.

"I'm sorry Eric." Eric shook his head slowly.

"Sorry isn't good enough this time." For some reason those words caused Kian and the others around him to pale.


"I will not have you fighting with members of our own club. We must fix this problem and we will start with Andreis." He pointed a long thin finger at him. "Tomorrow I would like you, Fitz and Robert to take him out for a day out on the town. By the time you return I expect you all to be friends." Robert's eyes widened.

"Hey, I don't even have a problem with him? Why do I have to go?" Eric shrugged.

"Someone needs to play moderator...just in case." 

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