Chapter 5: Don't lose your head

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Woman: Please... Please don't kill me !!

???: Oh come now. It's your own fault for walking around at this time of night. Didn't your parents warn you about the scary monsters that come out after dark ?


???: Really ? You would be willing to do anything I asked ?


???: And what if I told you I want to see your head separated from your body ? Would you be willing then ?

???: Mmmmmm~... Happy, happy~. I just can't stop doing this~.

Your POV:

Najenda: The target this time, is the rumored serial killer that is plaguing the capital. Late at night he suddenly appears, and chops off the victim's head. It's unknown how many dozens of people he has killed so far.

"I like his style. He's got that terror running for him. Plus he killed some imperial guards, so he's gotta be fairly strong for that."

Lubbock: there's no mistake, it has to be Zank the Beheader.

Tatsumi: Who's that ?

Mine: You don't know ? You really are a country bumkin, huh ?

Sheele: Pardon me, but I don't know either.

Mine: I think you've just forgotten, Sheele...

Tatsumi: So what kind of monster is he ?

Mine: Zank the Beheader...

*He originally worked at the Empire's greatest prison, as their executioner. Because of the prime minister, there were many people to be executed. Day after day, again and again, he took the heads of those on their knees pleading for their lives. It seems that after years of this, these beheadings became a nasty habit of his.*

"Not strange he lost a few screws with that kind of things..."

Mine: So, executing prisoners started not to be enough for him, so he became a serial killer.

Bulat: He disappeared right around the time that a detainment force was sent to find him... Who would think he'd still be in the capital ?

Tatsumi: What a horrible guy ! We need to find him and beat his ass !!

Bulat: Hold your horses, Tatsumi. Zank stole the warden's Teigu before leaving. And from then on became a serial killer. If you ran into him without your partner... You'd be in big trouble.

Tatsumi: 'I get the feeling I'm in another kind of trouble at the moment...'

"... So he has a Teigu with him ?"

Najenda: That would be the case.

"Then there's no questions about me going. If he has a Teigu, I'll take it from him."

Najenda: Everyone is going. We can't have someone like that roaming the streets. Night Raid, move out !

Akame: Yeah. Our search area is down this way.

Tatsumi: Seems like the people of the capital are too scared of the killer to come out at night anymore, huh. They don't know how easy it would be to- MMPH ?!

"... Capital city guards... Of course they had to show up..."

Tatsumi: Huuh... Can I ask you something before we start searching ?

Akame: Don't worry, I brought snacks.

"Ah, good. Starting to get peckish myself."

Tatsumi: That isn't what I wanted to ask... Teigu... What are they ?

Akame: Things like this.

Tatsumi: I still don't get it.

"Haaaaaaah... Sit down, will you..."

*"Teigu". About 1000 years ago, after the great empire was created, the emperor began to worry.

Emperor: I wish to protect this country forever, but I know even I will die someday. But... But weapons and armor... they could be passed on into the far future... TO INSURE OUR COUNTRY LASTS FOREVER, WE WILL CONCENTRATE ALL KNOWLEDGE AND CREATE WEAPONS !!

Legend says that they gathered materials from the most dangerous of legendary-class creatures, as well as the ultra-rare metal Orihalcon. The greatest scientific minds were gathered from all around the world. With the emperor's absolute power and limitless fortune, they accomplished a feat that is impossible in the current era. They created 48 deadly weapons, and called them the "Teigu".

Each and every one of them is powerful beyond belief, holding the power of a thousand soldiers; it's said that the emperor's retainers who the Teigu were given to, achieved greater military success than before.*

"But because of the huge civil war that broke out over 500 years, half of them were lost in various battles. And that's about all of it."

Tatsumi: ... And from what you said.. Everyone at the base has one of these weapons, right ?

Akame: Everyone but the boss... And i'm still curious about how you learned about all of them...

"Don't we all have our secrets..."

*Akame's One cut killer, Murasame: One cut from this accursed blade is certain death. The blade injects a cursed poison into any wound caused by it that will kill within seconds. There is no antidote for this poinson.

Leone's King of Beat Transformation, Lionelle: Changes it's user into a beast. Significantly raises the user's combat ability. An increase of the 5 senses, such as sight and hearing, aid in the finding of enemies.

Mine's Roman artillery, Pumpkin: Gun-type Teigu that gathers spirit energy and fires it in a concentrated shockwave. The destructive power increases in proportion to the danger the user finds themselves in.*

"So you can see why the blast was so strong when you walked on her dressing up."

Tatsumi: Can you move on please ?

