Chapter 10: Successor

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Liver: As always, such an elegant tone. It suits the ship, doesn't it...

*Flute-type Teigu, Scream. Can freely manipulate the emotions of those who hear it. Known to be used to raise morale on the battlefield, but by manipulating emotions, it can be used in dozens of ways.*

Liver: the ship has left the sight of the shore. The timing is just right.

Nyau: I've been playing my recorder for a long time. So even if I stop, everybody will still be lacking willpower.

Liver: There may be some people outside the range that haven't been exposed to the sound of the flute... Don't be negligent.

Nyau: ... Yes, sir. I'll play just a bit more for you !


Tatsumi: Hey, wake up... ! What in the world is going on ?! Ugh... Even though I want to call Aniki, all the strength in my body is escaping me... ! That recorder sound from earlier... Is it because of that ? Even when I shut it out I can hear it... It must be a Teigu !

Daidara: Ah... Staying in hiding was so dull... Oh ? Despite Scream, someone's still fighting ? Even under hypnotism, you may remember this. So if you're allowed to live and see what we do...

Tatsumi: So that means... You guys are the Impostor Night Raid !

Daidara: Ah ! So this here's one of the real ones ! This is good. Here, take that !

Tatsumi: ... What are you doing ?

Daidara: Well... I want fighting experience points, you know ? In order to become the strongest... Come at me ! It should be easy to fight here since everybody is already out of the way, right ?

Tatsumi: ... Yeah, true. Then I'll give you a good experience. A TRIP TO HELL !!

Daidara: Excellent !! That power !! Destroying it will give me great experience !

Daidara: Considering what the music did to your body... You dodged pretty well, didn't you ? Well then. HOW ABOUT THIS ?!

Tatsumi: Guh... 'This is bad... because of the music, my body won't move like I want it to... At this rate, I'll be finished... !'

*Axe-type Teigu, Belvaac. Can only be wielded by someone of unusual physical strength, it contains tremendous offensive power. It can be separated into two axes, and upon throwing, will relentlessly pursue the target until it hits.*

Tatsumi: As I thought, it's following me ! If it's like this ! I'LL MAKE IT HIT YOU ! DESTROY YOURSELF !!


"Retrieval !!"


"I got one... Yaaaaaaay..."

Bulat: Your opponent was waiting there looking like he was ready and everything ! However you look at it, it was a sure victory fro him !! What were you planning on doing rushing carelessly into his range ?!

Tatsumi: A- Aniki...

"Heeeey... Mind helping me up... ? Right now, this arm's about the only thing I can move like I want... Also, pick up that axe before he gets it back..."

Daidara: ... Oh. The one on the ground aside, you're doing awfully well... the debilitating music was supposed to affect the entire ship...

Bulat: That music, huh... That wouldn't work on me. The hot blood that flows through my body... Is not something that can be suppressed by other people !!

Daidara: ... 'This guy...' What an interesting guy... You gouged yourself and cleared your head with the pain ?

Bulat: I'm Night Raid's Bulat. You can call me Handsome.

Daidara: I am Lady Esdeath's servant. Daidara of the Three Beasts.

Bulat: Tatsumi, Tao... Watch how I fight. And memorize it. INCURSIOOOOOOOO !!

Daidara: ... That guy... IS WORTH A LOT OF EXPERIENCE !!

Liver: 'All the commotion out here, I knew it, Night Raid has come... I must back up Daidara !'

Nyau: 'I know ! I'll bash his head in !!'

Tatsumi: ANIKI !

"What ? What's happening ?! I can't move and I'm staring at the floor !"

"... W- Wow..."

Bulat: Tatsumi, Tao. This is what I was talking about before, be aware of your surroundings.

*Armor-type Teigu, Incursio. Created using a ferocious specie as its base. When summoned, it surrounds its user in impregnable armor. The wearer's abilities are amplified, in order to crush enemies.*

Tatsumi: He killed the big one so easily... And was still able to deal with the other two at the same time...

"... Yep... All, in a single moment... I know you were strong, but I wasn't expecting something like that."

Bulat: Right ? My nickname back when I was in the army was "100-man slayer Bulat".

Liver: But strictly speaking, you had actually killed 128 people. At the time, you were doing very well against the special forces. That Teigu... That strength... So it is you, Bulat.. !

Bulat: ... General... Liver... !

Liver: I'm no longer a General... After Lady Esdeath saved me, I became her servant.

Tatsumi: This guy... he's the one from Aniki's story.... ?

