Chapter 8

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Normal POV - Morning ☀️

"Team please come to the meeting room." Batman's authoritative voice shook all the teens out of their dreams.

Most of them just shot awake, but unfortunately they had never scared Blood awake. He simply jumped into a fighting stance and punched the person closest to him. Which just happened to be Wally. He'd had his fair share of kidnapping so him and being startled awake weren't a good mission.

Wally clutches his now bleeding, and most likely broken nose. "DUDE! WHAT THE HECK!" He yelled.

"Oh oops." He took a deep breath and stood up straight. "I'm not good with being startled awake." That was all he said before walking towards the meeting room.

"Note to self: Do not scare Blood awake." Artemis said with a small chuckle at the speedsters misfortune. The others nodded and made their way to the meeting room.

Inside the meeting room stood the big bad bat himself. Awaiting the arrival of the other 5 teens.

"Good morning Team." He stated plainly. "I have a small mission for you. It's a simple Recon Mission-" the teens, besides Blood, snickered. When had a Recon Mission every stayed Recon. "It is a simple Recon mission. You are to receive information on a drug deal going down near the docks tonight." The 6 nodded and made their way to the garage.

Batman grabbed Blood by the shoulder before he could leave the room.

"What's up Batsy!" Blood laughed.

"This is your first mission Blood, please do not try and escape. Aqualad has a trigger for your collar if you do try to." Batman made his voice stern and serious to show he was not kidding.

"Ok ok yeesh Batsy," Blood put his hands up in a surrendering motion. "I'll stick with your kiddy league." With that he left the room.

Normal POV

     The 6 sat in the bio-ship while Aqualad explained what they would do.

     ". . . Kid Flash and Superboy do a perimeter sweep. Artemis, M'gann, Blood-Wing, and I will wait for them inside." Everyone was a bit skeptical about Blood coming on a mission. He was an ex- (maybe) assassin for one. And he mainly worked alone which could cause problems.

     "We shall try our best to stay quiet, but if a fight does break out watch each others backs." Aqualad finished.

     "How often do these 'recon' missions stay 'recon'?" Blood asked. The way they snickered when Batman said it, pretty much answered his question.

     "I'm not gonna lie, never." Wally deadpanned.

     "Well there was that time on that island . . Nope we ended up fighting there." M'gann tried.

     "Yah never." Artemis finished.

     "So I should be prepared for fighting." The others nodded. "Well I've been itching for a fight so let's get there already." Blood cracked his knuckles. A big creepy smile flooded his face.

     "Guys we should probably watch Blood during this fight, more than we already were." M'gann stated through the mind-link which excluded Blood.

     "Agreed." The others said.

     "We're here." M'gann said aloud while lowering the ship.

     "M'gann will please set up a mind link." Aqualad  added. Which actually meant 'can you add Blood to one we already had.' M'gann nodded and did so.

    "Okay all set up." The team expected Blood to clutch his head, like they did when they were first introduced to a mind link.

     "You are way to calm with us talking in your head." Wally spoke.

     "Voices already talk in my head. I wonder if you'll be able to hear Chad and Cheryl during this." The others looked at him oddly .

     "I already have to listen to Cheryl all day, now the kiddy league is here. Uhhh." Chad groaned. Surprisingly the league could here him. This mission was weird already.

     "Could you here him?" Blood asked aloud. The others nodded, jaws on the floor.

     "Hello team!" Cheryl chirped.

     "Uhhh, Hello Cheryl, Chad." M'gann was the first to address the voices.

     "Well uh, lets go - uh - do the mission." Wally forced out through the shock. He could hear Bloods crazy voices. That's something that happens every mission.

    The 6, plus 2 voices, left the Bio-Ship. Kid Flash and Superboy checked the surrounding building, before entering the one the team was in. Inside were ton of low level thugs. The battle would be easily won, but would take some time considering how many were inside.

     The mission almost stayed Recon. But Wally tripped while they were sneaking through the building. Which alerted every thug inside of their visitors.

