Chapter 16

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About 2 hours after the team got back to the mountain Dick woke up. Only Batman was in the room and greeted him.

"Hello Dick." Batman says kindly. Dick sent him a death glare.

"Why am I back here." He spats coldly. Yah it was pretty obvious he didn't want to be here. It's a good thing they handcuffed him to the bed, or he would've already attacked the bat.

"Look Dick, I know Chad and Cheryl won't talk to you. But you have a new family now. I know it's sad, but I will miss you if you leave." Batman said like a father. It was way no one had ever talked to Dick since his father. The voice made him want a hug, to wrap around someone safe. He could feel tears in his eyes for the second time that day.

"What's wrong?" Batman asked the avian. He had no clue why the boy had randomly started crying.

"No ones ever talked to me like that since my father." Dick admits. He knew he was crying but there were already so many emotions that couldn't be bottled up anymore.

Batman understood what the boy meant. No one had ever talked to him with a sense of caring. The boy thought no one cared about him. Now if anyone else was in the room Batman wouldn't have done this. But no one else was in the room. He stood up and walked toward Dick. And wrapped his arms around him. Dick was at first surprised by the gesture. But gladly accepted it. He cried onto the older. If his hands weren't handcuffed he would've wrapped his arms around the man too.

After what felt like an eternity, but a good eternity. Batman let go. Dick looked sad about the loss of contact but was glad he got a hug.

"You know Dick that night at the circus I was there. I actually wanted to adopt you after the event because it reminded me of myself. I knew you would need someone to lean on. But when you ran away I looked for you for a year. Even had the league to help me search. After the year I couldn't get an ounce of evidence. So I eventually stowed it away until I found something." The information was on a whole other level to Dick but the Bat wasn't finished, he took a breathe and continued. "What I'm trying to say is that I'd like you to come live with me and Id like to adopt you."

Batman finally said what he wanted to say, ever since they found out Blood was Dick Grayson. Dick sat dumbfounded though. Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, wanted him. Why would he want him. He knows I'm an assassin. He sounded so sincere like he had been planning it.

"You know you don't have to if you don't want to. You can always live here - " Batman's rambling was cut off by Dick.

"Yes." He said in a quiet voice. As if not sure how the older would react to the answer. Batman looked at the younger to see if his ears were deceiving him. "Yes." Dick said more certain. The boy smiled for the first time that day. So did Batman.

Batman again came to the boy. He first undid his cuffs before taking him into another hug. Dick wrapped his arms around the Caped Crusader. It was the best hug Batman had ever had, aside from Alfred's.

"So are you better know?" Batman asked Dick.

"Yah I'm good." Dick smiled, "Thank You."

"No problem bud."

Dick sat up. "So where's the rest of the team?"

"They're all in the living room." Batman answered. Dick nodded and stood up. He walked to where his friends were.

They turned towards him when he entered. The youngest hero took a breathe before speaking. "Look I'm sorry for yelling at you guys. I was just really mad and sad. Can we just hug it out or something?" The other heroes blinked in confusion. Had the hardcore, solo, Dick Grayson just asked for a hug? The young boy stood staring at his hands awkwardly.

"I mean if your still mad at me I - " he was cut off by a large group hug with him in the middle. He smiled before wrapping his arms around anyone his arms could reach.

"We're not mad Dick, we get it." Wally whispers. Wally and M'gann, the two who were being squeezed by Dick liked his hug to. It was definitely the best they had ever had. After about 3 minutes they let go. Each of them happy.

"So are you ok now?" Kaldur asked the young boy. He nodded his response.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Dick chirped. All the other heroes shrugged and went towards the couch.

"What should we watch?" Artemis questioned.

"Well I heard there a new horror movie called the nun." Dick suggested. Everyone quickly shook their head. Last time they watched horror movies with Dick he laughed at ever death while they all cowered in fear.

"How about Christopher Robin?" M'gann suggested. Everyone nodded that would be a good movie to watch. So they all sat down on the couch. They put on the movie and didn't think about the events of the day.

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