Chapter 11

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     Artemis eyes widened as she finally realized who Blood was. "Your Richard Grayson . . . The last Flying Grayson."

     Blood took a sharp breath. He hadn't heard that name in years. And it brought up some very unwanted memories. He remembered how happy he was in the Circus. His mothers smile, and his fathers contagious laugh. He remembered wanting to ride the elephants. And watching the fire breathers and swords swallowers when he was just 5 and how amazed he was. The last thing he wanted to remember was the night they died. It  was easily their best performance. They were oh so graceful. But that was before a madman took their beautiful bodies away.

     Tears threatened to spill out of the assassins eyes and Wally was the first to notice.

     "Hey . . ." He slowly put his hands on the younger. The contact drew Blood out of his unpleasant thoughts. He clenched his jaw and pushed through the teens.

     He didn't want them to see him cry. Crying was for the weak. And the weak get pitied. And Blood hated pity. More than anything in the world. He continued to walk away. Which soon turned into a sprint to his room.
     He ripped his door open and flopped onto the floor. All his once cherished memories ran through his mind. He held his tears back successfully. He was an assassin. Assassins don't have feelings. But he always had them, he always held them in though.

     Blood scooted over to an open corner in the room and curled himself into a small ball. He  rocked himself back and forth. Instead of crying Blood let and insane laugh escape his lips. He quickly clapped his hands over his mouth, but the laughing didn't stop. It didn't stop. It was never this bad. He let himself laugh insanely, while he screamed inside head.

Teams POV

     Blood ran away, leaving 4 confused teens. They turned towards Artemis and waited for her to explain.

     "Wait Artemis what happened to that family. When you mentioned the name he radiated such sadness and loss, it physically hurt me." M'gann said, un-fallen tears in her eyes too. But she couldn't see inside his mind. Even when it was as chaotic as it was now, he had a very strong barrier.

     "He's Richard Grayson. The Last Flying Grayson." Artemis spoke just above a whisper, as if she was still wrapping her head around the information. She took a breath and then explained to her more confused friends.

     "He's the last Flying Grayson. They were an amazing acrobatic group in the circus. Probably the best trapeze artists in the world. They were known for never using a net. And their signature move that no one else in the world could do, the quadruple flip. But about 5 years ago their wires were tampered with and they fell to their deaths. That night their 8 year old son was supposed to go on with them for the first time, but before he could jump onto a rod they fell. He watched them fall." She remembered the angered scream that escaped the boy that night. It haunted her nightmare for almost 2 weeks.

     "So that means Blood - er - Richard, is only 13" M'gann realized. This kid had watched his only family die right in front of him when he was only 8.  And then became an assassin and was ONLY 13. She did let a few tears slip this time.

     "That's why he got so emotional . . ." Wally trailed off. Worrying for his new found friend. He thought he was just some run of the mill assassin. Yah he was crazy but maybe he just was. He didn't think it was this bad.

     "Should we go see if he's okay?" Artemis asked.

     "I believe we should. We probably brought up some unwanted memories, and he needs help." Kaldur responded. The others nodded and left the gym. They made their way to the small assassins room. When they were halfway there Connor and M'gann sensed something from his room.

     M'gann doubles over in pain, clutching her head. "He - he's in pain. I can't go in there it hurts this much and we're only halfway there."

     "Are you okay M'gann?" Connor looked concern.

     "Yes, I'll be okay I just can't go in there." With that she went the other way. To any room other than that one.

     "I can hear him too, he's . . . . he's laughing?" The others turned towards Connor, confusion sketched onto their faces yet again. Connor shrugged his shoulders and they continued towards the room.

     When they neared the door everyone could now hear the insane laughter. They looked towards each other before trying to open the door. It was locked.

     "Hey Blood - or a Richard. Can we come in." Wally asked with a soothing mother liked voice.

     The only response they got was through laughter. "G-Go away." He managed to say through laughter which only got louder and heavier after he heard his true name.

     "Connor open the door." Kaldur whispered. The super teen nodded and ripped the door open. They saw the poor boy in a small ball, rocking himself as he laughed. No tears on his face at all. This wasn't normal, they needed to try and help him.

     "Get - HAHAHA - OUT!" The assassin yelled. He was still laughing but it somehow sounded more insane. The older teens froze at the door. But Wally slowly walked towards the ex - killer. His steps slow, and his hand out stretched. When Wally was only a few centimeters away Blood lunged towards him, hands around his neck.

     "HAHAHA - I SAID GET - HAHAHAHAHA - OUT!"  Blood's hands wrapped tightly around Wally's neck, constricting his air flow. Wally face turned bright red before Kaldur got hold of the controller for the shock anklet. Blood was still laughing when he finally pushed the button which was meant for shocking him until he was unconscious. Blood's body spasmed, and he released the speedsters neck. After a minute or two the boys body fell limp. His face contorted into one of grief and sadness.

      Wally scrambled off the floor towards his friends, still catching his breath. The young heroes  now looked at the 13 year old. His breathes more even, with a few hiccups in between. Connor went to pick him up and they walked him to the med bay. They grabbed a pair of handcuffs and attached him to the table before walking out the room. Each of their faces showing only sorrow.

      The went to go find Flash, the leaguer in the mountain. They had to inform him and the rest of the league of their new findings.

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