     "Looks like we get to sidekick some sidekicks." A thug chuckled.

     "That wasn't even funny. Can you punch that guys extra just for how stupid that was." Chad said through the mind-link.

     "I was already gonna do that Chad." Blood responded.

     "Why is it that you always agree with Chad and not me." Cheryl pouted ( mentally I guess )

     "Because I always make the fun decisions. Where as you always wanna help people eww." Chad countered.

     "Sorry Cheryl but he's not wrong." Blood added.

     Cheryl was about to speak when Artemis decided to make the teams presence known. "You know we're still here and can hear everything."

     "Oh yah sorry. Chad, Cheryl stay quite please." Blood told his 'family'.

     "Ok." The two voices complied and didn't talk any further.

     The team jumped out of their hiding places and got into a fighting stance. Kaldur grabbed his water swords. Artemis grabbed her bow and drew and the string. Connor tighten his fists, and Wally got into a running position. M'gann got into a very defensive pose which startled the rest. And Blood just stood with slightly slumped shoulders, showing that he really didn't care for what was about to happen. He walked up to a thug with one hand hanging from his belt. And punched him in the face. That's when the fighting began.

—————————-TiMe sKiP——————————
Normal POV

     The fight took a while, but ended up with the Young Justice team being victorious. But they didn't walk out without a few bumps and bruises.

     Artemis has a few nasty cuts on her arms, not fatal but not very pleasant. Aqualad got punched one to many time. He was still conscious but near passing out. Wally got grazed by a few bullets, and got hit with one on his shoulder. Again not fatal, just not whelming. Blood got pretty beat up though. He may be an ex-assassin, but he was still human. He had a black eye and few bruises on his face. A few bad knife cuts on his arms. And had a slight limp from being kicked a bit hard in the leg.

     After tying up the baddies, and walking back to the ship they began to patch each other up. Everyone was pretty much fine except for the few injuries they sustained. They were all mainly concerned about Blood, he had taken the most punches.

     "Can you hand me that needle." Blood asked Connor who had just finished patching up Artemis.

     "Do you want one of us to do it?" Wally asked. He didn't really want Blood to do it himself, he looked like he was on the brink of passing out.

     "No I can do it myself." Blood responded with a small reassuring smile. He grabbed the needle and was about to start sewing.

     "You should really let one of us do it, my friend. Your hand are shaking." Kaldur countered. Blood's hands were shaking but that never stopped him before.

     "No. I said I could do it myself." Blood said, a bit more stern.

     "Dickie just let them help you." Cheryl pleaded. The mind-link has been terminated since the mission was over.

     "No don't. You don't need help you can do it yourself." Chad spoke. Blood of course agreed with Chad. He didn't need help. He could do things by himself.

     "Just give me the needle." Wally walked over to the boy with a serious demeanor. He stuck his hand out waiting for Blood to put the object in his hand.

     "Don't you take a hint? I. Do. Not. Need. Help." Blood was getting mad now.

     What Wally tried next was definitely a do not try at home move. I mean the other members thought it was a good idea. But with Blood it was a horrible mistake. Wally tried to forcibly grab the needle from Blood.

     Blood didn't like this at all. He grabbed Kid Flash's arm and flipped him over with a growl. Blood quickly grabbed the speedsters arm again and twisted it behind his back.

     "I said I don't want your help." Blood said low and dark. It sounded very close to an assassin's voice mixed with a snarl. He got off of the older's back and went to finish working on his arm. No one tried to help him again.

     "Wally are you okay?" M'gann asked, they had reset up the mind-link between everyone except Blood.

    "Yah I'm fine. He just hurt my arm a little. But he did it so it wouldn't hit that much." Wally slowly stood up.

     "We should probably tell Batman about this." Artemis added.

     "Yah it just proved the fact about how self-reliant he is. He won't even let someone help him. That may become a problem in the future." Aqualad added. The others agreed and left Blood to finish his work. They flew back to the mountain silently, thinking about what could've caused the child to be so self-reliant.


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