Chapter 28

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Dicks POV
Unknown Location
Day 14?

     Wow. I think it's been 2 weeks. Truly I don't know. I don't really care either. All I know is that I'm tired and in pain. You know if I wasn't already insane, I'd be going insane. Is it possible to become insane-r?

     But that's not important. I just want I see my team. I wanna see Bruce and my new brothers. I wanna see that tip-top Butler too. Heck, I wanna see a cloud. Anything but this stupid cell and Zucco.

     But when do things ever go my way. Why can't my life ever be whelmed? I haven't had a good sleep in 2 weeks. The only time I do somewhat sleep is when I pass out. And passing out and sleep ain't the same.

     That's when the door creaked open. Zucco stumbled in, he had a light blush on his face. "Drunk again. . ." I think. But Zucco walked over to me, and slaps me. That's all, just one good slap.

     "Why can't you just snap boy?" He speaks extremely slurred. "You know your worthless, and trash. You know your nothing but a killer. You tried the hero gig, but that's not your calling. You love the feeling of blood on your little fingers." Zucco stopped talking and looked at my fingers. He then burst out laughing, grabbing my fingers and playing with them. He was sort of tickling my hand and I could hold back my laugh.

     Zucco looked up at me, his drunk face showing and expression of realization. He then. . . He then stared tickling me. I burst out laughing, I couldn't help it. My kidnapper, my family's killer, was tickling me. And I was laughing uncontrollably.

     Why can't my life be normal?

Normal POV
At the mountain

     "IVE GOT SOMETHING!" Tim yelled. Everyone was in the mountain, just looking and searching for anything. Everyone looked towards Tim.

     "It's not much. But yesterday someone saw a dark figure go into a warehouse like thing. It's just outside of Gotham." Everyone was ecstatic! They had found something! Finally found something!

     Everyone rushed to get on the suits , then hopped in the bio-ship or batmobile. Everyone ready to save their little brother. They just hoped they weren't to late. . .


The conjoined teams landed after a short period of time. Everyone ready to fight like the world depended on it. And it sort of did, Dick was part of their world.

     The heroes split into two teams. Half of the YJ team with half of the JL team. Team 1 was the largest. Including, Batman, the three batboys, Superboy, M'gann, KF, Supeman, Flash, and Aquaman. And team 2 was Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Wonderwoman, Aqualad, Artemis, and Green Arrow. The Plan was foolproof, they go in, fight, win. True it wasn't the most thought out plan (because the author is lazy) but it would work. It had too.

     "Team 1 are you in position?" Batman asked over the intercoms. Team 1 was to wait for team 2 to go in. Then once the fight began team 1 would go and search for Dick.

     "In position." Black Canary answered. They were gonna get their bird back. Batman sent a signal to his team. They stood up and crept into the warehouse.

     "M'gann mind link." Batman commanded. M'gann nodded and set to work.

     "Mind link established." Everyone said their here's and they got ready for the fight. They came up to the front garage looking door, then broke it down. Once the smoke and dust cleared everyone got a good look at what was inside. There were lots, and lots, and LOTS, of people waiting to fight them.

     Hell broke lose. Fist were thrown, kicks were flying, and the right team was beginning to win. That's where team 1 crept in.

- Team 1s POV -

     "J'ohn establish mind link." Black Canary said before they entered the warehouse. Martian Manhunters eyes turned a bright green and the link was established.

     "Everyone ready?" Black Canary asks, several 'yeses' followed. So they too went into action.

     Find Dick. That was their only priority. They were to sneak past the fight scene and search. Lucky for them the warehouse wasn't abnormally large so they should find him fast.

     "J'ohn Aqualad you search the West. Wonder women and Artemis, the East. Green Arrow and I will search the north." Black Canary commanded once more. Everyone was ready so they split up and searched.

-One More Time Skip-

     "WE FOUND HIM!" Artemis yelled through the mind-link. They hadn't been seen yet and they were gonna wait to rescue Dick, just in case it was a trap.

     In what felt like a heartbeat the rest of team 1 was at their location. Dick was lying in the ground, spread out like a starfish, just staring at the ceiling. No one else was in the room so the crept in.

     "Hey!" Artemis whisper yelled, trying to get Dicks attention. Dick acknowledged it, but didn't look around for where it came from.

     "Hey!" Green Arrow said a bit louder, Dick did the same thing as before. Team 1 looked amongst each other then went to grab the kid.

     When they got within his sight range, Dick looked right past them. Like they weren't even there.

Dicks POV

     "Hey!" I heard a whisper yell. These stupid voices came back, and they weren't like my voices. They were just random noises and the occasional words.

     "Hey!" I heard again. They really annoying. I heard the sound of footsteps. That wasn't uncommon. Then I saw half my teams and half of the JL, oh goodie another hallucination. It's best to just ignore them and they go away after a while.

     "Hey Dick come on. Were here to rescue you!" The one impersonating Green Arrow said. These had happened before. I got tortured real bad when Zucco heard me talking to them. So I ignored them once more and counted the cracks in the ceiling.

     The hallucinations then picked me up. Wait was that possible? I flicker of hope sparked inside me. Maybe I really was getting rescued! I didn't fight them picking me up. But I kept still and quiet in case this was just another exhaustion induced fever dream.

-Normal POV-

     Team 1 carried Dick right out of the door. He still hadn't moved or talked, which was worrying them. But they could fix him when they got to the mountain.

     When they got back to the main area of the warehouse, they saw that team 2 had taken out all the goons. And were anxiously waiting by the door. When team 1 stepped into their views every single one of them lit up. It dropped slightly when they saw Dick.

     Team 2 ran to them to get a better look at the bird. They got in his line of view, but his blank expression didn't change. He just stared upward.

     Then the door of the Warehouse slammed shut. And none other then Tony Zucco stepped out of the shadows.

     "We live seen you've found my little bird." Zucco said, an evil smirk plastered on his face. The teams looked towards him, if it weren't for their heroes code thing, Zucco would be dead. The way the glared at him, it looked like some of them were ready to break their no kill rule.

     "He was very fun to play with." Zucco continued. "I got to try a bunch of different tortured in him. And I have to agree with Joker, his scream is quite lovely. But, as one of the authors favorite bands would say, Let's Kill Tonight." With that Zucco pulled out a gun and aimed at Dick. It was a dumb move really, but Zucco wasn't the smartest villain in the world.

     "Ehh this is boring." Zucco said, then turned the gun on himself. He stuck it in his mouth and before anyone could register what was happening the trigger was pulled.

     Everyone (except Dick) watched him fall limp to the ground. It wasn't the first suicide they've seen, but the sight is always gruesome.

     "Let's go." Batman stated bluntly. Martian Manhunter levitated the body and buried it where no one would find. Zucco was already supposed to be dead anyway.

      They set Dick on a medical bed in the bio shop and flew home happy.


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