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Author note:
This chapter contains explanation of violence and slight triggering content. Read at your own risk. The content might be disturbing to some readers and is not suitable for sensitive readers. Enjoy!


"That's not true!" I flicked his forehead with my index finger as I continued to eat my noodles. "What its true anyway!" Jun Myeon flashed me a smirk another time that day.

I took another bite of my food and spoke with annoyance, "Why would I be a bully in the first place? I'm not like you! You don't know anything about me!" I protested back at him standing up and walking over to the kitchen sink.

"Kim Minseo, age 18.  Annoying yet cute very rarely. Parents abandon-"

He paused his words and instant realization flood in his veins. Jun Myeon snapped around faster and looked at ne for my exxpression. I went dull when he mentioned my parents, but I wasn't mad at him.

Mistakes happen...right?

"I'm so sorry Minseo. I-"

"No its fine! Don't be. Its not my fault, theirs anyway." I voiced bluntly and got on my legs with the last bite of my food. I hadn't grasped the fake smile plastered on my face until Jun Myeon moved forward with a hug I didn't know I needed. 

Hugging me as if I was one of the most precious diamonds, he mumbled into my ear, "I'm so so so sorry Minseo. I-I-I didn't know what I doing and I just-"

"I said its fine! They were the ones who abandoned me anyway." I looked down and stared the marble floor as if it were the most fascinating thing to exist on the planet.

"Do you..do you want to go somewhere out to eat? It might make you freshen up your mind." He suggested while glaring at me.


My mood brightened up so quickly that I ran to the kitchen to leave my finished bowl of food before rushing up the stairs in the speed of light.  "Why are you so excited?" My roommate chuckled at me. 

Hearing his words, I replied back enthusiastically,

"That's because you rarely take me out to eat and I'm always the one who takes you out and pays for you!"

"You aren't lying." I imagined Jun Myeon sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck and smirked to myself.

[ Time skip ]

"That one please?" I whined and he nodded, paying the money and getting me the cotton candy. We greeted a thank you to him before walking off and sitting down on a bench nearby.

"You wasted all my money, you monkey!" He scolded me.

"I don't care." I muttered and looked around.

Doe shaped eyes, bunny face, black shirt, black pants, hands around a blonde haired girl who was smiling at the man.


"Huh? Who's that?"I heard Jun Myeon ask as I replied back.

"Its our new neighbor."

"Oh.." He answered, unexpectedly locking his eyes with Jungkook. Jungkook looked surprised for a moment but realized when his eyes met mine.

"Oh hey Minseo!" Jungkook grinned and waved at me.

"Hey kook!" I smiled back at him.

"Kook?" asked Jungkook sliding his hand around the girls waist.

"Yeah, by the way this Kim Jun Myeon, my roommate and oppa, this is Jungkook." I finished and chewed on my candy making the girl next to Jungkook roll her eyes.

"Nice to meet you.. Jungkook. Minseo what did I tell you about manners!" Jun Myeon glared at me. He was asking me to stop eating. I inaudibly groaned and stuffed the last piece of cotton candy in my mouth. It was not those large candies, so I finished the snack pretty quickly and tossed the stick in a dustbin which happens to catch my eye. 

"Hey Jun Myeon..hyung?" Jungkook confirmed and proceeded towards us, moving away his hands the woman's waist and instead pushing her slightly forward, as if forcing her to speak. 

"Guys this is my girlfriend, Lisa." He introduced us to the girl and she  flashed both of us a sweet smile. 

"I'll go and buy something for us to eat. Lisa, you can talk to Minseo," Jungkook said and radiated a smile at Jun Myeon before walking away. 

"I have to make a phone call. So you ladies can have your talk! Minseo," Jun Myeon leaned near my ear, "talk." I realized he was referring to my introverted side and I fake-smiled at Jun Myeon, silently nodding.

The minute he left, I heard the girl beside me scoff in a mocking way.

"Who is he? Your boyfriend?" Lisa asked raising her brow.

"No, my roommate." I replied back.

The way her bangs fell on her forehead, the way her dark, black eyes shone by the light of the sun,the way her brown lock of hair flew along with the wind.

Seeing all of her, I felt something in my heart. Something I didn't want to feel. Something I have been avoiding for months now. Something I've been trying to forget and its back.


