Seven Rich Boys in a Car

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It was about 10:30 PM that night when Andreis was awoken by a knocking at his dorm door. Mika got up first, swearing profusely, before he trudged to the door. His dark hair was a mess, sticking up left and right. The moment Mika opened the door he turned slowly to glower at Andries.

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty," he muttered, "your boyfriends are here." Andreis forced himself out of his bed now, making his way to stand beside Mika. Bentlee and Norman stood at the door. Norman was carrying what appeared to be a bag of Hershey kisses and popped one into his mouth before giving Andreis a little wave. They wore large coats and Andries couldn't tell if he was imagining it due the lighting but he could have sworn they were both wearing heavy eyeliner. Bentlee smirked when he saw him.

"Get in bitch, we're going shopping." Andreis continued to stare at him, a look of confusion clear on his face. Bentlee gasped audibly.

"Mean Girls? Holy Mc'hecky Andreis please tell me you've seen Mean Girls!?!" He turned to Norman, his eyes wide. "Mary Jesus and Joseph, Norman I don't think he's ever seen Mean Girls!" Mika had already headed back to his bed and Andreis rubbed one eye stifling a yawn.

"Please tell me you didn't come to my room in the middle of the night to quote Mean Girls." Norman laughed.

"This is the middle of the night for you? It's only ten thirty on a Saturday. The night is still young. Get dressed, pick out something nice and meet us in front of the school in ten minutes, Robert got someone to bring his car out there." He laughed, adjusting his glasses. "Be there or be square." With that they shut the door leaving Andreis to scramble into something 'nice'. Damn these White Rose boys with their spontaneous trips off campus. He pulled on a jacket, clean white shirt and tie before he dashed out the door. As promised, a car that could only be Robert's, a bright blue ferrari, was parked outside of the school. As he approached the car door in the back popped open and he climbed in...or at least...attempted to. Robert sat at the steering wheel with Eric in the other seat. That meant that the other four boys were all crammed into the back and there was literally zero room for Andreis.

"How am I supposed to fit..."

"Oh!" Fitz, who was practically squished against the left side window, said. "Well there were two options since you're the smallest. Either you can go in the trunk or you can sit on one of our laps, pick your poison." A few minutes later Andreis managed to cram himself into the car and Robert pulled out.

"Couldn't you have gotten us a bigger car or some shit, my makeup is going to run." Bentlee whined from the back. Robert rolled his eyes, giving his dashboard and affectionate pat.

"Because this car is my baby and I haven't gotten to ride in her for at least a month. I call her big Bessy."

"Robert that's weird."

"You can shut it. My car, my rules. That's just how I roll baby." Suddenly Bentlee's gaze fell to Andreis as if he was registering what he was wearing for the first time and burst out laughing.
"OH MY GOD! ANDREIS HONEY! GUYS HE WORE A TIE!" Most of them were wearing jackets but as the headlights of a passing car moved past them illuminating everyone for a moment Andreis was met with the horrific realization that the boys were wearing eyeliner, leather jackets and extremely tight clothes.

"We're going clubbing." Norman said with a snort. He looked to Bentlee. "Dangit, did we forget to tell him that?" Bentlee shrugged.

"I think I got distracted thinking about Mean Girls." Bentlee turned to him...well turned as much as he could in the crowded car. "It should be fine, just lose the jacket and loosen the tie, we can mess your hair up or something when we get there. Oh! And roll up your sleeves!" Norman had pulled out a chocolate bar and was now beginning to munch happily on it.

"I swear to God Norman, you have an addiction to those things," Kian mumbled, half squashed from Andreis who was wedged between his and Fitz's laps. Norman simply stuck out his tongue at his brother.

"They're good."

"How do you eat so much of that shit and still retain your figure?" Norman simply shrugged taking another chomp.

"I don't know," he grinned. "I guess it's just how I was made!"

"You know what...we haven't done this in forever. I think this means we need to play the song!" Robert exclaimed suddenly. Kian tried to facepalm.

"You have got to be kidding me. Do we seriously always have to listen to it?" Fitz rolled his eyes at Kian.

'It's tradition. We have to play it."

"Tradition my ass. Screw you and Robert and your emo ass bullshit. I would be perfectly happy to go the rest of my life without either of you forcing me to listen to another shitty My Chemical Romance song-"

"TOO LATE I'M PLAYING IT!" The song started and Robert began to sing at the top of his lungs. "They're gonna clean up your looks With all the lies and the books To make a citizen out of you!" A few lines in Fitz joined him. "Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you son so they can watch all the things you do. Robert this is your solo!" Robert grinned.

"Because the drugs never work, they gonna give you a smirk 'Cause they've got methods of keeping you clean! It's funny cause I do drugs!" He yelled loudly over the music.

"We know!" At least two others yelled back.

Kian looked to Andries mouthing the words, 'God help us.' By the next few lines, Bentlee and Norman had joined into the song, "They're gonna rip up your head, Your aspersions to shreds, Another cog in the murder machine..." when they hit the chorus everyone started singing, even a begrudging Kian. Fitz began to tap on the seat in front of him as if he were playing a drumset and Norman began furiously headbanging. "They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me! SING LOUDER KIAN! They could care less as long as someone will bleed! So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me!"

Andreis watched the street lights fly by as they drove as the others sang. It was so strange that they could all act so happy like this when they planned on murdering someone in this very car. Andreis was discomforted by the fact that he couldn't tell if he found it sick or admirable. 

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