Chapter 29

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Normal POV

     Dick still hadn't said a word. The combined teams had already gotten back to the mountain. They set the bird in a medical bed and fixed him up. But he just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Unmoving, and unvocalized.

     "What could be wrong with him?" Artemis whispered. Everyone just shrugged. The only way to find out what had happened to him was for Dick to tell them. But that may never happen.

Dicks POV

     Either this is a really long hallucination, or I'm actually at the mountain.

      "Or are you . . ." A voice, seeming to come from the wind, spoke. I knew this wasn't real, but what if it is? What was real and what wasn't?

     I need to find out, and the only way to is to talk. So I took a deep breathe, and speak actual human words.

     "Is this real?" My voice is quiet and hoarse from not being used for anything but screaming. Everyone who was previously right outside my door came in. Each of them having heard me speak.

     "What'd you say Dickie?" Jason said to me. This was seaming more real then any of my other hallucination.

     "Is this real?" I asked again. They all looked at me sadly, which just confused me.

     "Yes Dick this, we are real." Wally said reassuringly. I was still uncertain, but some hallucinations even say they aren't real. So maybe I am home.

     "What did he do to you." M'gann whispered, her voice sounded like it was holding back tears. My brains so hazy from exhaustion, all I can say is,

     "A lot." Tears fall from a few of my friend's eyes. I can't blame them, I'd cry for me too.

     "Do you want to talk about it?" Black Canary asked soothingly. Truly I didn't even know if I did. I did want to, I wanted them to know. But it could make them feel worse, plus words are to hard to create. Even these thoughts were hard to conjure. So I simply stare at the ceiling again, completely confused and tired.

     "We'll leave you to rest." Batman states, pushing everyone out of the room. Do I sleep? What if this a trap? What if Zucco got another villain to make this hallucination somehow and is wanted me to fall asleep so he can do something to me? So I lay awake and wait for another night to pass.

(it's just a Time Skip brought to you by
one of my favorites songs) -

     It's around 2 am, as the clock says, and I'm still awake. That's when the door creaked open. I subconsciously scurried away from the door. Not even thinking. It was just Bruce though. He noticed me and started moving slowly.

     He took of his cowl and looked right at me. "Hey Dick." He said quietly, and quite soothingly. He slowly moved towards me. I was grateful he knew to move slow. "I didn't wake you did I?"

     I shook my head and mumbled, "I never went to sleep." Bruce's eyes changed when he heard me.

     "How come?" Bruce already had half an answer, but needed to hear what Dick had to say. I just looked away. Not knowing how to answer.

     "could be a trap." I said quietly. Bruce looked even sadder when I said that.

     "Dick your safe with us now. I don't know what Zucco did, but your back. We're really here and we're never gonna leave you." Bruce said lovingly.

     He put his hand in my hair. I flinched at the sudden touch, but relaxed as he ran his fingers through my dark hair. Bruce slowly climbed into the bed with me, his hand still on my head. He put my head to his chest and allowed me to listen to his heart beat. And we just sat there, enjoying each other's scent and warmth. After about 2 hours Bruce fell asleep. But I stayed awake all night.

- I WILL NOT KISS YOU KISS YOU KISS YOU (another time skip brought by
another awesome song) -

Normal POV

     Bruce woke up, only to see that Dick was also awake. "Had he slept?" He thought, Dick hadn't yet acknowledged Bruce's awakening and was still staring at the ceiling.

     "Morning." Bruce said, effectively gaining Dick's attention. Dick gave a small smile as his response. Batman slowly crawled off the small bed and went to find the others.

     Conveniently they were also at the mountain, they all wanted to talk to Dick. So when Batman walked out of the medbay, they all jumped up.

"How is he?" Wally asked, vibrating with anticipation.

"He's. ." Bruce, now Batman, struggled to find the right words. "He's not good. Yes his injuries are fine, but his mental health is not good. He didn't sleep, he told me 'it could be a trap.' It's clear he's still trying to figure out if this is real or not." Batman answered glumly. No one wanted to hear that, like, at all.

"May we go see him?" Kaldur said after a minute. Batman looked towards Black Canary, she was the one being the doctor. She nodded then Bruce spoke.

"Yes you can. But be careful, he flinched and crawled away when I opened the door. Don't move fast." Everyone nodded, then proceeded to half running to the door. The adults allowed the team and Dick's brothers to go in first. Not wanting to completely overwhelm the kid.

Inside MedBay - Normal POV

When the team opened the door and saw the boy flinch, they inwardly cringed. What had Zucco done to him? He was only there two weeks. And for one man to break an ex-assassin in 2 weeks, made their blood boil.

"Hey Dick." Wally said cheerfully, yet quiet. Dick looked towards him, a small smile on his face.

     "Hi." Dick said quietly in response.

     "Oh we missed you so much Dick!" M'gann cheered. Dick flinched at the increase in volume. So M'gann lowered her voice and apologized.

     "We never stopped lookin' for you." Jason added. Dick looked towards his older brother, feelings welling up in his chest. Some hallucinations told Dick that they were still looking. But a lot of them, plus Zucco, told him they'd given up. Sometimes Dick believed the ones that told him his fear. Most of the time he believed the one that told him his fear. Zucco couldn't hurt Dick verbally unless his words involved the team. And some of those words sunk in. But now, while he's hear, he believe that Zucco was wrong.

     "I-I missed you guys." Dick said after a while. It was a bit louder then all his previous wordings.

     "We missed you too, my friend." Kaldur smiled down at boy.

     "Hey Rob." Wally said quietly, sounding uncertain. "Can I, or we, hug you?"

     Everyone blinked at the questions. Was it a good idea? What if Dick panicked? What if they somehow hurt him? What if Zucco-

     Their thoughts were interrupted, by the avian. "Yes." Was his reply, he held a small reassuring smile to his face to add to his case. Everyone automatically lit up! They (slowly) rushes over to Dick and gently wrapped their arms around him. Everyone who was close felt him tense, but soon relax.

     When everyone stepped back, Dick absentmindedly fiddled with his hands. The team was aware he wanted to ask something, but he wouldn't speak.

     "Wanna get out of this stuffy room?" Artemis smirked, having an idea. She knew that Dick used to be an assassin, and assassins don't like be confined. And being tortured probably didn't help that. Dick nodded still looking at his hands.

     "Do you think you can walk Dick?" Tim spoke, he was aware of all his injuries. Dick looked skeptical, but carefully moved to step of the bed. Once both feet were on the ground, Dick's legs wobbled. When Dick almost fell, Wally ran to his side for support.

     "I got it, I got it." Dick said. Since when has Dick ever needed help.

     "Your not allowed to be stubborn." Wally smiled. Even when scared and broken, Dick was still Dick. So Wally slowly let go of the boy and watched him steady himself. But kept close in case he did fall.

    Dick looked towards the crutches that were in the corner of the room. Yes, he could walk with the cast on his legs. But extra support would be nice. So Wally, who saw the boy looking at them, ran to grab them. He readjusted them to fit Dick's small height, them gave them to him. Dick smiled and thanked him.

     Dick and Wally were the first to leave the room. Followed by everyone else. The group directed Dick to were the mentors were talking.

     When they entered the room, everyone's lit up. (Black Canary was also scared because the boy was out of bed so early) Everyone found a seat, and they all turned to the boy wonder. Batman was the first to speak,

     "Welcome home Dickie." Then the real feels party began. 



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