What Happened to Jacob Shaw?

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Author's Note: I would like to thank the amazing @pumkindoodle100for making this incredible cover photo for Kill Your Friends! I wanted to post it here so everyone could see all the amazing detail they added to it!!! I absolutely LOVE when you guys make me stuff related to the story so seriously if you ever want to make fanart or an edit for ANY of my stories send them to me and I would love to feature them before new chapters :) I haven't had too many author's notes through out this story so I would just like to take this time to thank all of you that are reading the story so far, and those of you that comment and like the chapters. You guys are what keeps me motivated to keep writing. Enjoy the new chapter :) 

Eight weeks Earlier

They were fifteen minutes into the White Rose meeting when Jacob Shaw actually showed up. Eric had lowered the paperwork regarding the agenda for the day and looked up slowly.

"Jacob, you are late." Jacob shrugged, tossing his bag to the side. "Who gives a shhhhit?" His words were slurred, the others exchanged nervous glances. They were all shocked Jacob had decided to come to the meeting at all when he reeked so badly of alcohol and even more shocked that he would so blatantly disrespect Eric. Fitz looked over to him from his seat.

"Jacob, have you been drinking?"

"No you goddamn pussy. Maybe I should knock some sense into you just like your dad does?" Jacob turned and snickered, pretending to throw a punch at him which caused Fitz to immediately recoil, sinking down in his seat. Eric stood up slowly.

"Jacob I think you should leave tonight's meeting." Jacob began to laugh now, almost hysterically.

"Oooooh shooould I? You all think you're so much better then everyone at this school...you know this has been annoying me for some time now. These meetings are total bullshit! What the hell do we even do here? Discuss community service and study and how to improve our fuckin' grades? What's even the point? You act like this is some exclusive club but really it's just a place for stupid rich fucks to sit around and try to act like they're better and smarter and more good looking than everyone else around them and it fucking SUCKS. Also screw these stupid rules!" He kicked one of the bookshelves causing several novels to plummet to the floor with a thud. "You knoooow what? I'm going to talk to whoever the FUCK I want from now on. I'll tell them what a bunch of losers you all really are! I'll fucking ruin this club if I have to. I can't stand staying around any of you pretentious fucks." Bentlee shook his head now.

"C'mon Jacob, you don't mean that-"

"Stay out of this faggot." A ripple of shock passed around the room, no one wanting to believe what they had just heard. Jacob simply snarled, "I've been at my breaking point for awhile now and all it took was one good drink for me to see clearly. I HATE all of you!" Eric moved over to him.

"Jacob, please calm down-" that's when Jacob hit him, bringing his palm full force across Eric's cheek. The taller boy didn't resist allowing the heavy blow to simply strike. The room had fallen dead silent. Kian had begun to stand up, breathing heavily. Jacob turned to leave and when Robert and Kian moved to go after him Eric simply raised a hand, shaking his head slowly. With that Jacob stormed out the door. Everyone sat in silence for a moment.

"That fucking son of a..." After a beat Kian bowed his head. "He'll be back tomorrow. He's just drunk."

"He promised he wouldn't get wasted on school grounds again. Drinking is already against the rules."

"Yeah, plus I don't think he's ever gotten drunk and come to a meeting."

"What should we do?"

"Maybe we should kill him." The voice came from Eric from the back of the room. He said it in his usual quiet tone and no one could tell if he was joking or not.

The next day, as everyone had expected, Jacob came crawling back begging for their forgiveness but the damage had been done. The boys started mentioning it offhandedly at first, almost as an inside joke. If they were to kill Jacob how would they go about it? Kian had suggested taking him out to the woods and simply shooting him while Eric had had the idea of stabbing. They thought it was just all in good fun at the beginning, each boy adding a little more to their fake plan for a perfect murder. Robert offhandedly would mention buying gloves so there would be no prints and Norman came up with the idea that they should take the eyes to make it look like the Wakefield ripper had done it. None of them were exactly sure when the joke turned serious...they all had been bored and arrogant and this new game of pretending to plan a murder was the most fun they had in years. It must have just simply occurred to them that if planning it was this exhilarating than an actual murder would be even more so. The plan moved to the next level when Robert called them all in one day for a secret meeting and presented an array of knives on the table casually asking each boy to take one. He explained that he had anonymously bought them from a friend who had bought them from a friend who gotten them from a black market seller which meant there was no way that the knives could be traced back to them if someone tried to find the murder weapon. 'Hang on to them though', he had told the others with a wink. Honestly, no one was completely sure if it still wasn't a joke that night when they brought Jacob Shaw about a mile into the woods off campus. They had spewed some bullshit to Jacob that they were going on some kind of 'White Rose club' nature hike or something and after some heavy complaining he begrudgingly said he'd go, unaware of the knives tucked into the coats and bags of the boys around him. They walked for about an hour until Eric finally stopped. Jacob Shaw turned to look at him, arching a brow.