Bulat: ... If you were my ally, we could have a drink to celebrate this reunion... But for appearing as an enemy, I must kill you ! The mission must come first !!

Liver: You took the words right out of my mouth. I absolutely must complete my mission. And I will, using the Teigu I received from my master.

*Ring-type Teigu, Black Marlin. Created using a body part from a specific dangerous aquatic beast that can control water. If the user of this Teigu is near any liquid, he may freely control it.*

liver: It's fortunate for me that our battle takes place here of all places !

Bulat: Water control, huh ? Just like your master who can control ice !

Liver: However, unlike Lady Esdeath, who can create ice from nothing... I would be helpless if there were no liquid around... THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US IS AWE-INSPIRING !! WATER CANNONS !!

Bulat: Don't get ahead of yourself !!

Nyau: 'Oww... This guy's strength puts him about at Lady Esdeath's level... But River can beat him fighting on this canal, especially if I play a song... !'


Tatsumi: You didn't think I would just let you start playing again, did you ?

"Okay... Still a bit wobbly on my feet, but I'm able to move again... You know how things work when it's two-on-one, Tatsumi."

Tatsumi: You bet. This guy is fast, but...

Tatsumi: Akame is much faster !!

Nyau: ha ! Don't compare me to some assassin !!



Nyau: GH- ! 'That earlier attack should have had an effect on these guys... But even so, they can move so well...'

"The Three beasts... They clearly are a level above someone like Ogre..."


Tatsumi: Whoa ! Something amazing is suddenly going on over there !

Nyau: Ahaha. As long as there is plenty of water, there's no way Liver can lose !

Tatsumi: Heh. it's already easy to see that Aniki's gonna win !

Nyau: You mean Liver, right ?

Tatsumi: Aniki, of course !

"So this one is some kind of flute... Meh, can't use it anyway."

Nyau: Wh- What ?!

Liver: You'll be smashed by the pressure of this water, Bulat !! SNAKE OF THE ABYSS !!


Liver: I figured you would launch yourself headlong at the snake... Since if it hit the ship, the number of snakes would skyrocket. However ! Now that you aren't on the deck anymore, you can't move ! You won't be able to dodge this while in the air !!

Bulat: Just being subjected to a little water... WON'T BE ENOUGH TO EXTINGUISH MY PASSION !!

Liver: ... Yeah. That isn't enough to defeat you... But I already knew that. We've tread countless battlefields together. Your strength, your valor, I know them better than anyone. And it's for this reason, THAT I WILL LET YOU FEAST ON MY GREATEST ABILITY !! JUDGEMENT OF THE HEAVENLY WATER DRAGON !!


Liver: ... is he dead...

Bulat: Now is not the time to be spouting those words... You generally say them when you've defeated your enemy !!

Liver: So you want to drag this out to the end ?!

Tatsumi: A... Aniki...

"Nothing to see here, we're fine."

Nyau: Gh... Urg...

"Shut up."


Bulat: Heh... Even at two-on-one, seeing you unhurt is already proof that you've done well.

"Stop worrying about us, you're in a pretty sorry state yourself."

Liver: To think that even inside the armor, He was that injured... Seems like your Teigu released due to all the damage you've sustained...

Bulat: Looks to be the end... Stop acting tough, you're bleeding from your ears, you know ?

Liver: Hah ?!

Bulat: Firing off all those high energy attacks in succession like that... of course your body would get worn out. You aren't in any condition to use your Teigu either.

Liver: So you know... Oh well. I wanted to try easing this out slowly, but... I'll just ask. Bulat. Would you think about Joining Lady Esdeath's army ? If it's you, you could even raise to the rank of second-in-command.

Bulat: I have no interest in servicing the Empire once again.

Liver: Not the empire. Think about becoming a servant of Lady Esdeath... As I did when she saved me. Doing as you please, being feared by others... yes, even those dirty bureaucrats always spreading their filthy politics. Consumed by their own power... ! Come with me, Bulat !! Lady Esdeath will surely make your crimes disappear !!

Bulat: ... I refuse. Killing those politicians, that may be comfortable for you to do, but I've always been an ally of the people, right ? Esdeath's army supports the Prime Minister. And that, I want nothing to do with.

Live: ... "Ally of the people"... never thought I would hear an assassin spout such lofty words. I always did tell you to be a little more humble.

Tatsumi: Aniki...

*This battle to the death will reach its conclusion in less than five minutes. In the end... the number of Teigu users that will leave the ship alive... is only two.*

Bulat: ... if neither of us can use our Teigus...

Liver: Then we'll have to settle this with our swords... !

