"Executing" the plan

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Andreis dragged his suit case up a flight of stairs, breathing heavily when he finally made it to the top. He continued to drag it to the room he had been placed in with Fitz and Robert. Andreis dropped his luggage immediately upon entering, falling down on the only remaining open bed. Fitz and Robert had somehow already managed to fully unpacked and Robert was currently attempting to toss skittles from a bag from his bed to Fitz who was then proceeding to try and catch them in his mouth.

"You couldn't...have left like...one servant or a chef or ANYONE here to help us with stuff?" Andreis mumbled under his breathe. Robert shook his head before chucking another skittle across the room which missed Fitz's mouth by a long shot.

"We can't risk it. I told my parents I was staying with Fitz for Thanksgiving."

"And I told mine I was staying at Robert's," Fitz added.

"My mom fricken hates Fitz's dad so she won't try to contact him. No one knows we're here except the pilot who I paid a little extra on the side to keep quiet with my parents. I gave the housekeeper permission to leave for the weekend so we're all good. If the pilot decides to tell I'll just kill him." He let out a little snort from the expressions he received from the other two. "I'm kidding guys! But seriously, no one will ever find out we were ever with Bentlee when he conveniently disappears to 'chase after Norman'." He chucked another skittle at Fitz, this one slammed into the boy's temple. Robert grinned now. "You like the room? My brothers and I used to stay here when we were younger. We could have gotten separate rooms but it was waaay more fun to stick together!"

"Hey, I don't mean for this to be taken the wrong way but...why did you two want me to room with you? Wouldn't you have had more fun with Kian?" Fitz gave him a little shrug, popping one of the fallen skittles into his mouth.

"You're starting to grow on us."

"Yeah," Robert said with a nod. "And honestly, ever since Norman died Kian's been kind of a buzz kill."

"His brother died."

"Yeah, but does he have to be such a debbie downer about it? Like seriously, he helped kill him. Boohoohoo you murdered someone who happened to be your brother and accidently committed fratricide. Get the fuck over it and stop bringing down my vibe." He hurdled a red skittle at Fitz who actually managed to catch it in his mouth this time. Andreis swallowed hard, desperate to change the subject matter.

"So uh...you and Fitz seem really close." Robert grinned,

"Hell yeah we are, we're best friends. I mean, Kian was a close second but as we established, not anymore."

"How did you two meet?" Fitz furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

"I think it was actually a little before I joined the club." Robert nodded eagerly.

"Yeah! It was! We got accepted our freshman year. Eric and Jacob were both in our grade and had it up and running for a couple of months before Eric asked me to join. Norman and Kian joined the year after that and then Bentlee joined our junior year. You're the last one to be added to the mix." Fitz bowed his head now.

"I know I could have been a little nicer when you first joined us but now...I'm pretty glad you're here Andreis." Robert popped a skittle from the bag into his mouth now.

"When did Fitz get into the club-"

"HA! That's actually a really funny story! Okay flashback to my freshmen year. I decided one night that I wanted to play a prank on the headmaster." Fitz covered his face with his hands.

"Fucking shit, I totally forgot about this, don't tell him, it's so embarrassing." Robert just grinned at him, tossing a handful of skittles his way.

"I came up with the perfect plan, a classic really. I decided to let frogs loose in headmaster Kane's office in the middle of the night. Anyway, as I'm sneaking through the hallway I see this kid sitting next to the door freaking weeping." Fitz grabbed his pillow, pressing his face to it, obviously embarrassed. "So I ask the kid what's wrong and why he's crying in front of the headmaster's door in the middle of the night and the kid just freaking breaks down!!! He tells me he hates this school and that he has no friends and that he wants to go home even though he fricken hates it there almost as much as he hates St.James. I go to offer him a hand or something but I end up dropping my box of frogs. One lands on him and he starts fucking shrieking like a little girl. It was funny as hell but I also felt bad for him so I told him how I was in this club and that if he joined he would have tons of friends too! So I brought him to Eric and Jacob and Eric liked him immediately and the rest is history!" Fitz finally lowered his pillow and crossed his arms.

"If you hadn't just self declared yourself my best friend I would punch you." Robert snickered, sticking his tongue out at Fitz.

"How was I supposed to no frogs don't tickle your pickle?" Fitz despite himself gave a snort of laughter.

"Please refrain from ever using that phrase again." They were both laughing hard now and Andreis wished he could join in. Maybe he would have if he wasn't so caught up by the fact that within the next 96 hours another one of their 'friends' would be dead.