"Why the fuck are we stopping here Marshall? You need to take a piss or something-" No one was sure who had stabbed him first but once it began it was like a feeding frenzy. Jacob didn't even have time to scream, boy after boy came at him, their knives plunging into his chest again and again. The only boy who didn't move to join in the stabbing was Eric. Halfway through the killing Bentlee had looked over to him, blood dripping down his face, and had asked Eric why he wasn't taking part. Eric simply shrugged,

"I am a pacifist. That does not mean I can not watch a good show though." Bentlee had only nodded, as if Eric Marshall had spoken wiser words then King Solomon himself, before he resumed stabbing. After a minute the boys finally drew back and Jacob Shaw's limp corpse fell to the ground with a thud. The boys were all panting heavily. Fitz ran a hand through his hair slowly, eyes wide.

"Holy shit..."

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Kian was grinning ear to ear and Bentlee nodded eagerly.

"Fucking Christ...that was better than sex...that was better than drugs..."

"It was and I've done a lot of drugs and had a lot of sex!!!" Robert said excitedly.

"We know," Kian and Fitz said in unision. They glanced back to the corpse now and Fitz gave the body a little kick.

"Serves you right....dick."

"Who's going to be on body cleanup duty?" Bentlee said suddenly.

"I can do it," Eric said in his usual soft tone. "We just need someone to take care of the eyes and hide them in a separate place so we can easily frame this on the Wakefield ripper." His gaze fell to Norman. "Can you do it?" Norman swallowed hard.

"Yeah...I m-mean pulling out someone's eyes is gonna be gross as all hell but I'll do it." Eric turned to the other boys now.

"You all get cleaned up. There's a little river about 40 feet north of here," he pointed. "You should have no trouble getting the blood of your faces and hands before you head back to campus. Leave at different intervals and from different directions just in case someone sees you re-entering. The others nodded quickly before separating. Robert lingered there a moment, staring at Eric standing over Jacob Shaw's mutilated body. Eric slowly turned to look at him from lidded light blue eyes.

"Yes?" Robert took a deep breath now, meeting his gaze.

"Eric...should something like this...feel this good? Is there something wrong with me...with us?" Eric just gave him a little shrug.

"Do not stress over it too much. It is simply human nature my friend."


Robert, Kian and Fitz finished their story and by the end Andreis was simply left staring at them, his mouth hanging open.

"So...say something..." Kian said, a hint of anxiety creeping into his voice when he spoke. Andreis shut his eyes for a moment in some kind of desperate attempt to process his thoughts. He knew the White Rose boys had done something bad but never had he thought it was something this bad. He couldn't turn them in...hell he couldn't tell anyone or they were sure to murder him too. He would need to play along, maybe if he did he could stop them from killing whoever their next intended victim was. He took a deep breathe and attempted to hide the fact that he was scared out of his goddamn mind.

"I'm in." Kian smiled, a clear look of relief coming over his face. "Oh thank God."

"If you had said no we would have had to kill you with our bare hands since we don't have weapons on us. Then again...maybe killing with your own hands is even better than a knife..." Kian gave Robert a small glare.

"Stop it. He really is one of us now. Eric would have been furious if he found out we killed him."

"So..." Andreis quickly cut in. "Who's the next intended victim?" A small grin crept over Kian's face.

"Bentlee." Andreis was left speechless. The others continued to watch him in silence, each boy standing on a different side of him. He felt like a child surrounded by a pack of wolves. He swallowed hard, trying to remain calm.

"But why? I thought you all liked him? Why would Norman agree to this?"

"He didn't," Kian said curtly. "We're not telling him. Everyone else is in on it though."

"Why Bentlee? Is this because of his relationship with Norman-"

"No," Kian snapped almost too quickly, his mouth twisting into a scowl. "I mean, I would be lying if I said I was upset that he was going to have to die but my own petty reasons for wanting him gone is just scratching the surface." Robert nodded, taking a small step forward.

"After we killed Jacob we knew we had to kill someone again, that high we felt from it was just too fucking good. At first we thought about picking someone else from the general student body, I mean...compared to the White Rose club they're practically just livestock, no loss to humanity really. But then there was no sport to it and that took the fun right out of the challenge. A White Rose club member is the ultimate prey." This was sick, these people were sick...and Andreis the idiot that he was had simply walked himself into a club inhabited by insane psychopaths. "Bentlee was the obvious choice for the next victim for a couple reasons. Firstly, he's been breaking the rules. Recently we've caught him talking to students outside of the White Rose club on numerous occasions, not only that but his grades have started slipping as well. Out of all of us he would most likely be the first person to crack if the police ever do catch on to us because he always puts himself first. The final thing that makes him a perfect victim is that his relationship with his family is extremely estranged, they're hardly ever in contact. Two Wakefield ripper murders on school grounds would look to suspicious so if we kill Bentlee we can just mask it that he ran away and his parents wouldn't do a thing to try and find him." The way they described it so calmly and rationally made Adnreis want to throw up. They were monsters...every single one of them...yet here he was trying to still save Bentlee, even despite what he'd done. He could pretend to go along with the murder, then right before they tried to kill Bentlee he would get him to run, he could do this. He turned slowly, his gaze locking with Robert's.

"When do we kill him?"

"Halloween Night."

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