The Next Chapter . . .

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Hiya, I'm Supergirl406! And I have some unfortunate news.

I'm discontinuing this story I'm can't really think of anything. So what's the point of having a story with no real ideas . . . . .

I'm sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger


Just Kidding😂

Lol I'm Sooooo not discontinuing this Story. It's so fun to write!
This is just the simple 5 chapter A/N! 😄😆 hehe sorry don't hate me.

Ok but Today we have Chad an Cheryl to talk to. And a special treat for you all. The next chapter for the story will come out today or tomorrow. I really wanted a sort of cliff hanger for the last chapter so I cut it a little short.

Supergirl406: Hiya Chad, Cheryl, you remember what we do during this don't ya?

Chad: Hey!

Cheryl: Hello, and yes we remember.

Supergirl406: Well it's gonna be the same way except I wanna ask you a few questions first. Is that okay?

Chad: That's cool.

Supergirl406: Great well. I wanted to ask. Are you two the only voices? Or are there more?

Cheryl: Oh there are a ton. Well not that many, under 100 but a lot.

Supergirl406: Than how come you two are the only ones that ever talk?

Chad: Well the easiest way to put it. Is that me and Cheryl were some of the first voices. We were the first ones Dick talked to at least.

Supergirl406: So your could say you two are kind of like the king and queen of the voice world.

Cheryl: Yah I guess you could say that. But we're 100% equal.

Supergirl406: Ok. So do you think we'll hear from any other voices.

Chad: It's definitely a possibility. There are some voices who are just as strong, you could say, as us. But they only talk when spoken to or are needed. Like some voices are better during certain moments. Like I'm more of a friend to Dick, where Cheryl is like a mother. There are ones for when Blood was living all alone for the first time and was still figuring everything out. That was before he became an assassin. And ones for when He is sad, or depressed. Which is normally Cheryl but some other voices help too sometimes.

Cheryl: Yah that was really well said Chad.

Chad: Thank you

Supergirl406: That was really helpful. Thank you. Hmmm, I can't really think. Do you guys have anything you wanna say to the reader? Or you wanna say how you feel about the mountain so far? ( in the comments if you have questions for Chad, Cheryl, Blood, myself or anyone else on the team put them in the questions. I'll put them in the next A/N and I'll use your user name. )

Chad: Ehh, it's okay. It's definitely more food than Dicks had in these 5 years. He barely ate for the first year. In the alley there was a dumpster and that where he got most of the food from at first. Before he became an assassin.

Cheryl: yah that was gross

Chad: yah. But for the second half of the years he actually was with Deathstroke. That's where he learned how to fight primarily. But after he beat him to a pulp and escaped he used his acrobatics plus what he learned to kill Zucco. That was his first kill. People started asking him to kill for them after he did Zucco's so nicely. Then he ate about 4 meals a week. He was very spacious with his meals.

Supergirl406: So that's how Blood learned to fight. I had been thinking about that for a while. I actually have another question. What big villains fear him?

Cheryl: Well not that many. Most, pretty much all smart, low life's fear him. But big villains, Deathstroke because Blood actually defeated him. Umm and the Joker does, he's insane but is smart enough to fear him. And Zuccos dead so yah. That's pretty much it. But most know not to underestimate him.

Supergirl406: Okey Doki! That's all the questions I have. Cheryl would you like to say anything? About the mountain or the team. Or anything in general?

Cheryl: Well I do like the mountain. I may be a crazy head voice but I know it's not very good for Dick to talk to us instead of actual people. So him being around actual humans is good for him.
*Chad snickers* oh shut up Chad. But yah. That's pretty much it.

Supergirl406: Ok than! This was very helpful in my opinion. I'm glad I got to talk to you guys. You guys are a lot more civilized then Dick was when I talked to him. Well thanks for talking with me. I'll definitely come back to you more often when I or the reader have questions.

Chad: Cool! Bye Everyone

Cheryl: Bye.

Supergirl406: Bye Chad. Bye Cheryl. Now that they're gone this is just for you guys the readers 🙃

So again if you have questions about anyone in the story or for me put them in the comments or message me. I don't care how far in the future it is always ask questions, they help ya learn 😊😂. Even if you think they are ridiculously dumb ask them. Because they may help me think about a part in the story that I can add or improve. But I hope this A/N filled in a few holes in the story. Like how Blood learned to fight, and when he became an assassin. If you wanna see Blood as his new teammates do something, anything, suggest it. Okey Doki. I think that's all I wanted to say. So thanks everyone for reading this!

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