Three Down

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The rain was still coming down hard around them has Fitz paced back and forth, his hands held tightly behind his back. The dead bodies of Bentlee and Robert still lay in the mud, the boys fallen umbrellas on the ground beside them.

"Shit, what the hell do we do?" Fitz said, running a hand anxiously through his dark, wet hair. "We were only supposed to kill Bentlee, Robert wasn't supposed to die too. His father will have search parties looking for him as soon as he finds out he didn't come back to school!" Andreis thought for a moment.

"We call the police." Kian's eyes widened and he took a step forward.

"Andreis are you nuts? We can't turn ourselves in-"

"Who said anything about turning ourselves in?" Andreis said, cutting him off quickly. "We call the police and turn Bentlee in. We tell them we decided to come to the lodge for a day and Bentlee planned on running away to be with Norman. When Robert heard about it he came outside to stop him and Bentlee accidently shot him. Then he panicked and ran. Bentlee's prints are the only ones on the gun and the bullet was obviously fired from it so there shouldn't be anything that could involve us. Then we hide Bentlee's body so well that they never find it." Fitz shook his head.

"Even if we did that...a mass search for Bentlee and Norman would take place. Tons of police would get involved." Andreis shrugged.

"Maybe that's a good thing. Our only job is to make sure there is no way anyone will ever find Norman and Bentlees bodies. If the police are distracted with trying to find them it will bring attention away from them looking into any of us." Kian nodded slowly,

"That plan...just might work. I can probably get my dad to hand over a little extra cash to the police to make sure they don't hold us for questioning or involve us too much. I'll tell him that it's to protect our mental health." The boys looked to one another other and silently they came to a unanimous agreement. After a moment Andreis stepped back inside the lodge, the other boys following close behind him. Then, with a deep breathe, he dialed 911.


Mika sat at the base of Charlie's bed, watching the screen of the small TV Charlie had set up in his room.

'And now, the channel 8 news,' a young woman said from the television. "The manhunt for the 17 year old Bentlee Mullins continues. Police have been looking for him for a little over three weeks.' A picture of Bentlee Mullins was displayed up on the screen now which would have been used for him that coming year in the yearbook, it was followed by another picture with him and Norman. Bentlee had one arm swung over Norman's shoulder and the boy was grinning ear to ear. 'Bentlee Mullins was the promising son of Jacob Mullins and the heir to the entirety of the Mullins banking trust. His father had no comment on his son's alleged crimes.' A picture of Robert was shown next on the screen. They had picked a picture of him when he was younger. It was strange seeing Robert without the blue hair and piercings but using that kind of photo was probably the best way possible to invoke as much pity and sympathy as they could for the dearly deceased Robert. The woman continued speaking. 'Mister Mullins is accused of the murder of his own friend, Robert Reed. They attended St.James academy together and were reportedly extremely close.' There was a cut to a shot of Robert's funeral. Near the front Kian, Fitz and Andreis could be seen. Fitz appeared to be crying but it was so difficult to even make them out in the image on the screen that it was hard to tell. 'His father, millionaire Franklin Reed, had this to say about his diseased son. 'Robert was one of the best people I have ever known. His love of life, kindness, and empathy for everyone and everything thing around him will be a great loss to this world. I will not rest until my son's killer has been brought to justice-' Charlie turned the TV off with a click.

"I am soooo freaking sick of having to see this same story everyday. If they haven't found Bentlee by now I don't expect they ever will."

"I always knew the White Rose club guys were a bunch of jerks but whoever thought one of them would actually go off and murder someone?" Charlie nodded.

"Who would have thought it would be Bentlee? I mean, he and Norman always kind of seemed like the nicer two of the bunch."

"It's always the quiet ones."

"I guess so."

"Hey," Charlie said suddenly, sitting up a little. "How's Andreis holding up? It must be pretty hard for him to have one of his friends get murdered by another one." Charlie rolled his eyes. "Honestly, if he hadn't gone off and left us he wouldn't have even gotten involved in this." Mika's gaze moved from the black television screen to Charlie now.