I looked down at my body in shame and covered my tummy with my arm.

"Stop staring. I know I'm pretty!" Lisa said and curled a lock of her hair around her fingers, playing with it.

"Okay who is Jungkook to you?"She asked it out of nowhere, making me look up at her again.

"J-Jungkook? Oh he is actually my new neighbour! I just visited his house recently!" I smiled, rememberin g our jolly time together. Lisa rolled her eyes. 

"I don't mean to sound rude, but you look terrible in that outfit!" I was sensitive, but just too sensitive at that moment. Tears filled my eyes.

"You are fat!" She mocked at me while I sat in shame, mentally accepting everything she is telling.

I decided to look strong. "You don't deserve to live!" 

"Listen here! If you ever do anything to him,I'll slice your-"

She continued put me down, until,

"Lisa honey."


The voice was from Jungkook, for sure. My eyes wandered up to the figure in front of us. But my attention was more focused on how Lisa completely overturned her face. 

Didn't she threaten me a second back?

Why is she suddenly acting so kind?

"Here you go!" I was not good at reading people and their personalities, mostly because I easily let them go without a second thought. Yet,I couldn't shake off the fake smile Jungkook showed to Lisa. Anybody could tell that was a fake smile.

I mean,

He has a pretty girlfriend, he is handsome too!

Lisa grabbed the drink from Jungkook's hand and sipped on it, like she hadn't drinked anything at all for decades. She looked so desperate for the drink he gave her. 

Jungkook sat next to her while I looked around, not knowing what to do and I hoped my roommate would be back soon.

"Where is your roommate?" Jungkook suddenly questioned, startling me. "Oh he uh wanted to call someone so he'll be back soon!" I answered with hesitancy.

"I see."

Okay, this is awkward.

"Hey Minseo! We'll leave? I have work to do!" My elder roommate popped out of god knows where. 

"Ah, you scared me idiot." I hit his elbow harshly making him rub the spot in pain. "Okay we'll leave? I have work to do," He said, and an idea popped in my head. 

"Can I speak with Jungkook and be back home? You can leave." I already knew the reply for my question, but still waited for the answer with hope. "No." 

"Um guys, I'm sorry but we have to leave! It was nice meeting y'all, see you around." Jun Myeon jolted me up from my seat before I could react. I sighed and turned around as we hurriedly walked away, and smiled at Jungkook.

"Bye. Call me later." Came out of Jungkook's mouth and I nodded, a little suspicious.

[ Jungkook's POV ]

"Call me later? Seriously koo? Who is your girlfriend here? Her or me?" I heard Lisa ask me as I looked at her.


"Then why did you 'call me later' her? Seriously why would you be friends with that-"

"Don't finish the sentence." I glared at Lisa, suddenly wondering where all this came from. 

"You need to learn some manners, honey."

[ At unknown's place ]

"Yes sweetie?" I replied while sharpening the knife.


"But we are just halfway through. Aww is my baby tired? I want to see enjoy though." I chuckled with zero remorse and turned to her. 

"Okay I'll set you free." "Re-really?" She asked trying to open her eyelids for a better vision.

"Yes! You.will.be.set.free.just.like.a.spirit." I watched the blood rush out of her tiny waist and smirked in pleasure.

"Aww what happened baby? Not tired yet? Well you will not be forever now." I laughed and looked at her lifeless body.

[ Next day ]

"Today's news,
Good morning people. This is Rose. Unfortunately the Killer Bunny has attempted his fifteenth kill. A 22 year old lady named 'Choi Lisa' had been murdered brutally and had been mutilated. The officers have said the body was found in a dump by a young boy. Back to the case days back, the two girls are still not found. The police department is doing their best in tracking them down. Everyone, we ask all of you stay locked in your respective houses for safety purposes."

"Hah! You see that? Oh my see that is you!" I exclaimed and turned her head forcefully to the TV.

"Pl-plea-please l-let me g-go-"

"Uh oh! That is not how your story ends,darling! Oh wait you have a name right? What was it again! Mi cha?" She nodded weakly making my smirk grow wider.

"Sadly, you wont be living any more longer, babygirl."

Her lifeless body fell out of my grip as I dropped the knife after stabbing her numerous times.

"Time to clean the mess."

I know how messed up this looks! Please wait for more! Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love ya! Uwu

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