Chapter 1: A rotten stench

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Just like people gradually rotting away, countries also eventually collapse. Even the Imperial Capital that prospered for a thousand years is corrupted and is now a living hell. Evil spirits from all the land, in the form of humans, run rampant as if everything was theirs... That evil which heaven cannot judge, we will snuff it out in the darkness... We are all in the assassination trade !*

Coachman: E- EARTH DRAGON !! I didn't know they came out in high-way like these ! RUUUN !! GYAAAAAAAAA !!

???: Saving people and getting myself known. Seems like I'll be able to do both ! First class risk species, Earth Dragon, huh... Nothing lacking of an opponent.


???: I see you're angry. But... It's over !

Coachman: A... Amazing... ! That was amazing, young boy ! You actually defeated a risk species single-handedly !

???: Fu... Well, obviously~ ! For me, something like that's a piece of cake !

Tatsumi: The name's Tatsumi, by the way ! This is the name of the man who'll become famous in the capital, so it'd behoove you to remember it !

Coachman: ... You... You want to make it big in the capital, too ?

Tatsumi: Yeah ! Get successful in the capital ! That's a country boy's fantasy ! ... hey, what's up ?

Coachman: The Imperial Capital... Is not the dreamy place you think it is. It's lively, but there are a lot of monsters more vicious than this Earth dragon.

Tatsumi: What's with that... Are you saying risk species appears in town or something ?

Coachman: People... They're people, but their hearts are monsters... It's full of guys like that.

Tatsumi: I'm grateful for the words of advice, but I can't be turning back now. I will... We will... Make money at the capital and save our village !

Tatsumi: Wooow ! Awesome ! So this is the capital~ ! If I get successful here, I could even buy the whole village. I've gotta get to the barracks right away.

*Hold on. Hold on hold on hold on. This isn't exactly what we're looking for, is it ? So let's jump forward an hour or two, right ?*

"... So this is the Imperial Capital... Man, even standing from all the way here, I can almost smell how rotten the center is... Also, are you really trying to pickpocket me while I'm not looking ?!"

???: A- Ah !

"I haven't even set foot in yet, what is this place ?!"

???: Hehe... Looks like I got caught red-handed~

"... In a few seconds, your face will also have a red mark on it."

???: Eh-


???: OW !! What the hell ?!

"Be glad you only got one. You wouldn't have found anything interesting on me anyways."

???: Gh... And here I thought I could trick another country bumpkin... My bad. The name's Leone, by the way !

"... You probably shouldn't be bragging about that sort of things."

Leone: That's fiiiiiine. You find guys like him everywhere around these parts. And oh man, was it fun toying with him. His gaze was so glued to my chest this entire time, he barely even noticed it when I emptied his sack.

"... ... Context, please."

Leone: He said he wanted to get into the army, so I tricked him just a bit that I'd give him the right connections. With compensation, of course.

"... Again, why are you telling me this ? You're not gonna try it on me, are you ?"

Leone: ... ... Nah. I have a good eye for people, I can see who's a country bumpkin and who's the real deal.

"... Not like you would've gotten a lot from me, money isn't something I bothered taking before coming here."

Leone: Why are you here then, big boy ? Looking for someone ?

"More like something. I made quite the long trip from the West to get here."

Leone: Is that so... Word of advice while you're here. Don't trust anyone who comes up to you with nice words right off the bat. In the capital, there's no such thing as free kindness. Especially from nobles.

"... I'll remember that. Also, keep your hands from my pockets, please."

Leone: Ah, you really have eyes on the back of your head, huh ? Oh, and just another thing... You should ditch the white cloak, it'll make you stand out waaaay too much.

"... That's kind of the point. You wouldn't understand."

Leone: Whatever, have fun searching for that "Something", big boy.

"Of course, I wouldn't get what I want right from the get-go... At least it feels like I got some valuable information out of all of this."

???: God dammit... I'm completely broke after paying for he food... There's no one who'd lie like that in my country-side. Shit.

"... ... ... Big-breasted blonde lady ?"

???: Huh ?

"She emptied your sacks while you were glued to her chest ?"

???: How do you know ?! Do you know her ?!

"She tried to pull out the same kind of stunts for me. She was right, you do look like a country-bumpkin."

???: Gh- What does that even means ?! Is everyone here like that ?! Is... Gah, whatever, it's no use crying over spilled milk. The name's Tatsumi.

