Chapter 11: Jaegers

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mine: ... ... Yes ! Finally healed ! Until my wounds healed, I had to stay at the base and rest. Now I can get back into the fight ! I have to work twice as hard to make up for the loss of Sheele !

Mine: Anybody here ?! I NEED SOMEONE TO TRAIN WITH !!

Tatsumi: Heya, Mine.

Akame: So you've recovered : That's good !

Mine: What are you guys doing... ?

Leone: Just helping these guys out with their training.

Tatsumi: After equipping it, I understand that Incursio consumes an amazing amount of spiritual and physical energy to use. In order for me to use it as well as Aniki, I need to train my body even more... ! As it is now... I can barely use its invisibility for a few seconds before it releases.

Leone: Speaking of, you probably shouldn't turn around.

Mine: Wh's... That... ?


Bulat: That's slow ! Put more of your back into it !

"Kh... Don't worry, Aniki... I can take it."

Tatsumi: Stop ! You're putting nightmare fuel in my head !

Mine: ... ... ... Let's... Leave these two at it. It's unusual to see you sweaty, Lubbock.

Lubbock: Well, after all that happened, I got to thinking, maybe I should start taking things seriously.

Leone: Yeah, that sounds cool and all, but you can barely do half as many push-ups as Tatsumi.

Akame: That's to be expected. Since there is such a large difference between Leone's weight and mine.

Everyone: *The Gaspation*

Najenda: Oh, you're all here.

"Boss ? What's with the getup ? You're going somewhere ?"

Tatsumi: Heading out to the revolutionary army HQ ?

Najenda: Yeah, I need to go deliver the three teigu we confiscated from the Three Beasts.

"... ... ... ..."

Najenda: Okay, the three Teigu you loaned to us after retrieving them.

"I didn't say a thing... I thought it very loud, though."

Tatsumi: Boss, that axe is unbelievably heavy.

Najenda: Oh, I can handle this much. See ? I wouldn't be able to use it as a weapon, but it it's just carrying it, there's no problem.

Tatsumi: Was the boss always this amazing ?

Lubbock: Of course ! You do know she's a former general, right ?

"That... Does explain quite a lot..."

Najenda: *Pleased*

Najenda: I leave the place in your hands, Akame. Standing orders are "Everyone Train" !

Akame: ... Understood.
"Is it really okay to leave the whimsical one in charge ?"

Bulat: She takes her orders very seriously at least, so there won't be any problems there.

Najenda: But the main reason I'm heading to HQ will be to secure some new members. I'm hoping they can spare some talented people to replenish our fighting strength, but I'm not holding my breath.

Tatsumi: ... I'm sorry... I was just too weak.


Tatsumi: O- Ow !

Najenda: The ones you were fighting, the three beasts, had the strongest offensive capabilities in the entire Empire. They were key figures in Esdeath's army. All three of them were eliminated, and their Teigus were retrieved. Esdeath's strength may have no equal, but her army has certainly been weakened as a whole due to this. This will do much to allay the concerns over when the revolution will take place.

Bulat: You not only saved the lives of the people on the ship, but also the lives of thousands of revolutionary army soldiers. You're strong, and you did well, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Aniki...

Leone: ... I wasn't going to tell you since I didn't want to inflate your ego, but... Bulat said something to me a while back.

Bulat: Tatsumi may still be green behind the ears, but I know kid will become seriously strong in no time. With strict training, I think he may become so strong he might just leave me in the dust. I look forward to seeing it.

Tatsumi: A- Aniki... !

"... So this is the last time we see each other ?"

Bulat: With only one arm, I can't me of much use on the battlefield. So i'm going back to HQ to become an instructor. So while I'm gone, be proud of yourselves, and live on. Show me that you can become the kind of man I expected you to be.

Najenda: '... Even so, we're still short-handed... And the report Leone brought back says Esdeath is organizing a special force of Teigu users... Looks like things are about to get more difficult...

Esdeath: Liver. Nyau. Daidara. You guys lost.. Which means you were just too weak. It's only natural for the weak to be eliminated... My weak subordinates. You were so weak, that I'll have to take revenge on your enemies in your stead...

Esdeath: Will my new Teigu subordinates be arriving today ?

Minister: All six of them have been gathered, but they all seem to be people of low status, even if they are capable. And they all appear to have certain... Personality quirks. Sorry about that.

Esdeath: I don't know much about the people that have come. Maybe I should play around with them ?

