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[ Three days later ]

[ Nara's POV ]

"Hello?.. Yes is the cake ready?" "Yes ma'am it'll be delivered in about two hours." The man on the phone replied.

"Well then try to make it quick.. thanks bye." And I ended the call.

It was Minseo's birthday today and I had to give her something. I mean she is my best friend. I wasn't planning on apologizing about the mall incident any soon. I could do it after the birthday maybe. 

She''ll definitely understand. 

Minseo hated surprises, but I wanted to do at least something to see a smile on her face. Finishing my final make up touch, I sighed satisfied with my look and walked out of the room to take care of the arrangements.

[ Minseo's POV ]

The water flowed, birds sang, clouds floated, the sound of swings caught my ear. I snapped my head to the source of the noise and saw two kids on a swing, with a single mother pushing both of them. 

They giggled innocently, I smiled internally. They looked so happy, the admiring smile on the mother's face as she watched her sons play. 

Damn. Childhood days really were innocent and happy, including no overthinking, no worries, just the happiness in everything. Everything. 

My phone rang right in time. Feeling bored anyway, I pulled my phone out of the pocket and checked the caller ID. It was dad. 

I growled in annoyance, as quietly as possible to not scare the kids rolling balls within each other next to me. I swiped the call button and placed the phone in my ear.


"Minseo! How are you doing, honey? We've missed you so much!" My dad said and I could feel his smile widening. "We want to see you so badly, dear." I heard a faint giggle in the call when my dad said that, and realized they were playing with me. 

"Well, I don't want to-" 

"We heard some boy called Jun Myeon is your roommate. I heard his parents took you in." They said, to which I was rather not very surprised.

"Wow! You found out finally after so many years! Here's a trophy!" They were about to say something after that, but I hung up in both anger and irritation. 

"I heard his parents took you in," I mocked their tiresome tone, ", Nonsense people." 

Sighing hard, I locked my phone screen and got up, dusting myself and walked away from the park I was in for the past three hours.

My stomach grumbled loudly and I could feel the way it twisted in a way of showing hunger. I frowned and headed back home. Feeling tired, my eyes turned blurry and I sighed. Why am I tearing up? I hit my head playfully and giggled to myself when a random thought flew into my mind.

It was my birthday today.

Who knows why I imagined that so sadly but I didn't have any energy in my body to smile or think about all the gifts I would get. I knew Nara was somewhere now probably setting up another birthday surprise. I hated surprises. Especially when it came to birthday parties, those friends who pop out of nowhere and say happy birthday.. I didn't like those stuff.

I didn't know why but I was sure my mood was pretty spoiled right now.

When I reached back home, I exhaled a sigh and smiled before stepping into my house. Nothing. There were nobody and no decorations. I turned suspicious.

What are these crackheads up to?

"Hello? Guys?Anyone there? Jun Myeon oppa?" I avoided Nara's name and walked more in, looking around the large room.

When I knew there was no one, I heaved a sigh of relief and stalked to my bedroom, opening it. That was when I spotted a letter laying on my bed. My eyebrows were knotted together and I walked towards it, picking it up smoothly. The letter read,

'Wear the dress on your bed and do some makeup. The cab will be there to pick you in two hours. Happy birthday dummy :) This is Nara!'

Nothing about this surprise seemed to bring a smile on my face. I felt so dull. I still made up my mind to dress for the sake of her hard work.

[ The hotel ] 

[ Time - 8:25 pm ]

The cab arrived on time and I was here at this hotel I was supposed to have a party at. 

Clutching onto the hem on my tight golden dress, I stepped in nervously. The place looked way expensive. That explains my rich looking outfit. I wasn't into dressing up in general, but I could say it had a V-neck and looked like a ball gown, with glittering sparkles all over. 

It was a bright yellow, which attracted almost everyone in the place. I saw Nara standing beside a long pillar. She wore a velvet red gown, exposing her wide shoulders a bit, but I worried it showed a lot of legs. 

Nevertheless, I walked over to her careful to not trip on my dress, and tapped her shoulder. "Hi!" She immediately smiled at me, and admired my gown. 

"You look really pretty! Come on! lets go, everyone's waiting!" She spoke, still grinning at me. 

I radiated a sweet smile and mouthed, 'Okay'. Before the two of us could enter a room, she halted suddenly. "Also, mins," she looked behind at me with an apologetic look.  

"I'm very sorry about my actions the other day. I thought a lot about it and none of this is your fault. I hope you can forgive me." The sorry felt insincere for some reason, but I deeply respected her honesty. 

"Thank you, it means a lot. I forgive you." I smiled. 

We gave a comforting smile to each other, sharing a mental hug, before she led me into the room. Her apology brightened up a part of me, but I felt very empty.

I forced myself to focus on the people in the room at the moment. I did have a lot of friends. Except Nara and Jimin, I had a lot more who came to this party. Maybe I spotted 10 to 15 familiar faces, but the rest of them lingered in unsaid confusion in the back of my head. 

"Hey girls!" A passionate smile covered my face and I hugged each one of them, almost all of them were enjoying themselves with various types of wines and drinks, totally immersed into this party. It looked more like a real club. 

Forty minutes went by, Nara looked tipsy and I kept watching her roam the room again and again, bumping into people and apologizing about stealing their boyfriend, whether boy or girl she bumped into. 

I took a few funny videos of her doing that, keeping my gaze on her in amusement. Jun Myeon was hanging out with his girlfriend somewhere else. I sat still in one one of the long sofa's, leg on top of the other with my phone in my hand. I drank some wine, but it didn't taste the same. 

My low mood was spoiling my eager to have fun. It ruined my sense of taste. 

I stood up, and searched for Nara to tell her I was going to use the bathroom. She informed me she had also booked a room for me, which was rather emptier than ever since no one was in. 

I decided to say I was using the bathroom and use that room for the same purpose. It would be of a waste of the booking the room then. Leaving my drink on the glass table, I searched for the exit and finally left the room, heading to the stairs. 

The path was decorated with flowers as I walked up aimlessly, deep in thoughts.

Opening the door at the last, I released a sigh of contentment and relief, proceeding to reach the bathroom.

After I was done in a few minutes, I switched the lights off and closed the bathroom door going towards the door to grab the handle quickly. My fingers found the door handle and before I could twist it, a strong hand concealed my mouth. 

I gasped in utter shock, trying to get out of the odd stranger's grip and attempted to kick him but stopped when the person's breath touched my neck. I shivered when his hot breath tingled my fragile skin. That was how close he was.

When he held me in place, I felt him coming closer to me and whispered something to me in my ear.

"Please forgive me." The voice whispered into my ear. Before I could make out why he said that, his other hand came into view, having a handkerchief with some white powder spread all over it. The man pressed the handkerchief onto my mouth causing me to lose balance and struggle to pull it out.

I tried screaming for help but my body fell down to the floor and my eyes were shut now, making me unable to see or sense anything.

"I'm sorry."

Who is that guy? Why did he do that? Why did he apologize to her? If you guys have guesses, leave it down in the comments. I mean of course I have already mentioned blah blah as the killer bunny and a strange girl, threatening someone to kill a girl. Who is the girl he has to kill? Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love ya!Uwu

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