"... Taoreta. But since that's a bit of a mouthful, people usually call me Tao."

Tatsumi: I can see why.

???: Stop the car, please. Do these poor souls not have a place to stay ? How unfortunate...

Guard: Again, my lady ?!

Lady: I can't help it ! That's my nature. Hey, did you two come from the countryside ?

Tatsumi: Mm ? Huh... yeah... ?

"Something like that, yes."

Lady: Well, if you don't have a place to stay, do you want to come to my house ?

Tatsumi: *Distrustful of all*

"Sadly, I don't think either of us have any money."

Tatsumi: You- !

Lady: Well, you wouldn't be sleeping here if you did.

Tatsumi: Uuuuuhhhhhhhh...

Guard: Lady Aria can't leave people like you alone. You should just accept her goodwill.

Aria: What do you want to do ?

Tatsumi: ... Well, it's better than sleeping outside...

Aria: Then it's settled~ !

"Hey, I haven't said anything yet-"

Aria: Come on, let's go !

Tatsumi: Whoaaa... ?!

"Can someone remind me when I said yes ?"

Father: Ahh, Aria brought someone in again...

Mother: What a habit. I wonder how many it's been now ?

Tatsumi: '... Those guards, they look really strong. I wonder if these noble can even be nice to some unknown guys like us because they have people like these... It seems in the capital they really are nice people like this !'

'... Don't trust anyone who comes up to you with nice words right off the bat. In the capital, there's no such thing as free kindness. Especially from nobles.'

Tatsumi: Thank you very much for bringing us in !

Aria: It's okay, it's okay~. Make yourself at home.

Mother: If we help people out, the happiness will eventually come back to us, right ?

Aria: Mom ! That's not the reason I'm doing it for !

Mother: Joking, joking.

"... Well then, I suppose we'll be in your care for a little while."

Tatsumi: Um, excuse me... There's also something I'd like to ask...

Father: I see, you want to become successful in the army to save your village...

Tatsumi: yes.

Aria: What a wonderful dream.

Father: But you know, it may be peaceful inside the imperial capital, but this country is surrounded on three sides by different races. You could be brought over to the borders to fight against them.

Tatsumi: i'm prepared for that.

Father: I see, that's a commendable spirit ! That's how the young should be

Aria: Did the two of you come from the same village together ?

"Not really. In fact, we just met each other in this city."

Tatsumi: And I wasn't supposed to be alone either. There were three of us...

Tatsumi: All right, we'll be on our way, chief !

Chief: Yes... You've been improving each other since you were young. Seize the chance to be successful with those skills.

Sayo: Leave it to us. We'll make the village wealthy. If we do that, we won't have to starve to death.

Ieyasu: Well, it'll take about 10 years for this Ieyasu-sama right here to get well-known.

Sayo: Ieyasu'll probably break the rules and get the guillotine.

Ieyasu: Sayo ! Why you!! Stop saying stuff that might actually happen !!

Sayo: If you're aware of it yourself, fix either your oversleeping or how you have no sense of direction !

Chief: You seem to have plenty of energy, at least... Well then, Tatsumi... It's my last parting gift. Take this with you.

Tatsumi: When the time comes, sell it, right ?

Chief: NO !! Keep this with you at all times. God will surely save you.

Tatsumi: ... yeah ! Thanks, chief ! Alright, we're off !

Tatsumi: So well, we left in high spirits, kind of like that... But after that, we got attacked by bandits and got separated.

Mother: Oh dear...

Tatsumi: Those guys are strong, so I'm not really worried. Just that Ieyasu is tremendously bad with directions, so I don't know if he can get to the capital where we're supposed to meet.

Father: I see ! I'll recommend you to an acquaintance in the military, and investigate those two as well !

Tatsumi: Th- Thank you so much !

Aria: My intuition's good, you know ? I think you'll see both of them before long.

Tatsumi: Aria-san...

Father: ... What about you, then ? Why did you come all the way to the capital ?

"Well, you see... I came here looking for something in particular. Something that made me travel all the way from the western country. And though I'm not even sure I'm gonna find it here, I still plan on spending at least a few months here looking."

Father: It must be something really important for you, if you're from that far away.

"I'll scour through the entire continent if I have to in order to find it."

Mother: What an admirable dedication...

