Chapter 19

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"So Zucco's Back." Batman confirmed. The team had just told him what they had learned. Dick was asleep in his room, having your family killer who was supposedly dead. Come back from the dead and tell you he has a plan for you, takes a tole on ones body.

"How did Dick handle it?" Batman asked.

"Not well. He panicked and was mashing up his words. He couldn't get a grip on what just happened and had a panic attack. He is currently asleep in his room. How he's going to be when he wakes up I am not sure." Aqualad answered the older hero.

What were they going to do? Dick was freaking out, Batman was confused. It was a really topsy turvy day.

      "Did Zucco say anything important?" Batman asked.

     "Yah he said he had plans for Dick. 'Something so important he came back from the dead to finish it." Wally imitated the Killer.

     What could Batman do with that information? Why was all the happening to Dick. Why couldn't things just be normal for the team? Well for one it'd be boring, but heroes need a break too. Seemed like Dick couldn't catch a break either. He was an assassin. Then he came to the team which he thought was awful at first. Then they found out his identify making him have a psycho break down. Then his head voices went away making him sad and run away. Then things started getting better, he was getting along with the team. Batman asked him to live with him things were finally going to be good. BUT NOOOOO, Zucco has to come back and spoil their lives! Superhero luck I guess.

     "Whatcha guys talkin' about?" Came a young voice. It was Dick standing by the doorway. He looked awful. Eyes red and puffy, cheeks flushed. People would think awful was an exaggeration, but right now. It really wasn't.

     "About earlier." Batman said calmly. He knew Zucco's return would affect Dick the most, but he was the Big Bad Batman, has wasn't supposed to keep info to spare ones feelings. But he did feel bad for the kid he literally just adopted.

     Dick nodded, "Seems like the hot new topic." He walked into the kitchen grabbed and apple and sat down where the rest were talking.

     "Do you have any idea what he might want with you?" Artemis asked Dick once he sat down.

     "Not a diddly darn clue. He probably just wants revenged for killing him. Blah Blah Blah, 'I will be back' crap." He answered taking a bite of his apple.

     "Then we'll protect you. Make sure Zucco never sees your face again." Wally declared. Dick just snickered.

     "Nice try kiddy League. I like you guys and all but I'm not putting my life in your hands. If I killed him when I was 9 I can most certainly do it again." Dick's eyes sparked with something that looked like revenge, and mischief. His creepy assassin smile making its way to his face. He hadn't looked like this since the day they got him. He was definitely going to try and kill Zucco . . . again.

     The team couldn't let him do that. He was so focused on killing when he got here, it was like he craved it. Like he needed to feel the blood run on his finger tips. Maybe that was true. Maybe he enjoyed the metallic stench of blood. The sticky way it felt. Maybe he enjoyed watching the life drain from ones eyes. He was insane it wouldn't be to far fetched. It was like Dick's strange addiction, killing people. They had finally kept him clean, ridded him of it. But one more kill could send him spiraling, sending him back to it. All it took was one little drink to make an ex-alcoholic crave the liquor again. They could not let that happen.

     "Are you planning on killing him?" Kaldur asked the youngest hero.

     "Why not? It not like he can go to jail. He came back from the dead! What are you supposed to tell the police? Hey this killer came back from the dead, but we caught him. Can ya put in a cell for me?" Dick mocked. He did make a good point. When they caught him what were they going to do with him?

     "We cannot kill him, hero's code. We'll just have to find a place to put him." Wally spoke. Dick rolled his eyes at hero's code. He remembered he hit his first hero lecture.


     The team had a hostage situation. Robbers were robbing a bank, obviously. There were 4 hostages. The criminals said if any hero stepped inside they'd kill the people.

     Now Dick heard this but didn't care. So what a few people died, more food for everyone else. So he sprinted in and took the robbers down. But not before 3 of the 4 hostages could be shot and killed.

     Dick was scolded and yelled at by the team about what he had done. He remember every word, sort of.

     "Dick what the heck man!" Wally shouted at his friend.

     "Took down the robbers." Dick answered nonchalantly.

     "But the people, you got them killed!" Wally countered. Dick made a 'so what' face and shrugged. "Dude you gotta think about the people."

     "Why?" Was Dicks addition to the conversations.

     "Because that's the hero's code. No killing. All Justice. Save the people first, then deal with the bad guys." Wally said like it was obviously. "It's common sense dude."

     "Ok yeesh. Uhhh people first I get it. I don't know why that's your code but ok ok." Dick surrendered.

     "You know your gonna get punished by Batman right?" Dick paled at that comment.

     "Punished!" Dick said shakily and quiet, eyes popped and full of fear. Getting punished was no where near fun. It's was disastrous, heavy on the dis. Dick was pale and scared. Wally noticed and quickly noticed his mistake.

     "No not like that dude it ok!" Wally put his hands in his friend's shoulders trying to calm him. "Just like no Netflix for a while or something."

     Dick visibly relaxed. But no Netflix was equally as bad. And a new season of one of his shows was supposed to come out any day not, come on. Dick pushed it aside and walked to the nearest Zeta tube and went back to the mountain. He got the same hero speech from Batman just waaaayyyyy more drawn drawn out. And he got Netflix taken away for a week.


     "Can't we forget the stupid code for this situation?" Dick said in a 'come on guys' voice. Everyone looked towards him, giving him the answer. "Ok geez." He put his hands up as a sign of surrender.

     "So what are we to do?" Wally leaned back into the couch.

     "For not we watch Dick's back. And watch out for any suspicious activity that could lead us to Zucco and what he's planning." Batman informed. They all nodded in agreement. Dick had a separate plan for Zucco but that didn't need to be said aloud. For now he'd look for Zucco with the team, and kill him when they weren't looking.

Why did I put that pic in?  Because that's how I feel currently. Trying to figure out how I'm making the next few chapter. After this Chapter is the Special Voices backstory. ( important info and some foreshadowing *wink* ) Okey Doki Thanks.

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