Chapter 18

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The team walked into the mountain, carrying an unconscious Dick. What could cause the ex-assassin to panic so much they pass out from shock and fear? Well only the dramatic return of Tony Zucco. But how is the supposedly dead man alive? Let me explain.

A Blast from the Past

Around 4 years ago. A small bird crept up to his parents killer. He had recently escaped the clutches of the evil Deathstroke and was ready to kill the man that ruined his life.

"Dickie do you really think you should kill him?" The motherly voice of Cheryl rang through the assassins head.

"Yes Cheryl. I need to kill him. He killed my parents. He needs to pay." Blood replied coldly.

Oh he was so ready. He had defeated his evil master after half of year of pure pain and suffering. The poor boy was already broken but that extra push from Deathstroke is just what he needed.

From doing a little bit of work. Which included hacking into the JL mainframe. He had found where Zucco would be and when. That was all he needed. He grabbed his best weapons and left his alley.

Zucco would be in a ware house for a drug deal. He could easily of covered it up to look like the deal went south. But he wanted the world to know that he had killed him. No he didn't have a villain name and no he wasn't planning on becoming a payed assassin. But he wanted people to know that Zucco was killed for a reason besides something idiotic.

The nameless assassin crept on top of the warehouse. He was thinking about a cool little signature. He checked his surrounding and though he saw the outline of Batman. But it was gone as quickly as it came.

Dick soundless made his way inside the building. He watched as Zucco shot the man who he was making a deal with. Great that made it easier for Dick. No witnesses. Once Zucco had put his gun away Dick decided to make his presence known.

     "You know it affects others when you kill." Dick said lowly. He was out of Zucco's line of site, and made his words echo through out the warehouse. The new voice startled Zucco, but he did not flee.

     Dick dropped down from his hiding spot and stood in front of Zucco.

     "You gotta watch who you ya kill. It may just end up making another assassin." Dick let a dark smirk grace his face. Zucco was pretty freaked out at this point, but didn't think this little 9-year-old could harm him.

     Dick got closer to the man, close enough so he could whisper. "Do you remember the Flying Grayson's." Dicks smile got bigger.

     Zucco nodded his, "Uhhhh, yeah." His voice as shaky this kid was creepy.

     "Well you killed my Mom and Dad, and I'm gonna kill you." Dick whispered before backflipping away. He drew a katana he stole from his prior mentor. Before Zucco could even make a move for his gun, Dick flipped over him. He made 2 long, deep cuts through Zucco's back. He would have a slow and painful death.

     Dick put his hand to his chin in thought. Then came up with the perfect signature. He stuck his hands in the blood and drew a pair of wings. "He took away their wings so I'll give him a pair." After the deed was done. Dick let out a laugh of triumph. Who wouldn't?

     Dick left the seen. Unknown to him. Batman had been there. He was planning on putting Tony in jail. He hadn't heard a word of what the boy had said but watched him as he killed the bigger with ease. 

     Batman called the police to inform them of a potential new assassin.

     But that didn't explain how Zucco came back to life did it? No it did not. So how did this cruel man escape the clutches of death. Well it happened a few days after the incident.

     Tony's body was in the Morgue. Awaiting be buried or cremated. But instead of a peaceful ending, the Zucco brothers decided to steal the body. ( I truly don't know if Zucco has brother but for the point of the story he has 2 )

     The 2 had made an unlikely deal Ra's Ah Guhl. Ra's agreed to bring back their brothers if they were forever in his debt. They knew if Zucco was brought back to life he'd be hell bent on getting revenge on the young acrobat. So they agreed. Normally Tony made all the decisions so working for Ra's wouldn't be to awful.

     They dropped the body into the Lazarus pit. And out came the ruthless killer which is Tony Zucco.

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