Chapter 4: Terror starts

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ieyasu: This is where the capital is. It covers 200,000 square kilometers !

(Meaning that the distance between the wall and the imperial palace is roughly 250 km/155 miles)

Ieyasu: Surrounding the capital is an enormous wall that goes for thousands of kilometers. And they use huge trading ships to cross the canals.

Tatsumi: Sounds like there are a lot of sights to see, huh ?

Ieyasu: And of course there will be many "refined ladies" to meet, too.

Tatsumi: Hehe, yeah.

Sayo: How vulgar !

Ieyasu: Why did you only hit me ?!

*As a boy from the countryside, there was a time when all I wanted to do was see the capital...*

Tatsumi: Finally in the capital. But not that I get a good look, there are a lot of people with sour looks on their faces, huh ?

"Everything smells rotten here. The people, the building, even the pavement reeks of dried up blood..."

Mine: No wonder if they are living under a reign of terror and a recession.

"... Speaking off, is it really okay for you to just walk around in broad daylight like that ?"

Mine: The only ones with wanted poster are those four.

Tatsumi: ... Eh ? Who's that in the middle ?

Mine: Bulat ?

"Bul- wait, really ? Talk about a glow-up..."

Mine: Yeah, he changed his image after joining Night Raid.

Tatsumi: Isn't that too much of a change ?! The worst before-after ever in history...

Mine: Now that that's cleared, we have a mission to complete. Let's start with the inspection of the city's condition !

Tatsumi: I don't know what this is about, but yeah !

Mine: Phew, we bought a lot.

"All of this brought back souvenirs of our first day in here... Not the best..."

Mine: Put that behind you already. As expected, pink clothing is the trend in spring.

Tatsumi: ... I guess...

Mine: It's good to let your hair down on your day off, huh ?

Tatsumi: ... I guess...

Mine: ... Okay, mission complete !

"... ... And you have the guts to call that 'Mission'... ? What mission requires you to visit every single clothing and sweets shop in the entire city ?!"

Mine: Don't get ahead of yourself. I'm above, you're below ! And don't forget it !

"... Yeah, 'Above'. The armrest's talking mad shit again."

Mine: Grmblllmgnn.. A subordinate shouldn't talk back !! You should be thankful I even let you carry my bags !!

"I think you're forgetting one tiny little thing though. I'm only cooperating with you guys. You're only my superior temporarily."

Mine: Is that so... ? Then I better make you beg for mercy !

Tatsumi: Oh, man... What's with all the commotion ?

Mine: probably the public execution of someone who defied the empire. That's a usual thing in the Capital.

Tatsumi: H- How... Cruel...

"And all because the minister says it's okay..."

Mine: It was thanks to the shrewdness of the minister that the current young emperor won the battle for succession. But I... I won't be like them. I'll definitely live, and see this fight to the end !

Tatsumi: ... The Minister, huh... What kind of monster could he be ?

"There are questions you don't want to know the answer to, Tatsumi..."

Kid: I am this realm's emperor, even though I have no pubes yet !

Minister: I'm the Prime Minster, and I'm not manipulating this child. I'm Honest.

Audience: That's reassuring.

Minister: Nah, Honest is my name, of course I'm manipulating him. *Cronch*

Audience: You just said you were manipulating him ?!

Minister: Shiiit... Huh, tell them I'm not manipulating you !

Kid: I am this realm's emperor and this man is not manipulating me !

Audience: That's reassuring !

(W- wait, wrong script...)

Emperor: Internal affairs officer Shoui. Thou objected our political measures. For the sin of delaying our political affairs, we sentence thee to death by dismemberment by bulls. Is this good, Minister ?

Minister: Nuhuhu, well done.

Minister: Emperor Makoto is such a wise ruler.

Emperor: Meat again ? Thou eat a lot of that.

Minister: Fufufu, one got to enjoy life while it's good.


Emperor: ... He is accusing you.

Minister: Have his rumblings confused you, my lord ?

Emperor: Of course not, for the words thou hast spoken have always been right since long ago.

Minster: Shoui... Seems like this will be our final parting.


Minister: Shoui, Shoui, Shoui... Please don't worry about that lovely wife you're leaving behind. You just leave her to me. I'll make sure to take care of her. Every single part of her... Nuhuhuhu.

Shoui: 'How... How is it... Possible for something like this to be allowed !! Sins must be punished... Someone, anyone, please !! DELIVER JUSTICE UPON THIS DEMON !!'

Najenda: You guys, there's a new request. The target this time is a blood relative of the Prime Minster. A man named Iwokaru. Using the minister's name, he abducts girls from the capital and beat them to death. His five bodyguards also share his guilt in this. This is an important mission, so everyone will attack !

