case 5 - Mi kyung

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Yoongi and his subordinates went to the hopefully the last case . eagerly yearning for any sort of clue as long as it helps them to climb one step towards their enemy.

Yoongi pov :

We were moving towrds the latest case or Mi kyung her case is yet to be solved completely from the forensic report the major cause of her death is lethal injection . One would assume she did a homicide if her body weren't severely wounded , her case has shook the community to the core . Due to the threat and fear it demanded. Her body were found wrapped in a see through plastic covered dumped in the public canal. The letter engraved in her body is the major cause i am baffled right now.

During the time of her death Kim Taehyung was literally with jungkook i even checked the cctv footage for confirmation, he was totally there in the room peacefully sleeping. If he was there then who killed her ? Did he arrange someone ? Why was the letter M engraved on her body was this somekind of way to mock me ? Or is this
Just a crazy coincidence either way i have a gut feeling that some thing is wrong with his kim taehyung boy , he surely is hiding something dark .

My trains of thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of my phone vibrating inside by pant pockets i slide my fingers to the green button.

Officer: Sir , Yoongi we have collected all the albums and files just as u told.

Yoongi: Good , be back soon.

Officer : Yes sir.


Kai : sir we have reached so shall we ?

Yoongi : Go on .


The case of Mi kyung has shook the city to the fullest its the fifth murder and hopefully the last . The disposal of her body in public canal was covered by almost all national and local channels and papers.
And its even more fearsome knowing that Mi kyung was a normal worker who has been working multiple works to support her family of three.
The public feared that after the murder of their famous idols the killer is now aiming for the weak and random to enjoy his time seeking pleasure by destroying ones soul and body.
Little did they know , Karma was the one hunting them all down. In sheep clothes, hides the wolf's.

The officers along with Yoongi went into her house, nothing special to describe the house of an ordinary person there weren't anything fancy , her old husband was the only living thing in that small house her only daughter had been married years ago , the old man is no able to do chores his body completely weak , he carried a stick to support himself he made way for the officers to sit his face showed absolute fear and sadness he furrowed his brows as he pulled on the chair to sit.

Mr.Mi : sit down officers , this old man is too tired to pull out the chairs .

Yoongi : its all right sir , we are here as the part of enquiry .

Mr.Mi: i know i know son , my wife she...she was kind and sweet she worked hard day and night *sobs* so we could spend our last days happily with each other now that my dear have left me alone what is the purpose of this pitifull life i-i don't want to live anymore.

Woozi : sir , we are sorry for your lose . Think about your wife's feeling she wouldn't be happy seeing you in tears.

Mr.mi : she wouldn't be able to see me in tears but i had to see her bathed in her own blood laying lifeless infront of my own eye . She didn't deserve all this.

Woozi : sir, pls cooperate its not only yours but our duty to give justice to her .May we know the last time you saw your wife before.....

Mr.Mi : The day before her sad departure , she left the house as usal saying she is going to work she told she would be back soon but she didn't came back and now she wouldn't.

Kai: what kind of work does she do ? And where she works?

Mr.Mi : She works as cleaner at multiple houses , she works different shifts different weeks . She comes early on Friday's and Tuesdays. Usually she works at 2houses per day .

Kai : The day she left which house were she going to?

Mr.Mi : The day she left.....i can't remember...this man has grown old.

Woozi : Its okay sir , was there any suspicious behaviour or anything.

Mr.Mi : Nothing to out the box , that day was like any other days....

Woozi : What about your daughter ? Why isnt she here ?

Mr.Mi : My daughter...she was married off more like she ran away with a man. We stood against her decision, she cut off her ties with us and left the town with a man.

Woozi : does she comes to visit you ?

Mr.Mi : No, its been years i last saw her face the last time i saw her was on her wedding day , my wife she told her she could come to visit us but she insisted that she doesn't want to.

Woozi : The cause ?

Mr.Mi : Her husband is not from a well off family and us, we have hard time earning daily wages too . I am sick i can't go to work with my legs and my wife she worked at different house.  It was all for our daughter we lived and worked . We wanted to marry her to a middle class family so she wouldn't suffer like us , but she ran away with that poor man.

Kai : what happened to your legs sir ?

Mr. Mi : i got into an accident. Sadly i didn't die.

Yoongi : Thankyou for your cooperation sir , if needed we will call you to station.


CASE file of Mi Kyung
Age : 52

       Causeof death :lethal injection

● Time of death : 12 -3 am

● lethal : body were cut into pieces, hair pulled out , heart hollow outed , scalp injury , interal injury , iron rod marks .

●Engravedletter: M

●death report : reported by locals

●Background: Normal house worker

● Family members : Mr.Mi , Mrs.Um meyon


Any guess ? Who's the villian here ?

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