*Bulat's Demon armor, Incursio: Armor Teigu that provides an iron wall of defense. Since it places a large strain on the user, normal people will die if they attempt to wear it.

Lubbock's Infinite Uses, Cross Tail: Thread Teigu, can be used to trap enemies, much like a barrier, or dismember them. It's possible it received the name "Infinite uses" due to all the different ways of restraining or cutting an enemy.

Sheele's Cutter of Creation, Extase: Large scissors, will cut anything in the world without fail. Due to its hardness, it is highly effective when used for defense.*

"Also, just as people possess secret skills, so does the Teigu. Incursio, for example, can take on the characteristics of its surroundings, allowing it to blend into it for a short time."

Tatsumi: You... You really do know a lot of things about all of them...

"Tatsumi, the first step when you're ona  mission to retrieve something, is to know what you're looking for. But with such great powers come great responsibilities..."

Tatsumi: Wrong show.

"Sorry, sorry. But an iron rule was defined throughout the years. If two Teigu users with intent to kill clash, without fail, one of them will be a victim. In other words... If two Teigu users fight, one is sure to die."

Akame: Our target, Zank, has a Teigu. Even if you both strike at the same time in an encounter, the possibility that both will live is zero.

Tatsumi: That sword... Just one scratch and you die ?!

"Yep. Aren't you one awfully lucky fella ?"

Tatsumi: Y- Yeah...

Akame: I've had it a long time. It's become famous all over as a "one cut kill" demon sword.

Tatsumi: Well, that's to be expected, isn't it ? I mean, it's invincible !

Akame: No, this sword has its weaknesses You have to be extremely careful while cleaning and sharpening it. If you cut your finger, you die.

Tatsumi: Ooooooh...

Akame: And in a fight, if you can't cut your opponent, then the curse can't get into them.

Tatsumi: Ah, just like Aniki, it would be tough fighting an armored opponent, huh.

"It's all a question of compatibility in the end. So even if your Teigu is deemed as invincible, remember you are not. Don't rely too heavily on that."

Tatsumi: '... Me and Akame... We're about the same age, yet... What kind of horrible things has she been through all this time...'

Zank: Hnnnn... In addition to serial killers, now professional killers show up. My, what a dangerous city this is, hehe... Happy, happy~. Okay, then... Which neck should I go after first ? ... I should start with... I got it. The most delicious one.

Tatsumi: I don't think he's coming tonight, how about you ?

"Don't start with that."

Akame: Either way, we have no choice but to wait patiently, right ?

Tatsumi: ... ... Excuse me for a minute.

Akame: Taking a piss, huh ?

"You should've taken care of that before leaving the hideout."

Tatsumi: Hahh... I'm kind of on edge tonight, huh...

Tatsumi: ... Sayo ? No... WAIT !!

Akame: What's taking you so long, Tatsumi ?

"... ... he wasn't alone..."

Akame: then track him down.

"... Woof woof, I guess..."

Tatsumi: I'm not mistaken, it's Sayo. What's going on ? You were alive all this time ?! Anyways, I'm so glad you're alive !!

"Sayo": How passionate...

Zank: It seems I showed you something nice... Good evening.


Zank: Rather than call me "Old guy", I would prefer that you affectionately call me "Zank the Beheader".

Tatsumi: You...

Zank: You've been separated. If you wait they'll eventually show up... But will you live long enough for that to happen ? That's what you're thinking, right ?

Tatsumi: 'What the hell ? He reads my mind... That eye... A Teigu ?!'

Zank: Bingo ! Teigu "Spectator". One of its five sight abilities, "Insight", can read your thoughts by seeing your facial expressions, body language, and stuff like that. Think of it as an extreme form of observation. If I get questions about you right, can I turn you into a shrunken head ?

Tatsumi: LIKE I WOULD GO FOR THAT !! Geez... You're such a talkative guy...

Zank: Talking is one of my hobbies after all. Oh, and by the way, the power I used to find you was "Farsight". Whether it's night or foggy, I can see you as clear as day !

Zank: Soo happy~ ! You figured you would try something because I was talking ? Useless, completely. Because I can see everything going on in your head.


Zank: You step into my space and attack with a slash from above. And try to end it with an upswing of the blade to my midsection... Which is a feint... To leave me open for your thrust to my windpipe.

Zank: So... Is that what you were thinking ?

Tatsumi: '... So strong. He's on a whole higher level than anyone I've fought before... !'

Zank: The look on the face of one whose head I'm about to take... It's just so irresistible. Most have this completely blank look of surprise on their face. So ? What I'm saying is... What kind of facial expression will you show me, huh... ?! Happy, happy~ !

Tatsumi: My neck is not so weak... That you could cut it !

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