Chapter 3: Disarming the Ogre

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Sayo: If you want to have a high position in the military, we need to start by raising our on skills.

Ieyasu: By doing this, even if things get bad we'll be able to survive, somehow.

Tatsumi: 'Sayo... Ieyasu... I'm happy that I learned to cook. But...'

All: More !

Tatsumi: 'Thanks to that, I'm treated as nothing more than a cook !'

Tatsumi: Damn it ! I'm an assassin, yet all I do day after day is cook !

"We're newbies here. Newbies do errands, that's how things usually work. And besides, you're the first person I've ever met who gets restless because they have no one to kill yet."

Tatsumi: That's not what I meant ! While we're here, rotten people are running rampant !

"And what do you think the others are going on about ? Just wait for your turn."

Tatsumi: My turn ?! How will my turn come if I spend my time cooking ?!

Akame: I am responsible for cooking the base's meals. So naturally, that duty falls to you as well.

Tatsumi: Where exactly is the cooking coming from you ? All I see you doing is "sampling" the ingredients.

Akame: That is not true. *Munch*

"You're a very bad liar, I hope you know that."

Mine: For newcomers, a cook's apron is best. It sure suits you well.

Tatsumi: What ?! ... Huh ? Are you all going somewhere ?

Mine: yep. A request to kill someone in the capital arrived.

Tatsumi: Request ? 'Speaking of...'

Najenda: We're an organization that accepts requests from the public to carry out assassinations in the capital. We'll come up with something for you to do though, so expect to be called upon.

Sheele: Please take good care of the place while we are gone.

"Keep the place squeaky clean, with lunch waiting..."

Mine: Pfrrr. The newbies are house maids ! So just stay here and chop cucumbers !

"... You're talking mad shit for someone within knife range."

Bulat: Now, now.

Mine: Hmph. Lateeeeer.

Tatsumi: Grrrrrrr...

Akame: ... Okay. Now, shall we go takesome lives ?

Tatsumi: You're talking about hunting for dinner, aren't you ?

Akame: Oh good, you understand. But two will be enough for that, so just stays here and skin them alive.

"... So you want me to peel the vegetables."

Akame: You catch on quick.

"Yeah... Quick adaptation is kind of important in that line of work. Such as..."


Leone: EEEEK !!

"Knowing at all time when the enemy can strike."

Leone: Uhhh... Ehehehe...

"Not a single scrap of food will exit that kitchen while I'm here."

Leone: Well that's good-

"That also includes any drop of booze."

Leone: ... Pretty please~... ?

"... ... ..."

Akame: We're back.

"Good. Please put these over there, I'm already done with the rest."

Tatsumi: ... is no one gonna mention Leone bound and gagged in the corner ?

"Just some precautions. Mhh... Yeah, we'll go with river tuna."

Najenda: So... In the end, Tatsumi only caught two. For his first time, he did well.

Leone: But didn't you say "Bring it on" as you were undressing ?

"Kinda surprised he didn't get eaten instead."

Akame: Not good enough.

Tatsumi: Gh ! 'Shit, she doesn't think much of me at all... And I can never tell what she's thinking either... I'm still too weak !'

"... Stop staring at your food and eat already, please."

Najenda: Leone. Tell me about the request we received a few days ago.

Leone: Our targets are Ogre of the capital guards, and an oil merchant named Gamal. What the client told me was...

Woman: Ogre has been accepting bribes from Gamal.

Leone: 'No signs of anyone hiding in the area.' Continue.

Woman: Every time Gamal commits a crime, Ogre will frame someone to take the fall for him. My fiance was framed for one of his crimes and was sentenced to death. He heard them talking to each other while in his cell. And before his execution, he sent me a letter so I would know all this. Please... please, somehow help me clear the regret from my heart...

Leone: ... Understood. We'll send them both screaming to hell.

Woman: Th- Thank you so much, miss ! I can't thank you enough !

Leone: This is the payment for the job.

Tatsumi: That person saved up this much money ?

Leone: I caught the scent of a venereal disease from her... So she must have been selling her body to earn all of that.