Tatsumi: Umm... is there anything we can help with while we're here ?

Aria: Oh ! Then by my bodyguards tomorrow with the others !

"... It's true it'd feel less like we're just freeloaders... And I don't like owning debts to anyone."

Father: That's good. Gauri, I'll let you handle it.

Guard: ... Understood.

Tatsumi: Thank you for everything today !

Mother: We're all helping each other. You do something nice for someone else, too.

"Thank you very much. 'That was quite the unexpected development... But if I stay here for a while, something tells me I'll find what i'm here for faster than I expected.' "

Aria: we're going to that shop next !

Guards: My lady, please wait !!

Guard: ... It looks like we're guarding the fort this time... her shopping's amazing, isn't it ? The amount is just getting silly now. And it's not just limited to her, all girls are like that.

"Yeah... I know that sort of things..."

Tatsumi: Is that so ? The one I know picks what to wear right away.

Sayo: That's because I have nothing to wear !

Guard: Anyway, look up... Up there is the center of the capital, the Royal palace.

Tatsumi: Wooooo... Humongous ! Is that where the emperor who controls the country is ?

Guard: No... ... It's a little different... There's an emperor, but he's a child right now... The one that controls that emperor from the shadows... The prime Minister, is the ringleader that's rotting this country.

Tatsumi: Huh ?!

"You shouldn't make too much noise about that. Take one wrong step and your head'll start rolling. Even in the Western country, that minister's well-known for what he does... Or what he orders to be done."

Tatsumi: Th- Then... The reason my village is suffering from heavy taxes...

Guard: It's the capital's common sense... There are guys like that as well.

"... Night Raid ?"

Guard: It's the group of assassins that's rattling the whole capital. Just as their name implies, they conduct nocturnal attacks on their targets. They mainly target high-ranking or wealthy individuals in the capital. So you'd better prepare yourselves, just in case.

Tatsumi: Yes !

"... ... Prepared for all possibilities."

Guard: All of them ? Then... Go do something about that for now.

Aria: Hmm hm hmm~.

Tatsumi: H- Huge ! What kind of training is this ?!

Mother: Now then... Maybe I'll make a diary entry today as well. Fufu, I really can't stop this hobby of mine.

???: ... I'm sorry...

'... And here I thought I'd take a walk around since I couldn't sleep... But these guys "kindness" ended up being a blessing in disguise... I never expected to find what I was looking for so quickly.'

Tatsumi: H- Huh ?! What's this ?! Bloodthirst ?! Don't tell me, that's...

Tatsumi: Night Raid !! they're targeting this place as well, just because they're wealthy ?! What should I do... Where did Tao go ?!

Father: Guh... Ugh... H... Help me... I have... I have a daughter... !

???: Relax. You'll meet her soon where you're going.

Father: Even my daughter... Have you no mercy ?!

???: Mercy... ? No idea what that means.


"My, my, that was a good show. It's not every day you see something like that."

???: H- Huh ?!

"And speaking of seeing, I wasn't expecting to meet you again so soon... Leone, was it ?"

Leone: Wow... You must really have bad luck... or maybe it's good luck, who knows ?

"Trust me. I know the star i'm born under, and I know when I'm on a good streak. But speaking of bad luck... I met that guy you swindled the other day, he's here too."

Leone: Him too ?! I swear... How bad can it get... ?

"I think I heard him rushing after the daughter, screaming something about protecting her."

Leone: ... ... ... Haaaaaaaaaaaah...

"Hah. Here they are."

Leone: That's quite the unusual sight... Akame hasn't finished them off yet. And... yeah, that's definitely him. Just how unlucky can that lad get ?

Aria: T- TATSUMI !!

Tatsumi: ... ... ... Kh. You won't even let your guard down and approach me ?

Akame: I didn't feel it bite flesh.

Tatsumi: Heh heh... All thanks to that.

Tatsumi: The guys from the village protected me.

Leone: Hmmm... To think he'd still be living after facing off against Akame's katana. He's pretty good.

"You know, I'd rather have him stay alive, so maybe we should..."

Akame: Eliminate.

Tatsumi: Wah ! Wait a second !! You guys are after the money or something, right ? Please let this girl go ! We're not even on the battlefield, yet you're trying to kill this innocent girl ?!

Akame: ... ... ...

Tatsumi: 'It's no good... She's not listening to a word I say !!'

