Chapter : Night Raid: Shadow Legends

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 " ": You talking

' ': You talking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Sayo: We three swear than when we die, we die together !

Ieyasu: Yeah ! We're gonna get successful in the capital and earn money !

Tatsumi: We're gonna save our poor hometown !!

Tatsumi: ... And we even said stuff like that...

Tatsumi: It's just me now...



Leone: Don't keep sulking forever ! It's been three days since then. Have you made your decision to become a part of Night Raid ?

Tatsumi: Like I said, I- !!

Leone: I think you have talent for murder though~. Onee-san guarantees it~.

Tatsumi: ... I'm not wavering because of talent and such... Something like murder...

Leone: Well. At any rate, I'll show you around the hideout today ! By the way, this is in the mountains 10 Km north of the capital.

Tatsumi: Guh- Hey, my neck !! Is that even okay leaving it so open ?! Aren't you assassins for hire or something ?!

???: Huh ? You haven't made your decision to join yet ?

Leone: Yeah, Scheele. Shower him with some warm words for me.

Scheele: Hmm... In the first place, now that you know the location of our hideout, you'll be killed if you don't become one of us, you know ?

Tatsumi: That's so warm it's making me tear up...

Scheele: You should think it over more carefully.

Tatsumi: ...' So this really is a gathering of weirdos after all...'

???: HEEEEY !! Wait a second, Leone ! Why're you letting that guy into the hideout ?!

Leone: 'Cause he's one of us.

???: He isn't one of us yet, is he ? He hasn't gotten the boss' permission either !! At least take example on the other one and mind your business outside !!

???: Not qualified. It doesn't seem like he'll be able to work with professionals like us at all, from looking at his face !

Tatsumi: What ?! What was that, punk ?!

Leone: Don't worry about it, Mine's like that to everyone.

Mine: Hmph !

Leone: Speaking of, you talked about "The other one" ? Where did you see him ?

Mine: I'm not his babysitter ! But I made it clear to him he wasn't to set foot in the hideout ! So just look outside.

Leone: This is the stress-release area called the training grounds. And over there, the one who clearly looks like he reeks of sweat, is Bulat.


Tatsumi: 'A- Amazing... What spear-handling !'

Bulat: Phewwww. Ah. Hey, it's Leone ! And that boy is... One of the dudes from before !

Tatsumi: How do you know me ?

Bulat: Hm ? Was this your first time seeing me like this ? I'm the guy who was covered in armor the first time we met. It's Bulat, nice to meet you !

Tatsumi: Oh... Ahh !! H- Hi...

Leone: be careful, this guy's a homo.

Bulat: Hey, hey. he'd misunderstand, right ?

Tatsumi: 'Deny is for me, please !'

Bulat: So, you were looking for something ?

Leone: just showing around to the new guy. Speaking of new guys, have you seen the second one ? Uhhhh... Ah, what was his name...

Tatsumi: Tao.

Leone: That, yes. Seen him around ?

Bulat: if you're talking about the one with the white cloak, then yes. He swung by not too long ago, said he was going to take a stroll for a bit. I think he went toward the spring...

???: ... It's almost Leone's bathing time...

???: I won't think twice about the danger if it's to see those breasts !

Leone: Then how about I break two fingers ?


Leone: You never learn, Lubbock.

Lubbock: Fuck !! I can still go on !!

Leone: Then it's one arm next. And so, this idiot is Lubbock !

Lubbock: Wait... No, in fact, this is also good in and of itself !

Tatsumi: ... Still no trace of Tao, huh... ?

Lubbock: That asshole ?! Scared the crap outta me appearing outta nowhere like that ! OWOWOWOWOWOW HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO THE RIVERSIDE, LET GO OF MY ARM !!

Leone: The riverbed, huh...

Tatsumi: I've kind of had enough already...

Leone: Ahaha. It's a pretty girl next, so you can look forward to it. See, the one over there's Akame. isn't she cute ?

Tatsumi: ... ... 'HOW ?!'

Your POV:

"Oh hey Tatsumi. Followed the sway of her chest again I see."

Tatsumi: You... I was mourning and you know it ! Is that an evilbird you're eating ?! The voracious eater that destroy villages, super-high grade risk species evilbird ? Which of you killed it ?!

"Oh, she did. I just got lured here by the roasting aroma."

