The Physic

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To take someone 'out on the town' was a phrase that had become well known around Saint James. It was a term used for going to hang out in the group of stores that lay outside of campus. Usually boys would come here with groups of friends or with a girl they had somehow managed to set up a date with. Andreis guessed that it was very rare for someone to be going 'out on the town' with three White Rose boys who hated your guts. Robert had dressed up for this more than he had expected. The young man wore a tie that hung loosely over a cream colored, well fitted, Brunello Cucinelli shirt. Andreis had a feeling however that Robert hadn't dressed up for him and that the outfit was most likely for the girls that he kept winking at as they passed. Fitz walked a little ways behind them, his hands in his pockets and his mouth drawn into a line. Charlie hadn't been lying when he described Fitz as constantly brooding. Thinking about Charlie caused a slight ache in his chest. He missed him...and surprisingly Mika too. Maybe it really had been a mistake to trade them for the White Rose club.

"Is there any stores you want to go into?" Fitz mumbled, not even looking at Andreis when he spoke. Andreis sighed heavily.

"I don't know. I don't really need anything."

"Neither do we," Kian said. "What's there to want when we can buy anything from a much more expensive seller in Italy or France?" Fitz nodded in agreement. Robert shrugged,

"I don't know. How about entertainment, you can't buy entertainment."

"Yes you can you idiot. You can buy tickets to plays, you can buy movies, you can buy cruises, you can buy sex, hell, my family even owns multiple planes."

"Yeah," Robert continued. "But you know what I'm really talking about. You can buy things to try to keep you interested but that doesn't mean it will actually entertain you. The Romans had the right idea, bacchanals, coliseums-" he was cut off by a warning glance from Fitz. Kian's gaze caught on a store suddenly.

"Hey guys look, it says there is a psychic in there. That could be fun." Robert rolled his eyes.

"Mediums are total bullshit, it's a waste of money."

"Yeah," said Fitz. "But we have plenty of money to waste. What's the worst that could happen, she tells us we die on an island? I want to see if I'm going to get an 100 on my latin final, I say we go." After a few minutes of bickering the boys finally all agreed to go into the shop. The building was pretty bare from the outside. The only thing that even indicated it was a store was an old sign, it's paint peeling, which read 'Madame Lurosoe, psychic." When they entered a little bell on the door rung and they entered into a dimly lit room. It smelled strongly of incense and lavender and little poppets and figures lined shelves all over the tiny chamber. The smell of lavender was so intense that it was almost suffocating. A middle aged woman sat in a chair at a table, graying blonde hair resting in a loose braid down her back. Coincidently there were four chairs already waiting at the other side of the table. She motioned for the boys to take a seat and one by one they did. Robert rested an elbow on the table, leaning in slightly,

"Are you Madame Lurosoe?" Fitz and Kian exchanged a glance, both silently noting that they couldn't believe that Robert was trying to flirt with the psychic. Madame Lurosoe nodded.

"Yes, that is I. Pay me now and I will tell you each your past, present and future, praeteritum, praesens, et futurum." Robert snickerd.

"Sure, whatever you say lady. How much do you want?"

"$50 each,"

"Done, pay up to the nice lady boys." As Robert collected the money from each Andreis heard him whisper to Kian, "I can't believe she charges this much for this bullshit." Once the money had been handed to Madame Lurosoe she flipped through it once, counting it silently before finally looking to the boys.

"I need an object from each of you." With a few mumbles of annoyance each boy handed her something, Robert passed her an earing, Fitz slid his watch across the table and Kian handed her his key chain. Hoping this woman wasn't a thief, Andreis handed over his phone. The woman shut her eyes for a moment.

"Hey," Robert asked. "Aren't you going to pull out some tarot cards or something?"

"Tarot cards are bullshit. Now quiet yourself blue haired boy, I'm trying to channel information." Her eyes remained shut for what seemed to be several minutes and the boys exchanged confused looks at they sat in silence. Suddenly the woman's eyes shot open. She looked to Andreis first, pointing a bony finger at him.

"You," Andreis straightened in his seat. "You're lonely." Robert let out a loud snort.

"Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out." She pointed to Robert next.

"You expect everything to be handed to you and you...." her finger traveled to Kian. "You are afraid you are about to lose someone close to you." She shut her eyes for a minute, still talking. "It is someone in your family...male...a father or...perhaps your brother. It's the person you care about the most in this world and you're terrified he's going to be taken away from you and you'll be left alone and you are right...he will be taken away from you." Her finger moved to Fitz now. " are frightened. The school...Saint's the only place you feel safe. Your father beats you and you're so frightened of him that you don't even have the courage to stand up for yourself. You're afraid he might kill you someday." Fitz had sunk back into his seat. The boys were all exchanging nervous glances. "Wait..." the woman said, suddenly holding up a hand. "I am receiving a warning. Beware the boy who reads Faust." Suddenly the corners of her mouth twisted into a grin and her eyes shot open once more. "I know what you did...and you're all going to die." There was a loud crash of a chair being knocked over as Robert stood up abruptly.

"This is stupid let's go." He grabbed Fitz by the arm dragging him out the door and Kian followed. Andreis glanced back to Madame Lurosoe, who was still sitting there grinning, before he dashed after them.

"That was so stupid," Robert muttered. "The stuff she knew...anyone could have guessed that shit. And then...she just tried to scare us. C'mon let's just go back."

"But Eric said..." Andreis began to say.

"We'll never bother you again Andreis. We're all best ol' buds now. Just let's please go back." Andreis followed them, yet the words Madame Lurosoe had said kept repeating over and over in his head 'I know what you did...and you're all going to die.'

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