Leone: Hol' up for a second.

Akame: ... What're you doing ?

Leone: We still have time, right ? And I owe this young lad a favor. I wanted to pay you back.

Tatsumi: ... AH !! You're the boob... !! And Tao ?! What's going on ?!

Leone: Yep. The beautiful Onee-san from that time~. Young lad, you told us not to kill an innocent girl. But can you still say that after seeing what's in that warehouse ? Take a look, this is the darkness of the capital.

Tatsumi: Wh... WHAT... ? IS THIS... ?!

"They lure unidentified people who came from the countryside with their sweet words, then subject them to their hobby of torture and toy with them until they die. Welcome to the truth about the capital and this household."

Leone: You knew ?

"You said your eyes were good at telling people apart ? Well, I'm quite proud about my nose for that. They had a rotten stench around them all along."

Tatsumi: ... S... Sayo... ? Hey, Sayo... Sayo... !!

Leone: So there was someone you knew...

"... ... ... Hep hep hep, where do you think you're going, young lady ?"

Aria: EEP !

Tatsumi: ... The people of this house... They did it ?

Leone: That's right. The guards were keeping quiet about it so they're similarly guilty.

Aria: It... It's a lie !! I didn't know there was a place like this ! Are you going to believe me, the one that saved you, or these guys, Tatsumi ?!

"... The smell of lies."

???: Ta... Tsu... Mi... Tatsumi, right ? It's me...

Tatsumi: I... IEYASU ?!

Ieyasu: That girl... She invited Sayo and me... And after we ate, we lost consciousness... And we were here when we came to. Th- That girl... She tortured Sayo to death... !! Uh... Ughh...

"... I take we would've suffered the same fate as them..."


"... Blerg. I need to wash the hand that held her, I feel dirty."

Leone: A family of sadists that takes the guise of saints... Sorry for getting in your way, Akame.

Akame: Eliminate...

Tatsumi: Wait !

"Don't tell me you're trying to defend her again ?"

Tatsumi: No...

Tatsumi: I'll kill her myself.

Leone: ... Hmmmmm... 'She was hateful, but to kill her without hesitation...'

Ieyasu: Heheh... That's Tatsumi for you... That felt great... HURGH !!

Tatsumi: Wh- What's wrong, Ieyasu ?!

Akame: It's the last stage of "Lubora disease". The mistress here enjoyed putting people on drugs and writing how they were doing in a diary... He can' be saved anymore.

Ieyasu: ... Tatsumi... You know, Sayo... She didn't submit to that fucking girl, even to the very end... It was so cool... So for my death, this Ieyasu-sama here will also... Keep it real... ...

Akame: ... He was already in a state where he was hanging on by willpower alone...

Tatsumi: ... ... What's wrong with the capital... ?

"... I don't really know, what are we supposed to say in this kind of situations... ?"

Akame: let's go.

"Uhhh... A bit insensitive, much ?"

Leone: Hmm... Hey, why don't we bring them back with us ? Our hideout's always short-handed anyways. Plus, don't you think this one has luck and guts... And skill as well ?


Leone: Ah, I'll bring their bodies to the hideout later, so don't worry.

Tatsumi: WHAAAAT ?!

Akame: ... That one ?

Leone: Please, you should've learned to trust my eyes long ago.

Armor: So they're finally back.

Threads: It'd be bad if we don't retreat soon.

Tsundere: You're late !! What were you doing ?! ... Wait, what is that ?

Tatsumi: LEMME GO !!


Leone: New recruits.

Tatsumi: WHAT ?!

Leone: Huh ? Didn't I tell you ? Starting from today, you guys are like us ! Congrats on your inauguration to Night Raid !

Tatsumi: ... ... ... WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT ?!

Akame: Give it up. Leone won't listen once she gets started.

Leone: As expected of my bud, you know me well~.

"And besides... Now that we've seen you guys, you wouldn't just let us go, right ?"

Leone: That, too. Can't have you alive if you know our identities. I mean, you can try to run away. But please don't.

"Why would I... When you presented me what I wanted on a silver platter ?"

Leone: Hehe. Bulat ! I'll leave them to you !


Armor: It's okay. It'll get better soon.

Tatsumi: ... What will ?

Akame: Mission complete. Let's return !

Tatsumi: 'Wh- What's with this development ?! What's gonna happen from now on ?!'

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