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There stood yoongi gazing up at the charts dangling with various threads connecting its and bits .

Yoongi pov :
  One week has passed within a blink of an eye and now only twomore weeks are left.
   As the chief of investigating department i have to put my emotions aside leading my mind with logics. Now that things came out like this i am pretty sure jimin has something to do with this case , as if he is hiding something.

For the past few days i had been physically drained but jimin he is mentally drained . Everytime i see him he in his own world being oblivious to the surroundings. One time he was blankly stirring the milk which was spilling out the container due to thermal expansion , one time i saw him walking back and fourth bumping into the fridge ..sofa and what not...

I bet the boy is thinking hard on what he is thinking. And as for Taehyung lets just say he having good time with kook now that i look at him he is kinda chill about the whole situation .

I am racking my brain as the image from the album pops into my mind . I could see how happy taehyung and jimin looked in those. I did find Taehyung's parents in those images but not jimins. Maybe his parent's really died...or where they against the marriage?? Jimin told me his parent's died when he was still in middle school. at this point i am not sure on whether i should believe him or not.

Whatever the case is i am going to find justice for the one who suffered.

"In fact the pitiful isn't the one passed away but those who are left behind to grieve "

My blood boiled from the thought on how many innocents have to suffer more. No i won't let anyone get hurt anymore.

I am the son of two great officers who dedicated their entire life to protect and help others i can't let them down. I won't let anyone taint my family bloodline.
I went out my cabin towards the venting machine hoping to ease my throbbing head to ease down. This past week i have slept less , eat less but worked more . I am a human too.

I put the coin in the whole as i pressed the button infront of fav coffee Dynamite. I cracked open the can gulping the liquid down my throat, the bitter taste made my nose scrunch up. I feel more lively now i said to myself.

I looked up the night sky, the stars perfectly adored them . In the night sky i see the cycle of life and death. A celestial reminder of the eternal dance btw light and darkness. The stars are the whispers of the dead , reminding us the beauty and fragility of of life .

There among the hundreds of stars shown the two stars brighter than the others, looking at it i feel like my parents are watching me ,  encouraging me . I smiled at them as i silently hoped to be more close to them.

I can't waste much time i have to get back on my feet i reminded myself.
My drifted along the cool breeze thanking endless possibilities , wait..Something clicked in my mind.

A Women !!!

Can anyone comment anything ?
At this point i feel like i am posting for bots

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