"Now that's one big-ass mansion if I haven't seen one... Do we wait for him to come out ?"

Leone: That's the plan.

"Well, you guys just wait. I'll handle the primary target."

Bulat: Wait, what are you...

"What am I doing ? What' I've been told to. Starting the terror of the snow-cloaked death."

Iwokaru: Nfufufu, what a good night this is.

"A good night to die, indeed."


Iwokaru: Gh- Where did that wind come from ?! Who are you ?!

Girls: Cold wind... ?

"Do not worry. Only those fated to die can feel the cold wind of the great beyond... And speaking of beyond..."

Iwokaru: GH- Stay away ! Don't you know who I a- ?!

"It's precisely because of who you are... To the rest of you, that aren't fated to die here and now... Spread the word ! Run rampant ! Tell everyone in the capital... The snow-cloaked death has come to reap its toll !"

Tatsumi: He... He did it ! He really just walked to the target and took off their head !

Mine: That... That was supposed to be my shot, you big... !! I'm a genius sniper, and you stole my shot !! When you come back, you're dead !

Tatsumi: I think he has other worries right now...


Leone: Was that the plan ?

"He was so full of himself, no one ever expected someone to just casually walk up to the guy and kill him. And now the rest of them have been lead... Right inside the dragon's jaws."

Leone: Well then. Let's go wild !

Mine: I swear, that guy... The moment I see him, he's getting a shot.

Tatsumi: At least they decided to pursue him instead... Do you think they've been taken out already ?

Mine: They were trained at Koukenji, the temple of the imperial fist. It's the best martial arts temple in the empire, so they may not be taken out so easily.

Tatsumi: If you're a relative of the Prime Minister, the grade of your bodyguards goes up.

Mine: Doing whatever he wants using his relatives names for cover... Is the type of things I hate the most.

Tatsumi: 'Has something like that happened in her past... ?'

Mine: Ok, ok. As a special service, I'll tell you a story from my past.

Tatsumi: 'I didn't ask !!'

Mine: I was born and raised on the western border of the empire, and half of my blood is foreign. I was mercilessly ridiculed, nobody accepted me. My childhood was made of misery.

Mine: But, you know... the revolutionary army formed an alliance with the people of the West. If we made a new country, diplomatic relations would grow. Many races would mingle, and there will be no more kids who will suffer like me... Never again, will I let there be any form of discrimination... !

Tatsumi: Mine...

Mine: And as someone who had so much to do with the revolution, I'll get a giant reward and live like a celebrity !


Tatsumi: ... ... ...

Leone: Ahhhhhh~. I feel so refreshed.

Sheele: They were quite strong, weren't they ?

Lubbock: I didn't even get to kill one of them, too. There's just not enough.

"Hey, me neither."

Lubbock: You killed the main target, you shithead !

"Hey, watch the cloak ! It has to stay white."

Leone: Well, that just means you reward gets cut in two, Lubbock.

Lubbock: WHAT ?!

Akame: Strange... There should have been five bodyguards... Tatsumi...

Guard: This little...

Tatsumi: NOW, MINE ! SHOOT !!

Mine: Tatsumi... To give your life for me...

Tatsumi: I'm not sacrificing myself, you moron !! You're a genius sniper, aren't you ? I'M BETTING ON YOU !!

Guard: Shit ! Let... GO !!

Mine: ... You cocky newbie... I'LL DO AS YOU LIKE !!

Guard: Guh... You guys... Since you laid hands on a relative of the Minister... Don't think this is over... !

Mine: ... Seems like you have a little bit of courage. I can't help but be a little impressed by you- OW ?!

Tatsumi: Say what you want, that shot was far too close... MY HEAD ALMOST TURNED INTO SMOKE THERE !!

Mine: Ah ?! What's up with you ?! I was finally willing to accept you !!

Tatsumi: Shut up ! You're not a genius sniper ! You're stuck somewhere on the student level !!

Mine: What ?! Of course I'm a genius !!

Tatsumi: And by the way, geniuses wouldn't be calling themselves a genius !!

Akame: ... ... ...

"Are we interrupting something or..."

Leone: Seems like it would've been fine even if we didn't run here.

Guards: We must find Ogre-sama's murderer no matter what !! Understood ?!

???: ... The same as me... A Teigu user... An assassin... Happy, happy~. Can I go all out here ?

Guards: H- Hey, you over there !! You look suspicious ! Don't move from there !!

???: It seems like... The capital is the perfect place to live. I kill and kill and there is always more... Happy happy~.

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