Date With The Devil

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Andreis made his way across campus heading back to his dorm room. History club had run extremely late thanks to Mister Keeley getting overly passionate about the exile of Isabel II of Spain, something which Andreis cared nothing about. It was Saturday, two days before Halloween and Andreis couldn't stop thinking about it. Things had been going on normally with the White Rose boys with the exception of the fact that Fitz, Kian and Robert tended to keep more of an eye on him then before. Who would have thought the boys all planned to murder one of their own. He went to turn a corner and almost slammed into Eric Marshall who was standing there. He was dressed up for some reason wearing a suit and tie, his hands in his pockets. Andreis quickly stammered an apology, he practically had to crane his neck to make eye contact with the much taller Eric. Andreis arched a brow now.

"Did you...want to talk about something?" Eric shrugged nonchalantly.

"In a way. I wanted to ask you to come to dinner with me." It took Andreis a moment to put together what he was saying.

"You want to take me out to dinner?" Eric nodded.

"Yes, there are a few things I would like to discuss with you in private. I thought a nice meal would be a pleasant setting. If you would like to turn me down however that is fine, I will not be offended." Andreis quickly shook his head.

"No, no, no....I would uh...I'd like that a lot." Eric smiled warmly.

"Wonderful, I have a chauffeur already waiting for us. Our dinner reservations are at six on the dot so we will have to hurry." Andreis's gaze fell from Eric's suit to his own clothes.

"Should I go back and change, I don't want to go to the restaurant in my uniform."
"Do not worry yourself about that, there are clothes already waiting for you in the car. I hope you do not mind, I snuck a peek at your measurements when sorting through some forms in regards to the fitting for the school uniforms." Well, having free range to that kind of stuff must be a perk of being student council president.

"Alright then, let's go," Andreis said. Andreis was starting to think that perhaps he would never get a handle on the strange way the White Rose boys operated.


Andreis sat opposite of Eric who watched him intently from across the table. Andreis brought his fork slowly to his mouth trying his first piece of the Coq au vin which sat on his plate. Eric smiled as sweetly as always.

"Is it to your liking?" Andreis nodded. "Good. I am very glad you like it." Andreis slowly laid his fork down now, meeting Eric's gaze.

"This has seriously been lovely but uh...didn't you say there was something you wanted to discuss." Eric blinked as if he had quite forgotten before he laughed softly, running a hand through his light blonde hair.

"Right, I was informed that you knew about what happened to you know who." Andreis nearly choked on the Coq au vin. He dropped his voice down to a low whisper.

"Eric we can't talk about that in public."

"Why not? No one is listening to us. And even if they were why would they suspect a thing? If anyone even heard they would simply think that we are just two young men sharing a joke."

"But it's so risky-" Eric reached across the table, taking Andreis's hand in his.

"Just trust me." Andreis let out a slow breathe.

" what did you want to...say about it?"

"I want to make sure you are truly ready to do this. Taking a life is no easy task, once you do it you really can not separate from us."

"I can handle it," Andreis said, almost too quickly, pulling his hand away. Eric continued to stare at him intently with those ice blue eyes. "I promise Eric...I'll be fine." Eric sighed softly now, sliding an object wrapped up in a white silk cloth across the table to Andries.

"Then this is for you." Andreis took is slowly.

"What is..."

"It is a knife. You will use it in two days time, a half hour after the costume contest, when everyone is still busy at the party. We have sent Bentlee a letter to meet us by the tree where Jacob's eyes are buried. In the letter it said it was an emergency meeting and it was to be top secret. We each will go to the location at different times so not to be seen leaving together, we will be waiting for Bentlee when he gets there. Norman does not know about this and Fitz will find a way to distract him to guarantee that he does not notice we have left. I do not know much about your costume but it might be useful if you wore something with gloves." Andreis was silent a moment, continuing to stare back at Eric Marshall. There was a candle on the table and the dim light caused shadows to fall across the sharp angles of his face. As he watched him from across the table Andreis realized how hard it was to truly capture Eric Marshall with words. How could someone even go about describing someone like him? Eric was of lace and smooth cool marble, of soft summer breezes and cold blue moon light. His voice was like a hymn riding on a whisp of wind that somehow managed to both chill you and consume you with desire all at once.

"Eric...aren't you ever worried that one day they might turn on you?" Eric shook his head slowly.

"No. I do not fear that." Andreis fidgeted slightly in his seat.

" could happen."

"Yes, I supposed it could," Eric mused. "This building we are sitting in could catch on fire and we could all die right now...that could happen as well." Andreis's gaze fell to the floor and Eric straightened slightly. "If you are afraid that they will kill you next I assure you I will make sure no harm comes to you, and if they do try..." he leaned forward, his pale face only a breathe away from Andreis's and whispered softly, "take that knife and stab them in the back. It is the easiest place to hit, especially if they are distracted. Remember that, it might just save your life someday." Eric drew back suddenly, a slight smile on his face. "Say Andreis, do you like classical music?" Andreis wasn't exactly sure how he was supposed to respond.

"Yeah...I haven't listened to a lot."

"Brilliant!" Eric stood suddenly, signaling over a waiter. He whispered something to him and the waiter slowly nodded before gesturing to a grand piano in the corner of the room that Andreis hadn't even noticed. Eric cocked his head to the side slightly.

"Come Andreis, follow me." Eric made his way to the piano, slowly sitting down on the bench, long elegant fingers extended over the keys. And then suddenly he began to play and it was like magic. The melody curled from the piano like smoke filling the room. Andreis stood beside him and shut his eyes for a moment, taking it in. When he opened them again he realized Eric's own eyes were half closed, he wasn't even looking at the keys or any music.

"Do you like it?" He said softly. "It's Improvisation No.15 "Hommage à Edith Piaf composed by Francis Poulenc."

"How do you know it so well?" He smiled softly.

"Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful." Eric's eyes fluttered shut for a moment.

"I know."

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