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"Get the hell out!"

"I'm sorry.."

My hands made a move, very slightly and my eyes tried to open itself but it seemed too bright outside and my eyes didn't seem to respond. "M-minseo are you okay?" A voice questioned and a warm hand touched my cheek. A moan escaped my mouth and my eyes attempted another try, which succeeded. 

When I opened my eyes, it was crystal clear right away. I could only see a small part of what I'm supposed to be seeing. But I was also afraid of what I would be met with if I opened it. I gulped.

But when everything was clear, relief washed over me. I saw Jun Myeon, eyes teary. "W-what happened-"

"Shh, you're okay. I'll explain everything later okay? Get some rest. I'll have to inform the doctor." I smiled to assure him I understood. 

He breathed a long sigh, and pushed a lock of hair on my forehead back, before leaving the room with a calm smile. 

My room, I figured. My phone laid on the nightstand, but I wasn't close enough to grab it. As a sigh left my mouth, sudden tears blurred my sight while I laid dumb on the mattress. 

What happened? The scene of someone pressing something onto my mouth invaded my head. I held in a little sob when terrifying assumptions of kidnapping came onto me. 

What could've happened if he took me somewhere? How was I even home in the first place? 

Telling myself I shouldn't make quick assumptions about anyone, I tried to sit up and forced myself to remember everything that happened. How long has it been since the incident? 

Who was the guy who drugged me or whatever? Did they find him?

Lots of questions lingered around my mind but I was interrupted by a thud and another loud bang following it. I didn't know why, but it feared me that the man who drugged me came to my house to kidnap me. 

To prevent more chilling thoughts, it was best I checked who was there outside. 

When I opened the door and glanced around in fear, I was met with two men on top of each other, punching and abusing each other. What the-

"Cut it down." I yelled casually, rubbing my aching head. 

It was obvious one of them was Jun Myeon, but the other person was Jungkook.



Oh no.

My legs were fast to rush to their side, and I tried my best to push them away from each other or else they would be stuck like a magnet with each other not as friends, but enemies

I wouldn't want Jun Myeon to blame Jungkook for something he didn't do. I knew all the reasons my roommate can come up with, to make Jungkook the bad guy. 

When I finally pulled Jun Myeon away from Jungkook, I slightly bent down and gave a hand to Jungkook and he grabbed it without hesitation, lifting himself up.

"What the hell happened?" Questioning both of them, I took a hold of my hair and tied them up with the new found cord about my wrist.

Both Jun Myeon and Jungkook bent their heads down, like kids who stole candy from another kid. Their innocent faces were nothing compared to their tall and muscular body. Jungkook's were actually intimidating for a moment. 

"I need an answer." I repeated myself. Their silence made me chuckle dryly. I wanted to take a nap, but I needed a convincing answer for the happenings. From my birthday to till this second. 

"Don't trust Jungkook, Minseo. He is lying!" Jun Myeon shouted at me, pointing his finger at Jungkook. 

"Okay, look." I glared, ", you really have to stop blaming him for everything. I understand you and your protective spirit, but just stop this. If you can't deal with him, don't look at him then. Don't talk to him and complain to me." and spat continuously without realization. 

Jun Myeon was genuinely hurt by my words, but I was done with his assumptions about Jungkook without talking to him and making friend's. It isn't that hard to say a hello and introduce yourselves without sounding dry and annoying. 

"Now," I said, "I don't want to know why y'all fought.. mind telling me what happened at the party?" Jun Myeon stayed silent, slight guilt growing in me because of his hurt and concerned face. 

Jungkook replied, "When you went to your room to the washroom, I actually came to your room to get something-"

"He is lying! Minseo please don't trust him! I know what happened! It's in the-" 

"Please let him speak." My effort was to sound soft towards my roommate, and he quit speaking after that. 

"But Minseo I swear to god it wasn't really me!" Jungkook silently pleaded, determined to not let my roommate falsely blame him. 

I understood something when he spoke, something he said. Like a hint? "First of all, why would he follow you?" Jun Myeon spoke first in the absorbed silence, pursing his lips shut after before I scolded him again. 

I didn't however, my roommate's question shot through my head. 

"H-how did you know it was me in the washroom?" I asked my own question, eyebrows lifting themselves up in confusion. "What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, rubbing his nape.

"I could have decided to take a nap. Decided to fix my dress or makeup. Or okay, let's say you heard me in the toilet and knew it was me. It's just not convincing about you so sure it was me, I don't know." I bit my inner cheek in disbelief and stared at him. 