Leone: Akame may look like that, but she grew up in the wild.

Akame: You should eat too, Leone.

Leone: Oh, thanks.

Akame: ... ... Did you... become one of us ?

Tatsumi: No...

Akame: Then I still can't be giving this meat to you.

"What a shame. So going back at what I was saying, Evilbird is a nocturnal specie, so the best time to hunt one is near day-break, when they go back to their nest. You got lucky with this one, it was just a youngling who strayed away and got lost."

Akame: Hm- hm...

Tatsumi: 'I don't want any of this !! This girl... She even tried to kill me twice... I don't like her too much...'

Leone: But still, aren't you being extravagant today ?

Akame: the boss is back.

Boss: Yo.

Leone: Boss !! Welcome back, Boss. Do you have any souvenirs ?

Boss: Putting that aside, Leone. In the job three days ago... It seems you went over the operation time, eh ?

Leone: ... 'Not good !'


'That is so cool !!'

Boss: It's not good to enjoy fighting with a strong enemy too much... Do something to fix that habit of yours.

Leone: I got it, so stop that screeching sound !!

Boss: By the way, I've been meaning to ask that for a while, but who're these two ?

Leone: Oh ! That's right, boss ! I recommend these talented guys !

Tatsumi: Hey ! Stop doing that !

Boss: Do they show promise ?

Leone: They do.

"i didn't really do anything back there, though."

Leone: To not even blink in the face of these horrors is a proof of not only talent, but experience as well. Anyway, just give it a try !

Tatsumi: Is this a part-time job ?!

Akame: The wage is high, too.

"... Is this a part-time job ?"

Boss: ... Akame, gather everyone in the meeting room. I want to hear the results of the previous operation in detail, including about these two.

Boss: I see. I understand the situation completely. Tatsumi, Tao... Would you like to join Night Raid ?

Tatsumi: We're dead if we decline, right ?

Boss: No, that's not going to happen. But we can't let you go back, so we'll have you work as a laborer in our workshop. At any rate, you won't die even if you decline. Given that... What do you think ?

Tatsumi: ... ... I... was planning to go out to the capital and become successful to save my village, which is suffering from poverty... But even the Imperial capital's rotting !

Bulat: The countryside's poor and suffering because the center's rotten. Don't you want to uproot the source of the rot ? As a man !

Boss: Bulat was originally a skilled imperial soldier, but he learned of the empire's corruption and became one of us.

Bulat: After all, our work is to eliminate the evildoers in the capital. It's much better than working under those rotten people.

"... That's like trying to make a mountain budge with your bare hands, you know ? No matter how many of these you kill, they'll just get replaced by other rotten ones."

Boss: Then Night Raid fits you even more perfectly. Far south of the capital, there's the hideout of an anti-imperial force, the revolutionary army.

Tatsumi: Revolutionary... Army... ?

"... Even in the West, there's been rumors of something like that for a while..."

Boss: The revolutionary army, which started out small, had grown into a large-scale organization by now. Then, inevitably, a unit to handle covert jobs such as assassination and information gathering was created. That's us, Night Raid !

Boss: Right now we're exterminating the capital's ticks, but in the event that the army takes action, we'll take advantage of the confusion, and the prime Minister, who is the cause of the corruption... We will take him out ourselves !!

Tatsumi: Take out... The Prime Minister... ?!

"Well... I'd say the mountain analogy is even more fitting, given his... Width."

Boss: That's our goal. There are others, but I'll leave them for now. Although I can't say anything specific about when they'll rise to action, we've prepared a plan to win. When that time comes, this country will change for sure.

Tatsumi: ... Will that new country... treat the people well ?

Boss: Of course.

Tatsumi: I see. Awesome... So the killing you're doing now is just targeting bad guys to clean out the trash... IT'S WHAT THEY CALL ASSASSINS OF JUSTICE, ISN'T IT !!


Tatsumi: Wh- What is it ? What's so funny ?!

Leone: Tatsumi. No matter how you dress it up, what we're doing is murder.

Scheele: There's no way there's any justice in that.

Bulat: Every person here could receive their retribution and die at any moment.

Boss: Each person has his own reasons for fighting, but they're all prepared. Will your opinion still stay the same ?

Tatsumi: Will I get rewarded ?

Boss: Yeah. If you work properly, you'll be able to save a hometown or thereabout.

