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[ Time: 8:00 pm ]

I know you don't have work! Why'd you lie?!" I shouted at him as I closed the door behind me.

"Chill! Gosh I had work!" He looked at me straight. His glares at me made me feel like I should have regretted what I told.

"Talking to your girlfriend isn't work! I'll complain later to her then!" I exposed him, and Jun Myeon widened his eyes, surprised.

"Sit down now." His tone changed instantly from looking suprised to serious.

I, for some reason, did understand what he was putting me into and remained standing.

"Sit down minseo." He commanded making me gulp down my saliva in nervousness.

"Why?" I asked unsure of why he wanted me to sit down.

"We have to talk." Those words kept ringing in my head as I gulped again. Sweat started to form on my forehead as I walked over to him.

Why am I nervous?

Did I do something?

"W-what do you want to talk to about?"

"Well looks like you and Jungkook seem close. Mind explaining?" He raised his brow and looked at me waiting for me to respond. "Oh him?Look, you know he is our neighbour and-"

"And you go and talk to him?" He interrupted me as I nodded.

"Bruh what would you do if someone new moved in? Stop being so serious about it!"

"You always have eyes watching you, Minseo." He stated as his voice turned deep. "Yeah like how you're looking at me." I discreetly said.

"Look, I don't think you should hang out with him all the time-"

"You want me to permantly stop?!" I yelled at him as anger boiled in me. "I'm not telling you that either. All I wanted to say is that," He stopped and looked at me to see my disappointment.

"Minseo come on." He pleaded and held my hand. "All you wanted to say what?" I asked.

"I feel something around him okay? I feel something..a bad feeling when we talked. Please minseo I don't think this is right. I'm not telling you to stop either. Cut it down slowly, yeah? You still have Nara and Jimin. And speaking of Jimin, he called me and told me he called you 25 times."

"He did?" Looking up, I stared at him as my eyes glistened with excitement.

"There you go, see I have the ability to make you smile!" "Not you, Jimin!" I said and tried to control my disppointment about him suspecting Jungkook.

"Hey, this should be a serious talk, where are you going?" I heard him ask as I replied back, "Going to call Jimin! Goodnight!" I said and closed the door when I heard him say,

"Goodnight? Don't say goodnight when you sleep at 2am after talking to Jimin as if I don't know, this girl!"

I smiled at his reply and jumped on the bed sliding my phone out and went to contacts. I dialed Jimin's number and placed the phone in my left ear and hugged my plushie which I usually hugged every night.

"Hello-" I was interrupted by his loud voice.

"Why didn't you pick up my call? Are you okay? Are you sick? You are not sick right? Did you get..kidnapped?" He asked while my mouth hanged in shock.

"You want me to get kidnapped?" I faked my anger.

"No no just worried. And by the way, Nara called me today and," He stopped. "And?" I asked.

"She uh said that uh.." He struggled with the words. "She said what?" I asked him clearing my throat. "Her her dad was killed." He said finally which made me drown in shock and worry. "What?"I finally asked.


Why didn't she tell me?

A few minutes of silence was present until I asked, "J-Jimin?"

"Yeah?" He replied softly.

"I-I see someone."

"You see what?" He asked in shock. "Someone is standing outside my window."

"Describe him."

Jimin's tone turned grim as he asked me. I gulped once and looked around my room searching for a weapon incase he enters my bedroom.

"Uh I cannot see him clearly but he is wearing a long coat,a hat and having a-" I placed my hand over mouth in fear as I stared at the mysterious man outside.

"Having a?"


"Hey what is it that he's holding? Calm down." He spoke patiently which gave me a bit of confidence.

"A knife."

"Is he staring at you-" "He's gone." I spoke suddenly.

"What?" "The guy, he is gone. Where did he go? I'll go check-" I stood up.

"No no mins stay there he is gonna come."I heard him say as I panicked.

"J-Jimin I'm scared-"

"Hey hey look." He started, his voice turning low and soft. "You are gonna be fine okay. Perhaps, it may be someone else, but not on your balcony. Maybe standing someone else? Maybe your crazy roommate playing pranks on you." His sarcastic voice calmed me down a little.

I chuckled, ", could happen."

[ Next day ]

"Hey wake up!" I felt someone shaking me as I slowly opened my tired and sleepy eyes. "What the heck do you want?" I asked grumpily.

"Wake up. I want you to wake up. The time is 11:30."

"11:30!? What the-" I shot up and ran towards my bathroom. "What's the rush?"He asked.

"Um..Jungkook asked me to meet him at his house-" He cut my sentence off.

"There is no way you are going, young lady-" "And there is no way you are stopping me," I pulled my pants up and ran outside my room, not wanting to miss our meet.

I looked at the time and sighed once. I didnt realize how excited I looked to see Jungkook. I wanted to talk to him. It was fun.

Knocking on his door, I waited for him to open the door until the door suddenly burst open revealing a woman.

She wore a tight dress which revealed her collarbones, her lipstick tinted in the shade of cherry, her long black hair which was placed neatly on one side of her shoulder. Her eyes scanned me once before saying,

"Hello, can I help you?"

Just then, behind her came the man you were expecting to open the door instead of this random woman. He held a spatula and a bag of chips looking at the woman and back to me innocently.

"Hey Mins!" He smiled. "Uh hey!"

"Oh! Minseo meet Yu Jin, my friend. Yu Jin meet Minseo, my neighbor."

Jungkook explained to me which finally made me realize the whole situation as I nodded swiftly and turned to look at the woman named Yu Jin and gently smiled at her making her do it back to me.

"Oh come in! I was just about to leave anyways." Yu Jin said and put on her high red colored heels just as I entered the house.

"What? But you said you would taste my food!That is not fair-"

"Jungkook." She glared once at him as he went quiet and nodded. "Okay.."He mumbled.

"I have to go anyway. I have a date tonight. Alright bye kookie!"She hugged him and turned to me.

"And nice to meet you! See you later!" She said and walked past me. I smiled quickly, Jungkook muttered a 'come on' as I nodded once before walking to his living room.

[ Time skip ]

It's been 2 hours since I've stayed at his house. We spoke from our interests to getting just slightly personal. I really enjoyed his presence for some reason.

I was now sitting on his bed and waiting for the man to finish his business. His room looked very cozy, nothing like the other day when he cut an apple weirdly.

"Um Jungkook?" I started when he walked out the bathroom, sitting beside me.


"I smell something." I said, struggling to not hold my nose I didn't want to look rude.

He looked around his room once and turned back to me. His expression was calm and patient but what I didn't understand was that his hands were shaking.

"Um are you okay? Why..are you-" He interrupted, "What smell?" "I don't know. I smell something like," I said.



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