It was not convincing because I locked my door before getting into the washroom. Either he was already in the room only I had the key to, or it's not him. 

He gulped, "M-minseo don't you believe me? I'm being really honest here!" Jungkook said and I could spot cold sweat formed on his forehead.

I tilted my sideways, still staring at him. "Okay I believe you." I said in growing disbelief. He nervously started chuckling and hit my arm.

"I panicked!" He exclaimed.

Walking past Jungkook,my legs lifted up two inches and my hands held Jungkook's shoulder for protection as I whispered into his ear.

"Why must you panic when you did nothing, kook?"

[ Time skip ]

"I bet you'll love them!" Jungkook exclaimed as he continued talking about his friends whom he loved to call his own brothers.

"They seem too good!" I laughed cheerfully, asking him what his brother's names were. 

"Does it pain?" He asked, his lips pouted as he touched my waist, pulling me gently closer to him. Our faces were almost inches away from each other and I breathed out, stunned. "Don't be so cute please, I might bite you up!" He teased and pushed me back away. 

The contact was unexpectedly feeling uncomfortable. Maybe I wasn't expecting him that close. 

I gasped and hit his arm. "We are here." The driver said and halted to the car, letting us out. Just then, Jungkook came over to the other side of the car and opened the door for me. Once again, I gasped when I got out.

Jungkook brushed past me and intertwined his fingers with mine. 

Was he touching me too much? I couldn't tell. 

"Let's go!" Excitedly, he knocked on the door as I still admired the huge mansion.

"Open the door!" 

"Do it yourself. And stop wiping that damn clear mirror hyung!"

"Where are those made-for-each-other soulmates?!"

"Where's Namjoon?" 

"Hobi is trying to cook ice! Oh my gosh!" 

"Yoongi please turn the TV off."

"Hyung I can't find my airpods!" 

A series of tones and shuffling occurred, before the door burst wide open. A man stood before Jungkook and me. It was like nobody was yelling, no one ran about the house or complained like all the noises I heard seconds ago. 

Jungkook casually stepped in and I finally took note of the new male. He had heart shaped lips and sunshine bright eyes. His smile really really stood out as he welcomed me in. I bowed at him smiling. 

"Is everything clean?" I heard Jungkook whisper it into the guy's ear. He nodded in return. 

I was pretty convinced they had already cleaned the house hearing I was coming. I thought nothing about it, it's just cleaning.

I smiled back awkwardly and Jungkook led me in, showing around the house as he introduced me to his friends. 

"This is Namjoon hyung." Namjoon was frantically all over the house, running and yelling he had an important meeting and couldn't find his earphones. 

I bowed at him, chuckling along with Jungkook at the said information, and he did so back to me for a split second before rushing off again. 

When we came to what was apparently the living room, I noticed a male sprawled across the big couch. I could tell he was in deep asleep from the pillow over his head and hands over it. 

"Namjoon, why did you burn this onion!" Someone with the loudest voice yelled from somewhere else. Jungkook let go of my hand and pinched the bridge of his nose at the chaos. 

"Why can't I have my own room?! Y'all are so loud and I can't get my promotion now!" Namjoon whined from another part of the house.

"If you didn't break your speaker and took care of the 39th earphone I got you with care, maybe I'd trust you about having a room with microphones and so much equipment to write all your songs!" The same voice from the kitchen retorted.

I couldn't help but giggle when their use of phrases registered in my head. "Try to be quiet. Suga hyung hadn't slept all night because of work. Let's go else where, come on." He pulled me away from the couch and I silenced myself when finding out he referred to the being on the couch. 

Before we entered the kitchen where I saw two or three of his friends wandering around, one of them walked to Jungkook. "It's nice to see you, Minseo." I recognized him as the guy who opened the door. 

"I'm Hoseok. You can call me Hobi. Um.. this is awkward but could you excuse Jungkook for a second?" I nodded and he grinned at my understanding, and pulled Jungkook by his arm away from my presence. 

I'd take my friend out of the house if I wanted to tell her or ask her something privately. But these two were just five feet away. 

I knew how bad it was of me to do this, but I was curious enough to let my eyes gaze elsewhere but my ears towards her conversation. 

"Let's not do this now." Jungkook whsipered to Hoseok. 

"I'm sorry. But have you taken the drug?"


So..what just happened? Jungkook-shii is taking drugs?!! I'm supposed to be posting this on Sunday but I was too lazy sorry! Don't forget to vote and comment! 
Love ya! Uwu❤

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