Najenda: Did you check out her story ?

Leone: They're guilty. I observed them from a time from the attic of the merchant's shop.

Najenda: ... Okay. Night Raid will accept this request. We will deliver divine punishment upon the heads of these heinous monsters, and send them to the hereafter.

Leone: Taking out Gamal will be simple. But Ogre will be a formidable opponent.

*Ogre the Demon. He is called "The Demon", because his skill with the sword makes him an object of terror to the criminals of the capital. Usually, he spends his time out on patrols with his subordinates. But other than that, he hangs out at the garrison headquarters, where Gamal comes to his private room to give him the bribes. Due to his station, on his days off he leaves headquarters and spends the day drinking on the main street, close to the palace.*

Najenda: It seems the only time to attack would be on his day off. However, the security around the palace will be tough. For Akame, who is on the capital's most wanted list, this will be a dangerous mission.

Akame: Shall we wait for the group to come back ?

Tatsumi: But we don't know when they will finish their job, right ?

Tatsumi: Yes.

Tatsumi: if that's the case, just send us ! We can take care of it !!

"... We ?"

Najenda: Ohhh ? Are you saying you can kill Ogre yourself ?

Leone: Not that I can't handle it, but it almost sounded like you want to take him on yourself, huh ?

Akame: As you are now, you stand no chance...

"Hey, maybe not by himself, but he's not gonna be alone, right ?"

Tatsumi: While we stand here debating, there may be other innocent people being framed for crimes they didn't commit ! If that's the case, we'll handle him ourselves ! The feeling of your most cherished person being cruelly taken away... I don't want anyone to have to experience that loss...

Najenda: Understood. I can appreciate your decision. So you and Tao, go kill the demon.

Leone: Well said, Tatsumi ! It's good that you're so dedicated.

Najenda: Leone, Akame, I leave the oil merchant to you.

Leone: You got it, Boss.

Tatsumi: How about that, Akame ! When it's time, I can step up !

Akame: ... Where does this self-confidence comes from ? You haven't had a successful mission until after you have been given your first report.

"... We didn't have any mission at all."

Akame: It's the same. As you are now, so full of yourself, you'll end up dead.

Tatsumi: WHAT ?! 'Damn it... I'm definitely going to succeed and make you see me in a new light... !'

Leone: if you go straight that way, it'll lead you straight to the main street.

"Got it."

Tatsumi: Just you see !

Leone: ... hey, you wanna hear a story about Akame ?

Tatsumi: Huh ?

Leone: When Akame was young, her and her sister were both bought somewhere in the Empire. Well, you know... Poor parents selling their kids is a pretty common story. Anyways, her and other kids in the same situation entered assassination training together. There she learned how to kill people... She survived in that hellish situation, and she worked under the orders of the Empire. She was the perfect assassin...

Leone: But each time she carried out her duty, she could feel more of the darkness within the Empire. The boss, who was her target at the time, succeeded in persuading her to defect from the Empire, and join the Revolutionary army that cared about the people. By that time, it seems most of the comrades she had grown up and trained with were all dead... Do you understand what I'm trying to say ?

Tatsumi: As an amateur, I should shut up and listen to the professional killer, right ?

Leone: Well... You two will understand if you're successful today.

Tatsumi: Yeah ! We're definitely gonna do this !

Leone: Good hunting !

"... Isn't it time we devise a plan about how we're gonna do this ? Right now we're not waiting for him to eventually come to us, we're actively searching for him. So the first step from killing him would be to isolate him."

Tatsumi: Leave that to me... I have an idea.

Ogre: Haaaah. Booze is so good after a thorough interrogation.

Merchants: Ogre sir ! We just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done. And thank you for the other day.

Ogre: No problem. Come to me with whatever troubles you have any time. 'I am the King of this city... ! The highest authority ! I can do whatever I want, as much as I want !'

Tatsumi: Uhmm... Ogre sir.

Ogre: What ?

Tatsumi: I have something I would like to speak with you about...

Ogre: What ? Spit it out then.

Tatsumi: Talking about it in the open like this would be a little problematic... Can we go somewhere else ?