Liver: Forgive me for doping. But you are my opponent, after all...

"... Be careful. Something here just doesn't smell right..."

Bulat: Don't worry. I'm more than prepared to face this formidable opponent. Let's go !!

Tatsumi: Th... These are the movements of someone who is injured... ?! It's so intense... !

"... I'm positive something just isn't right... 'That's the syringe he used, huh... ?'... Huh ?!"

Liver: Kh... ! Secret skill... BLADES OF BLOOD !!

Bulat: 'he had something hidden up his sleeve after all !'


Tatsumi: What ?!

Bulat: Heh... Don't worry. The wounds aren't fatal. Using his own blood to attack... His determination is amazing. As soon as I saw his blood splashing about, I realized that was also a form of liquid.

Tatsumi: Good thinking !

"Then let's keep the tread going, and keep you alive at the same time ! Grit your teeth for that one !"

Bulat: What ?



"... At some point, you asked me about my motives. And I responded that I would do my utmost to keep everyone alive, as that would aid my mission."

Tatsumi: B- But you...

"Before you yell, take a look at this. This is whatever that guy injected himself with. And it reeks of poison."

Tatsumi: P- Poison... ?!

"He put poison in his blood, and then attacked with said blood. That was the mistake, these wounds were fatal."

Bulat: That... Honestly, i'm kinda thankful... But I want to hit you over the head at the same time... Which would be quite hard right now...

"You're not out of it yet, Aniki. Put a tourniquet and stop the bleeding, 'less you want this to be for naught. As for me, there's something I have to retrieve first."

Liver: ... ... It seems like... Only one of us will walk off... Bulat. There is one more thing I want to tell you... The true reason, I decided to join her army...

Esdeath: ... For you to die and disappear like this would be a complete waste I've been searching for capable warriors like you, so I'd like you to join my army.

Liver: ... Even if you say that, I'm still a criminal. I won't be allowed to return to the army.

Esdeath: Don't give up so quickly. You'll be returning, because it's what I want. Which means, no one can say a word against it.

Liver: But the Prime Minister...

Esdeath: The Prime Minster enjoys his safe position due to my military power. So if it's for the sake of increasing that power... He would welcome it with open arms, would he not ? Come to my side, Liver. If anything else is troubling you, I'll make it completely disappear.

Liver: In that moment... I adored her... It was only for that reason ! Therefore... As one who exists solely to serve Lady Esdeath... I was ready to give her your life...

Tatsumi: So it really...

Liver: That syringe... Had a deadly poison mixed in... A poison without antidote... But alas... It looks like the Gates of Hell... Will only open... For one... today...

Bulat: ... As expected of my former boss... It would've been a tie without you... Thank you... However, it would seem my life as a fighter is still over...

"I still think it's better than having it being over in itself."

Bulat: Heh... Looks like I won't have any more opportunities to wield it. So... Tatsumi. I'm entrusting this to you.

Tatsumi: ... This is...

Bulat: It's Incursio's key. The armor will come to the one who possess it.

Tatsumi: M- Me ?! Use your Teigu ?!

"You should wait for saying things like that. We've won. The three of them are no more."

Bulat: No... This is something that must be done now. And if it's you, I know it'll be alright. Do it ! Tatsumi !

Tatsumi: Aniki... If someone I respect says all this... I have to live up to his expectations... As a man !



"H- Hey, that's not... Something's different there !"

Bulat: The armor... Is changing itself to suit Tatsumi's movements !!


*A Teigu created using Tyrant, an extremely dangerous dragon-type creature who had an incomparable life force. This dragon was always wandering the country in search of prey. Any living being it chanced upon was devoured completely, it was feared as a personification of calamity. It could evolve its body to blend into its environment, even in the burning desert. It could also adapt itself to its environment, even the frozen tundra. In the time of the first Emperor, where his suppression forces were hunting it, it evolved again and gained its stealth ability for defense.*

"Even now, after having been subjugated and made into a Teigu... the dragon's flesh is still 'Alive'. It's continually evolving in order to defeat its enemies. What an amazing Teigu..."

Bulat: Tatsumi... I see, your feelings... Have made Incursio evolve once again !

Bulat: ... Hahah. Amazing... if he has that much power now, he'll certainly surpass me in no time. Run past me from out of nowhere ! I'll be watching over you... Tatsumi...

Tatsumi: A- Aniki... !

"It's okay, he's just passed out. Both from exhaustion and blood loss."

*Battle of the Ryussen. Winner, Night Raid. Two Teigu users walked off, three members of Night Raid survived.*

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