He Thinks He Can Talk To Ghosts

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"What are you looking for again?" Charlie asked Mika offhandedly, lounging in a chair with his laptop open in his lap as Mika sorted through books.

"Something interesting in this goddamn library that I haven't read yet."
"Aren't you reading like 500 books already?"
"Yeah, but what's the problem in making it 501." Mika continued flipping through books when he suddenly saw a thin one lodged in the back of one of the shelves. He leaned forward, pulling it out. Charlie arched a brow from his seat.

"What is it?" Mika blew on the cover, the dust that had settled on it blowing off.

"Faust." Charlie laughed.

"That's pretty famous isn't it. Have you not already read it?" Mika shook his head.

"Surprisingly, no I haven't."

"Well I guess you found the book you were looking for." Mika nodded flipping to the first page. It appeared he had been the first person to check the book out in quite some time. The only other name written inside the checkout slip attached to the book was someone named Quintin Chambers. The name sounded familiar to Mika but he couldn't remember where he heard it, honestly he didn't care much. This Quintin Chambers must have really liked the book...he was the only name on the slip, it looked like he had checked it out at least several times back in 1866. Charlie chuckled glancing back to his computer screen. Suddenly his eyes widened.

"HOLY SHIT MIKA!" Mika was so startled he almost dropped the book he was holding. Charlie pointed his his computer screen. "There was a new Wakefield ripper murder!!!" Mika practically face palmed.

"You shouldn't be excited about that."

"It gets even crazier! He sent the press one of the victims hands along with a letter to the newspaper!" He cleared his throat, pulling up the letter. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I want you to know that I am not the one who choses my victims. I was chosen by God. He allowed me to speak to ghosts and the ghosts...they tell me who I must kill."

"Jesus fucking Christ. He is so crazy!"
"He thinks he can talk to ghosts Mika! Don't you find that even a little interesting?"
"I find it sick."

"Maybe they'll change his name from the Wakefield ripper to like...the ghost avenger or something."

"I highly doubt it. Come on, I'm going to check this book out."


By the time they got back to campus Andreis's head was still spinning with questions. The three White Rose boys had clearly been shaken by what the woman had said. Something was weird here...he had the pieces he just needed to put them together. The White Rose boys were stuck together...they had done something, but what?

"Hey," he said suddenly, stopping mid walk. The three boys turned to face him slowly.

"What is it?" Robert said.

"The night when I first snuck into one of your meetings...Norman was talking about hiding something by that big oak tree in the woods near the back of campus." Fitz had paled and Kian and Robert exchanged nervous glances.

"It doesn't matter," Robert replied, almost too quickly.

"I'm a member of the White Rose club now, I think I should know."

"I said it doesn't matter." Robert's tone as he spoke suddenly appeared to have an edge of urgency behind it. Andreis's eyes narrowed.

"If you don't tell me when I'm going to find out myself." Kian shook his head.

"Andreis, I promise there's nothing to even find out about, just let it go-" that's when Andreis made a break for it. He started running, running as quickly as he could towards the woods. As soon as he started to move the other three took after him. He was smaller then them and no where near as strong which meant that he would never make it if they caught him. He kept running, his heart pounding in his chest. He had only seen the oak tree he assumed Norman had been talking about once but from the way that Fitz, Kian and Robert were chasing him he assumed he was on the right track. He tore to the woods finally skidding to a halt before the tree. He didn't even have time to catch his breathe, he needed to find whatever Norman had hidden there. He began to circle around the tree suddenly noticing a thin pile of leaves that looked slightly out of place, like they had been laid there specifically. He dropped to his knees, brushing them off before he started furiously digging with his hands. He knew the other three would be on him at any minute. Finally he hit something and he frantically drew whatever it was that had been lodged in the ground out. The second he saw it his stomach dropped. They were covered in dirt but there could be no doubt about what he was holding...these were the eyes of Jacob Shaw. He jumped at the sound of Robert Reed's voice behind him,

"Yeah, we killed Jacob. And do you know what Andreis? We plan on killing again soon which means now that you know there's only two options. Either we kill you now or you help us kill our next victim." 

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