It rained almost the entire day they were to finally kill Bentlee Mullins. The boys had been ancy the entire morning into afternoon though luckily Bentlee appeared to not have picked up on it. It had been whispered and passed through notes between the boys through the entire four day trip to the lodge. It was still pouring when Andreis finally snuck out of the lodge and slipped into the dark shadows of the woods around it. The plan was pretty simple, Robert would get Bentlee to come outside to discuss turning themselves in, the rest of the boys would be hidden in a semicircle around them. Robert would attack first and when he did the others would all charge from behind. Andreis didn't want to feel this way but...hell as he grasped his knife waiting for the first phase of the plan to begin he felt a little wave of thrill sweep through him. He knew he wasn't alone, Kian and Fitz were also hiding around him though Eric had hung back in the house so Bentlee wouldn't get suspicious. The rain was coming down hard, plastering Andreis's hair to his head. It was freezing and it was taking everything Andreis had to stop his teeth from chattering. Suddenly there was a thin beam of light as the door to the lodge opened. Thank fucking God, there they were. Robert and Bentlee stepped outside, each with an umbrella in hand. The boys were close enough that they could hear everything that was being said.

"Couldn't we talk about this inside?" Bentlee asked, his eyes narrow. Robert shrugged.

"I didn't want Eric to over hear us."

"You really want to turn yourself in," Bentlee said suddenly. "You're actually considering it?" Robert nodded quickly.

"Yeah. I know I might not seem it, but I actually feel extremely guilty about-"

"Liar," Bentlee said slowly. Robert suddenly dropped his umbrella, stumbling back a step. There was something on his face, a look of panic. It was hard to see through the rain but when Andreis finally realized what it was his stomach turned to ice water. Bentlee Mullins was holding a gun. Robert was shaking slightly.

"B-Bentlee hold on...l-lets talk about this." It was hard to tell if it was tears or the rain rolling down Robert's face but Andreis was pretty sure from the sniffling and the shaking of his voice that Robert Reed was bawling his eyes out. Bentlee continued to stand there, his gun still to Robert's head. "C'mon...w-we're friends."

"Fuck you Reed." And with that Bentlee Mullins sent a bullet flying through Robert's temple. A grin spread over Bentlee's face and he suddenly began to laugh hysterically. It echoed through the forest sending a chill through Andreis. Bentlee turned slowly, the gun still dangling from his hand. "I know you're here," he said with a snicker, rotating his gun along the line of trees Fitz and Kian were hidden. "How fucking STUPID did you think I am? Oh right? Yeah! I'm just going to follow you into the middle of nowhere which happens to be a fricken convenient place to murder someone! Of fucking course by now I could figure out you wouldn't turn yourselves in! And even if I could get evidence on you one of your little daddies would simply bribe a judge or pull some strings and get you off the hook. Killing you all here and now is the only way I can avenge Norman. I already have one murder on my hands, a few more won't matter when I turn myself in. Soooo, who's going to be the first of you to come out? If you try to run I'll be able to hear you. Did you know my dad used to take me hunting when I was a boy? I have a pretty good eye, even in the rain. Of course, you can stay hidden if you want an extremely intensive game of hide and seek but I promise you...in the end I'll win. There was a sudden movement as Fitz tried to dash forward in some desperate attempt to surprise Bentlee and knock the gun from his hand. Unfortunately for Fitz Bentlee was quicker, spinning around quickly enough to aim the gun directly with Fitz's heart. Bentlee clicked his tongue now,

"Awww, Fitz, Fitz, Fitz. I'm actually kind of sad to kill you. You were by no means the best person I ever met but you were far from the worst. I'll really miss all those times we watched Clueless together. Since I don't mind you as much as the rest, do you have any last words?" Fitz was shaking violently.

"I just want to say...I r-really am sorry about Norman. I'm not lying when I say that." Bentlee grinned at him.

"I'm sorry too. Sadly no matter how sincere the apology it doesn't fix what you've done. Bye Fitz, sorry you lived such a short miserable life-" Bentlee suddenly stopped talking, his eyes growing wide. Suddenly he coughed, blood beginning to drip from his mouth. Slowly he fell forward with a thud revealing a knife that had been plunged into his back. Behind him was Andreis, breathing heavily. Kian stepped out from farther back from the shadows, running beside them. Andreis's gaze fell to his knife, lodged in Bentlee's back before he looked back to the others.

"I snuck up on him while he was talking to you..." he said, almost as if it was the only thing he could think of to say. Fitz was still shaking.

"Y-You saved me." Fitz looked to Robert now and his lip trembled. He slowly kneeled down beside him closing the boys eyes. "Fuck...Robert..." Kian stepped forward slowly, gazing down at the dead bodies.

"He was a sociopath."

"I KNOW that!" Fitz choked back, his voice cracking on the word. "But still...he was my best friend. He and Eric were the only two people who were ever always there for me." The others stood in silence, staring at the dead bodies of their fallen friends as if they didn't know what to do with them. Andreis turned slowly, suddenly realizing Eric Marshall had come out to stand beside him. Eric looked to Andreis, a small serene smile on his face. He stepped forward, slowly pulling Andreis's knife from Bentlee's back and handed it to him.

"Good boy," he said softly. 

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