"He seems to be doing okay. We don't talk much but when we do he seems pretty cheerful. Honestly, I don't think the Robert, Bentlee thing shook him and Eric much."

"Yeah," Charlie said. "You're right. Do you know who has been acting different since then though? Kian and Fitz. Fitz has been like...actually polite to me during student council meetings. Kian's the one that seems like...really shaken though, probably cause his brother's run away too." Mika turned to face him now.

"I always forget you're in student council with them. How has Kian been acting?" Charlie thought for a moment before responding.

"Well, for one thing he almost never talks. He used to like to chat with Eric and Fitz during meetings, now he's dead silent. He won't even make eye contact with people." He leaned forward, lowering his voice even though he and Mika were the only two in the room. "I heard he's started using." Mika's eyes widened.

"Seriously? How the hell do you even know that?" Charlie gave him a little shrug.

"Is it not already obvious that I practically know everything about everyone at this school. I'm friends with the guy that sold him the shit. He told me Kian came to him, practically in tears, begging him for anything that could help him turn everything off."

"And did he give it to him?" Mika asked.

"Of course he did. He has a business to run and Kian is loaded." Mika leaned back, his gaze falling back to the black screen.

"Well shit. I never thought I would say this about a White Rose boy, but I kinda feel bad for him."


Fitz entered into the empty cathedral...well almost empty. Kian was on his knees in front of the alter, staring blankly ahead. Fitz stepped closer to him.

"You wanted to meet me here?" He said meekly, almost frightened to approach his friend. Kian had hardly said a word to anyone in the club in the three weeks following Bentlee's death. Kian didn't even turn around to look at him when he spoke.

"We fucked up Fitz," he said softly. "We fucked up so bad..." Fitz didn't speak for a moment before whispering quietly.

"I know." As Fitz stepped closer he could see that Kian was sickeningly pale and in the dim light of the cathedral his face appeared almost waxy. Fitzwilliam swallowed hard.

"It felt so good at first..." Kian said slowly. His voice trembled. "But it was a mistake. Killing Jacob was such a fucking mistake. We never should have done it. Killing Norman, it must have been God punishing me." He bowed his head now. "Maybe Bentlee had the right idea trying to kill us least he did something to try to and avenge my brother. Me? I just continued to hide like a coward." He finally turned to look at Fitz and the other boy could see the glimmer of tears in his eyes. "I wish we could go back Fitz. I wish we could make it so none of this ever happened."

"Me too." Kian closed his eyes tightly now.

"I want it to all just go away. Everywhere I go I feel like I can still feel my brother watching me, wondering why we did it?"

"Norman knew why we did it. We did it felt good. It was the first time I had actually felt something in so long. When we first killed Jacob and I felt that rush I thought...maybe killing him was what we were supposed to be doing. Maybe it was human nature, primal instinct. But then when the feeling faded I felt like I was going to fucking throw up. The only reason I kept on with the killing was because everyone else was..."

"We are all fucking selfish idiots."

"Yeah." Kian slowly stood up, avoiding looking Fitz in the eye. He took a step forward, pulling the taller boy into a hug. "Hey Fitz," he said slowly. "I left a's next to the altar." A look of confusion passed over Fitz's face.

"What are you talking about?" Kian just smiled sadly.

"I'll see you in hell then I guess." Before Fitz could even register what was happening Kian pulled out his knife from his jacket and plunged it into his throat. Fitz jumped back in shock.

"Kian? KIAN!? FUCK!" Blood had begun to spurt from Kian's throat. Fitz ran to him, pressing his hands to his neck in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding. It was the middle of the night but still he tried to call for help. His cries were met by silence. He could feel Kian's pulse fading from under his fingers. "Kian....fuck please don't leave me. Don't you fucking dare..." but it was too late. After a few moments Fitz finally pried his hands from Kian's neck and stared down at his dead friend. Kian's blood dripped from his hands and from his clothes. Fitz stood up slowly, his entire body was shaking. Slowly he made his way to the altar, spying a piece of paper next to it. He reached forward to grab it, his fingers leaving bloody marks on Kian's final piece of writing. The only thing scrawled the paper were six words.

-I just can't do this anymore-

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