Chapter 17

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Normal POV

"Team please meet in the mission room." Batman commanded. Everything was back to normal, or at least teen superhero normal. The team stood up from where they had been talking on the couch, and went to where they had been called.

"Team you have a simple mission. Some shady people have been spotted in (insert some area). You are to go there and investigate." Batman explained. The team nodded and left the room.

They put on their suits and went to the ship. Just like they did for any other mission. But oh, how this mission was going to be such a surprise.

"I seriously don't understand how Dough Frisbees are called pancakes." Dick said. He was in his old uniform but instead of a red utility belt it was yellow, and his mask was black and white instead of red around the edges.

"That's what they're called. We didn't make the name." Wally shrugged. They had finally told Dick the proper name for pancakes. He was still super shocked.

"Dough Frisbees is a cooler name . . ." The younger huffed. The team made more meaningless small talk during the ride. They're destination was pretty far, even they were in an alien spaceship.

After a couple of hours of stupid conversation, and useless bickering they arrived. The place was pretty vacant. No homes hardly any buildings. A few warehouses was what took up most of the space.

"Everyone remember the plan?" Aqualad asked his teammates through the mind-link.

"Yes sir. Look out for baddies and try to stay quite." Wally faked a salute. Which got a chuckle from Artemis and Dick.

Everyone split up and searched. They only things in the area were trees and warehouses. There was one tall building, but it looks ok the brink of collapsing.

They had been searching for around 20 minutes when a large explosion caught their attention. It was on the other side from where they were, so they sprinted toward it. It was merely one of the warehouses. No one was inside it, which was confirmed by M'gann and Superboy. But that didn't mean someone wasn't in front.

"Hello young heroes." The unknown man said. The voice was familiar to Dick, but he couldn't place it.

"Who are you?" Aqualad yelled at the unknown. His voice strong, without an ounce of fear.

"Oh your little bird knows." Was the man's reply. The other teens turned towards Dick waiting for an answer. He only shrugged he couldn't figure out who he was.

The silhouette of the man came closer. But the fire made it impossible to identify him.

"Aww little bird you still can't figure out who I am, can you?" The man let out a dark and twisted chuckle. Dick had heard that before he knew he had. But it couldn't be him . . . . it just couldn't be.

"Well I guess I'll make my grand appearance now then. For I have a plan involving the young avian. And just for a bit of dramatic flare I'll let you in on a little secret." The man was closer to them. But he still couldn't be seen clearly. A few more feet and they would be able to see is face.

"Who. Are. You!" Dick yelled. He had a fair idea of who he was, but it couldn't be him. Could it?

"You'll find out in a moment. My plan is very important to me. I have been watching the bird ever since that night long ago. This plan is so important to me," The man took a few more steps so he was finally visible. "That I came back from the dead to finish it."

The team, besides Dick, stood dumbfounded. While Dick just stumbled back, out of pure fear.

"No, no, you can't, no. You - you I killed you. Your dead. No no no." Dick had his hands to his head, trying to wrap his mostly broken mind around the situation. He tripped on his feet, and fell on his butt. The other teens turned towards him to see how he'd react to this.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, my little birdie. It is I. Your not so friendly, neighborhood, Zucco." The man was within harms length of Dick when he uttered those words. The team had to leave and inform the league. They didn't know what else to do. So when Zucco took a step closer, Wally ran to Dick picking up the shaking boy. The other teens ran following them back to the ship. The supposedly dead killer left in the dust did not follow them.

They arrived in the ship, each with an expression of shock.

"That was . . ." M'gann trailed off. Each of the older teens had their eyes glued to their youngest friend. This information would mainly affect him. His face was ghost white, his breathing ragged. Beads of sweat rolled down his face. He looks to be having a panic attack.

"Tony Zucco." Dick breathed out. His hands still pressed to the temples of his head.

"Friend you should try and calm down." Aqualad attempted to calm the ex-assassin. If he continued like this he'd pass out. But it was useless. All Dick could hear were the murders words ringing through his head. "That I came back from the Dead to finish it." And, "Yes Yes Yes I am you not so friendly, neighborhood, Zucco." After a minute or so the lack of oxygen, and pure terror got to Dick. His body just could handle it. So he passed out. The last words to leave his lips.

"He's alive, Tony Zucco's Alive."

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