Ogre: Hey, this place is fine, right ? So spit it.

Tatsumi: 'He doesn't even seem human, huh... Sayo, Ieyasu... lend me your strength !' I beg of you !! Please allow me in the Capital Defense Force !!

Ogre: ... ... ... ... ...

Tatsumi: I must earn enough money to send back to my home in the countryside, sir !

Ogre: Haaaaaah... I thought it would be something like this. Then apply through the normal process, idiot !

Tatsumi: But, in these hard times, it's so very difficult to get in.

Ogre: It's to be expected, isn't it ? So, I take it you weren't strong enough to pass the entrance test ?

Ogre: 'I know no fear. I fight with everything I've got. I didn't think there was anyone who would dare attack me...'

Tatsumi: ... I did it. Okay Tao, you can stop being on guard now ! The backup wasn't needed. Now, huh... Right, we need to give the report-


Ogre: Did you think... That I, Ogre the demon... Would really be killed by the likes of a snot-nosed little shit like you... ? The weak don't matter... Only the strong matter in this city... I PASS JUDGEMENT ON PEOPLE !! DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUDGE ME ?!

"Death comes to judge everyone. And we're just here to help."

Ogre: I see... You two belong to that Night Raid group, don't you ? Who hired you to kill me ? You happen to know a lot about me... Was it possibly the bitch fiance of the guy who was executed the other day ? I'm right, aren't I... ? I knew it would have been best to kill her as well... No, it's still not too late to kill her !

Ogre: First, I'll have to find her, of course. And then, I'll find the rest of her family, and arrest them as criminals. And then I'll force her to watch as they are executed one by one... ! BUT ONLY AFTER I'VE KILLED YOU !!


Ogre: GH- Cold ?! Cold wind ? That's not-

"The cold wind of the Death blows on those fated to die... TATSUMI !!"

Tatsumi: This guy is just like the rest. Drunk with the power he's attained. Doing whatever he wants... trash like you...


"Phew... Remember for next time, Tatsumi. Always double tap. Just to be sure, cut off their heads when you can."

Tatsumi: Speaking of cutting, what exactly did you cut off his arms with ?

"The same I used for that guy at the hideout."

"Obsidian glass knife. Thin enough to slice between two vertebrae, and sharp enough to... Well, you just had me demonstrate."

Najenda: Good job on dealing with the target. Excellent !

"Why exactly did you send the two newbies on the dangerous target, and the two professionals on the easy one ?"

Tatsumi: Hehe, even better. Not bad, huh, Akame ? We've completed and given the report. And somehow without getting hurt.

"Yeah, somehow. Not like I just kept you from losing your head... Please watch you calves."

Tatsumi: Hey, at the very least, do we have your acknowledgment no-


Akame: Leone, boss, hold him !

Najenda: Understood.

Leone: Oh, this seems like fun.

"You guys are moving a bit fast, don't you think ?"

Tatsumi: Ah ?! What's going on ?! You can't possibly be wanting to have- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!

Akame: Thank goodness... I've seen friends die from poison because they wanted to be tough and not report the wound. But you seem to be undamaged. The mortality rate for those on their first mission is high... You two did very well !

Tatsumi: Th- Thanks.

Leone: Akame was hoping you would live. She would have been lonely without you guys.

"... As friends or as housemaids ?"

Leone: Must it be only one of these ?

Najenda: You know, you learn to communicate with your comrades while cooking. You learn to kill through a difficult hunt... Did you notice that everything you did in those days was beneficial to you ?


Tatsumi: Really ? Sorry, Akame... I... I misunderstood.

Akame: it's all right. From here on, please continue coming back alive. Tatsumi, Tao.

Tatsumi: Sure. Please take care of me, Akame !

"... You know, saying that while you're almost naked can means a very different thing."

Leone: Hey, that was my line !


Najenda: ... Okay. Next, you'll be working under Mine, so do your best.

Leone: It's just one thing after another, isn't it ?

"Not a fan."

Tatsumi: W... We have to work with her ?!

"Very much not a fan."

Mine: F- For some reason I just got goosebumps...

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