Tatsumi: Then I'll do it ! Let me into Night Raid ! If it's for a big goal like that, Sayo and Ieyasu would have done the same !

Mine: You might become unable to freely return to your village, though.

Tatsumi: That's fine. As long as everyone in the village can be happy through that.

Mine: ... Hmph.

Boss: It's decided. Welcome to the path of carnage, Tatsumi.

Leone: Half of it is done. All that's left is one easy answer that we both know will be affirmative.

Boss: Still, I have to hear it from your mouth. What will it be ?

"... Fu... Fufufu... Hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You guys... You really are a bunch of morons, are you not ?"

Mine: What ?!

"It never came to your mind that I was more than just meets the eye ? You even said that crap about some proof of experience, and you still merrily showed me your whole hideout, identity and weapons ? Had it occurred that I could be, I don't know, a spy from the empire ? Some infiltrated agent of a foreign power ?"

Leone: ... Are you ? After all, you did say Night Raid would bring you what you wanted on a silver platter...

"Cutter of Creation, Extase... Demon armor, Incursio... Infinite uses, Cross Tail... One cut Killer, Murasame... Roman Artillery, Pumpkin... The King of Beasts Transformation, Lionelle. Did I miss any ?"

Boss: ... We might have invited the enemy here. If you want to see another day, I'd say you weight your next words very carefully.

"There is no need to weight anything. 'Infiltrate the Imperial Capital, and seize all of the Teigus there'. Now, I don't think you'd be so kind as to hand them over so easily, would you ?"

Leone: Pfu... PFAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You've got balls ! I knew there was something special about you when I saw you !

Boss: ... Are you here to pick a fight with us ?

"If it goes down to that, maybe. But my goal is to take every Teigu in the empire. And so far, I've got my hands on at least half a dozen I found on my way from the West. But as things stand, there might be a few that could prove rather... difficult. And i'm sure you know which ones I'm referring to."

Bulat: Then we definitely can't let you go if you decline our invitation.

"Because you think you can keep me here by force ? Let's just say... All the fights between the empire and the revolutionary army will undoubtedly bring out many Teigus, ripe for me to harvest. So I'll... 'Cooperate' with you lot for the time being."

"After all, I've been on it for a few weeks already, so i'm not exactly in a rush. And since there's no specific order, I don't mind keeping you for last, once you've finished overthrowing the country."

Boss: ... You really went that far... Just to get your hands on the Teigus...

"That's my mission. There are others, but I'll leave them for now. And don't bother asking the why, who or what, none of that concerns you."

Boss: ... The Teigus you've already seized, or the ones you will seize... Would you agree putting them at the service of the revolutionary army ?

"... I wouldn't mind loaning out a few to you guys for some time."

Boss: ... Leone, please make some check-ups about that eye of yours you claim having for talent.

Leone: Hehehe...

Boss: Looks like you lured in someone waaaaay too dangerous for his own good. So... It's with open arms that we welcome you into Night Raid, Tao !

"Heh. You're making a deal with the devil there, I hope you know it."


Lubbock: INTRUDERS !! Najenda-san !

Najenda: What's their numbers and locations ?

Lubbock: According to the reactions from my barrier, it's probably 8 people ! They've all infiltrated close to the hideout !

Najenda: They're good. To sniff out this place means they're probably mercenaries of another country. There's no other way. It's an emergency sortie. Don't let any of them return alive.

Tatsumi: 'The atmosphere suddenly changed...'

Najenda: GO !!

Tatsumi: Eh... Ah... Huh ?

Najenda: What're you spacing out for ? It's your first battle, so go eliminate them.

Tatsumi: BULAT !!

Bulat: Hm ? Oh, Tatsumi ! Do you want to come with me ?

Tatsumi: Yes !

Bulat: Also, call me "Aniki" or "Handsome" !

Tatsumi: Okay, Aniki !

Bulat: All right ! Feels great !

"Wait for meeeeeeeeee !!"

Tatsumi: ... Where were you going ?

"I, uh... Followed the wrong one..."

Mine: Okay newbie, here's the thing ! I'm your senior here, so you do everything I tell you, understood ?!

"... ... I think something's trying to talk shit to me."

Mine: Gh... Are you looking down on me ?!

"Nah. I only look down when there's a stain on my shoes. Are you a stain on my shoes ?"


