Chapter 9

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Normal POV - Back at the mountain

     The team had just gotten back to the mountain after their mission. Yes, the mission was won easily but they learned something important. Don't try and help Blood.

     After entering the mountain, Blood went back to his room. He wasn't really tired, but wanted to get away from anyone who breathed. Blood didn't like people to begin with. But Wally poked his buttons when he tried to help him after he told him not to. He even tried to say it nicely at first but they wouldn't listen. He really needed to do something to get rid of his anger, or he would kill someone.

     The rest of the team went to find Batman. They had notified him that they were near the mountain and to meet them there. Batman had told them about how self-reliant Blood would be, but they had not expected that.

     The met Batman in the meeting room. "Hello Team, how did the mission go?" He asked in his usual cold voice.

     "The mission was a success. It did not stay Recon unfortunately, but we won easily." Aqualad informed the Dark Knight, he nodded in response.

     "But we did learn something about Blood." Artemis said, throwing the new information out into the open.

     "You did? What did you learn."

     "Well at the warehouse where the deal was happening there were a ton of thugs. We won easy considering they were just low life thugs. But there were tons of them. Like a whole bunch. We got out mostly unharmed. I just got a shot in the shoulder, Artemis got a few cuts on her arm. Aqualad got punched a lot. But Blood got the worst of it. He got a bunch of cuts on his arms, and a Black eye. And he has a small limp from being kicked in the leg a bit to hard." Wally rambled. "But when we got back to the ship we tried to help stitch him up, because his hands were shaking. But he wouldn't let us. I eventually just tried to take the needle from him. Which was a really big mistake because he flipped me and got on my back and twisted my arm around. He let me go after a minute or so and went back to working on his arm. But what was important was that he got so mad when we tried to help him he looked like he was ready to kill us." Wally finally finished.

     "So you found out how self-reliant he was?" Batman confirmed. The teens nodded.

     "Well that may cause a problem in the future. If he won't anyone help him, he'll get himself killed."  Batman spoke, mainly to himself. It was true though. Blood was always gonna be in danger during a mission if he didn't allow anyone to help him.

     "Where is he now?" Batman asked. Drawing everyone out of their thoughts.

     "He went back to his room." M'gann answered. Batman nodded his thanks, before making his way there.

     When Batman got to Blood room, he was met with an odd sight. Blood had torn his mattress somehow and was ripping all the fluffing out. He looked extremely angry, which made him look more dangerous.

     The angry assassin turned his head towards the Caped Crusader. His lips pulled from his teeth in the form of a snarl, like a territorial animal. "What do you want Batman." He spat.

     Batman slowly made his way towards the boy, not sure how he would react to him walking into his room. "I just wanted to see how your first mission went." Batman responded, a bit soft as not to provoke the already mad child.

     "Well it went good. Not being sarcastic. We won and took down the dudes." Blood answered still pulling fluffing from the bed.

     "Then why do you seem so mad?"

     "Because your stupid kiddy league, did something they shouldn't have. I told them I didn't need help, but they wouldn't leave it alone. I eventually had to flip Wally to get them to shut up." Batman nodded his head as a sign he was listening.

     "And why are you taking it all out on the pillow?" The slight sarcasm that snuck into the the Dark Knights voice was a bit of a shock to both of them.

     "I needed something to hit, or I'd kill someone. I mean I wouldn't mind killing someone but I still want dough frisbees." Blood answered.

     "Well would you prefer a punching bag?" Batman asked. The bed was already demolished, but Blood still looked extremely angry.

     "Anything I can hit would be great. Or do you have any gymnastic equipment?" Batman looked at the teen with confusion. "Doing flips and stuff always calms me down. I know how to use everything from a balance beam to a trapeze set."

     "Yes we have some supplies." Batman made a mental note that he knew how to use a trapeze, and to install one if it helped him calm down. He got up and showed Blood to the gym. He walked over to the bars and stretched. He then jumped on and did multiple spins before gracefully flipping off. Batman quietly watched in awe at how graceful he was. Yes he was an assassin, but it looked like this kid used to do it for a living.

     After a good hour and 20 minutes of doing multiple gymnastic routines on the bars, rings, beam, and any other equipment they had. Plus punching 3 punching bags until they broke. Blood had cooled off enough to leave. The boy look a lot more content now, we'll more like he didn't want to kill anyone. But it was better than earlier.

     "Are you better now?" Batman asked the young hitman.

     "Yes much better." They walked back to Blood fluff filled room. Blood pushed all the fluff to one side of the room before heading to the showers. Batman left to go find the other members of the team.

     He found them in the living room sitting in the couch watching TV.

     "Team." That was all he needed to say to get their attention. They all turned towards him and waited for him to speak. "I advise not going to Bloods room. I talked to him and he was extremely mad about how you tried to help him. He went to gym to cool off, and is now in the showers, most likely going back to his room afterwards. He told me he was resisting the urge to kill anyone because he still wanted dough frisbees. So I believe you should bring him some of those, but just leave them at his door. I don't want you going there with him just being so mad." The other teens nodded and waited for the older hero to leave.

     "Should we make an apology note to go with the pancakes?" M'gann asked after Batman left.

     "He doesn't seem like the type of guy to like that stuff." Connor grunted.

     "Never hurts to try." Wally shrugged, as he sped to his rooms to get a pencil and paper.

     "I'll make the pancakes." M'gann flew off to the kitchen to get to work.

Normal POV

     Shortly after Wally finished the note, which was read and approved by Aqualad. M'gann finished the pancakes. Wally was the one who took the pancakes and set them by Bloods door. He knocked than sped back to living room.

     Blood opened his door to find no one there. Just a steaming plate of dough frisbees. He grabbed them and the note that was sitting by them.

     Hey Blood. The team and I are sorry for trying to help you. We know you said not to but you looked really bad. We promise not to try and help you unless you are 100% incapable of doing it yourself. Here are some dough frisbees as a sign of apology.   :)
                                                                          -Kid Flash

     Is what it read. Blood read it then enjoyed his delicious treat.

     "Well at least they apologized." Cheryl spoke.

     "Yah. And I got my reward from the mission."
Blood smiled. He didn't really care for the apology. He didn't hold grudges over petty things like that.

     "Well now they won't mess with you for the rest of the night." Chad added.

     "Yah. I'm just gonna go to sleep though. Fighting, then doing all that stuff in the gym took some energy."

     "Ok." Both voices responded. Blood finished he dough frisbees and set the plate on the dresser. He went over to his makeshift hole between the wall and the dresser and squeezed in.

     "Good night." Both voices said. Blood had already closed his eyes and went into a dreamless sleep.

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