"Escaped with my life. Just barely."

Bulat: Well, let me show you something cool then. Stand back for a bit !

Tatsumi: Whooooa ! AWESOME !!

Bulat: Right ? This is the Teigu, Incursio.

Tatsumi: Right, you talked about these, right ? I don't really get it, but it's getting me pumped up !

Bulat: So you understand what's so good about this ! Alright... Now I will tell you your first job ! It's important, alright ?

Tatsumi: Y- Yeah !

"... Just a rabbit."

Tatsumi: Not exactly what I was expecting, to be Honest...

Bulat: Listen, if the enemy were to run away, there's a large possibility they'll come through here. Even slowing them down's okay. Just somehow fight back.

Tatsumi: What a total newbie role.

"I'd say they trust us in being the last resort of the plan. If they fail, it's up to us."

Tatsumi: if they fail... is the enemy really gonna come ?

Enemy: So they had even stationed someone here !

Tatsumi: We can't let you pass ! It's two-on-one !

Enemy... Okay, where's the two then ?

Tatsumi: Where is... hey, Tao ! Where'd you go ?!

Enemy: heh... Got ditched already ? That's too bad. But even though you're just a boy, I won't hold back !

Tatsumi: 'Damn it... I have to kill someone I have no resentment against on my my own... But if I hesitate here, I'll die.'

Mine: I wonder if these newbies died.

Scheele: I think it won't be a problem.

Mine: It's rare for you to evaluate someone, Scheele.

Scheele: Well, one fought Akame and survived, after all. And besides, according to Akame herself... he's a cluster of potential. If he keeps training, he has the capacity to become general-class...

Tatsumi: How's that... These... With Sayo and Ieyasu, the three of us... THESE ARE THE MOVES WE BUILT UP !!

Enemy: P- PLEASE !! I BEG OF YOU ! Let me go ! If I die, my village... !

Tatsumi: 'That guy's also fighting for his hometown ? But-'


Tatsumi: ... ... What ?

"As the cold wind of the Great Beyond blows on those fated to fall, the Death cloaked in snow, has come to collect its toll."

Tatsumi: T... Tao... What did you do ? What happened ?

"I just... gave him a quick and painless death, that's all."

Tatsumi: Where were you this whole time ?!

"I'm an assassin, Tatsumi. Not a warrior. One fight head-on, matching strength with strength, the other hides and wait to secure the kill. But since he was so focused on you, I had no problem going for it, so... Good job."

Tatsumi: I could've died !

"And I wouldn't care."

Tatsumi: ... ... What ?!

"Feelings are the worst enemy of an assassin. That's why there are only two things I care about whenever I'm fighting. First one being my mission, second being my own safety. Anything that doesn't benefit any of these is not worth fighting in my eyes."

Tatsumi: That's edgy. You mean you'd let us die if we became something in the way.

"I did tell I was just cooperating with them. And since their survival will tremendously help with my mission, you can bet I'd do what I can to keep them safe."

Tatsumi: ... You're softer than what you want us to believe, heh ?

"... I'm just some guy who has to kill lots of people... And you're too hesitant when it comes to sealing the killing blow."

Bulat: HIYA !! The enemy came running over here, right ?! Leave the rest to me !

"Tad too late, Aniki. it's already over."

Bulat: Huh ?

Najenda: Nice work on your fist battle, Tatsumi, Tao.

Tatsumi: Y- Yeah.

Najenda: Pff... "The death cloaked in snow has come to collect its toll" ? Seriously ?

"Hey, I thought a lot about it before coming up with that one. After all, if they come to fear me as the incarnation of death, they'll be more likely to bring out the strongest Teigus they have in store."

Najenda: I suppose. But looking at the report... There are also some things to be uneasy about. In order for you to survive, I see that you need someone to teach you a lot of things. You two will team up under Akame's orders and learn from her.

Tatsumi: WHAAAA ?!

Najenda: Got it Akame ?

Akame: Uh huh.

Tatsumi: 'Just like that ?!'

Najenda: You can cut them down if it seems they'll get in the way.

Akame: Uh huh. Got it.

"Ohohoh, ominous. Will it be time for the snow-cloaked death to make its first appearance ?"

Najenda: There's a good chance. Just do your best so you don't get killed !

Tatsumi: ...' We're going to... team up with this girl from now on ?!'

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