*My name is Wave. I've fought for the imperial navy as a true man of the sea ! Presently, I'm on my way to join a special police force being put together by the Empire, it's kind of a promotion. For my first time in the city, I wanted to make a flashy entrance. I even decided on these clothes because they make me look so cool !

I was greatly admired in my home-town. The assortment of sea-food I'm carrying is a memento forced on me by my mom. But.. For some reason, I get the feeling everyone is giving me furtive glances... Maybe I'm doing something improper or something ?*

People: A bumpkin... It's a country boy, right ? Definitely ?

Wave: 'Whatever... I'm a man who has fought pirates and sea monsters ! I can't let these little unimportant things bother me !!

Wave: Here we are !

*I need to arrive at the meeting place smoothly, because the people in here are gonna be my teammates from now on. The first impression is crucial. So in order to not be taken lightly, let's do this !*

Wave: Good afternoon ! I've come from the imperial Navy ! I'm Wa-

Wave: ... Pardon my intrusion.

Wave: Ummm... This room belongs to the office of torture, then ? Haha... Guess I mixed up the rooms. But, the meeting place is supposed to be... The special police conference room. And... This is it. 'Which means that's one of my new co-workers ?! What a place the capital is ! Nowadays, pirates look more normal than the people here !! For the time being, I need to keep positive and conduct myself well.'

Wave: G... Good afternoon.

Mask: ... ... ... ... ... ...

Wave: 'Hey hey... What's with this guy... ?! That guy has just been staring at me the whole time ! This sucks, mom. I already want to go home ! This city already has me at my wits end !!

Wave: 'A normal girl !'H- Hey. Are you a Teigu user that was summoned here as well ? Nice to meet you, I'm Wave...

Kurome: You can't have any of my candy.

Wave: 'She's sort of strange too !' Sorry to bother you.

Wave: ... ... 'Shit... What's with this situation ?! One just sits there eating candy after candy. You're gonna get cavities, you know ! Damn it ! And this one just sits there staring at me. What's his deal ?'

Seryu: PARDON ME !! I've been reassigned from the Capital Defense forces ! I'm Seryu Ubiquitous ! And this is Koro !

Wave: 'Ohh... This one seems normal enough !'

Seryu: Dr.Stylish, the preparations are finished !

Stylish: First impressions are important.

Stylish: And would of course be important, to a stylish man like myself.

Wave: 'This time it's a crazy Homo ?!'

Stylish: Oh dear. On first look, you're clearly a country-boy, but you're actually kind of good looking. I can make you even better looking. Let's get along well, okay ?

Wave: 'And he seems to have taken a liking to me...'

???: Good afternoon. It looks like I'm the last to arrive.

Wave: Hey. Nice to meet you, I'm Wave...

Ran: I'm Ran. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Wave: 'Finally in the end, a normal person has come !!'

Mask: Uhmm... Everyone, I've made some tea. I must apologize, it is our fist meeting, and yet I didn't greet you... I have a fear of strangers, you see... I was nervous. I most likely have the most seniority here, and yet I act like that ! Let's get along as fellow Teigu users. i'm Bols, from the incineration squad.

Wave: Haha... 'H- He has a fear of people with that appearance... ?'

Stylish: ... 'The incineration squad... A unit that will stylishly scorch anything, be it man or thing... I see, that's why he has that look, huh. he's definitely not my type.'

Wave: Eh... Who's that ?

???: I don't recognize any of you ! What are you doing in this room ?!

Wave: Hey now. We were called here for a special as-

???: Your opponents will be assassins... Always be on your guard !!

Ran: Whoops.

???: 'Oh ? This guy's pretty good.'

Seryu: Wah ? GAAAH !!

???: While attacking from behind, you give off too much killing intent.

???: ... Even playing around, I shouldn't give this one any opening. So that's the Teigu Yatsufusa, huh... ? It has a splendid cutting edge...


Wave: Damn, that hurts... 'E... Even the boss is a weird one ?!'

Esdeath: Were you surprised by my little game ? Much better than the normally droll welcoming reception, wouldn't you say ?

Wave: I'm used to being treated rough.

Seryu: Thank you for the lesson, ma'am.

Esdeath: Okay then ! We'll have a party after our audience with his majesty.

Wave: Wha- We're suddenly going to meet with the Emperor ?! What a fast paced-schedule for the first day !

Esdeath: I like to get the annoying things out of the way first. You would rather handle your self-introductions next time, right ?

Wave: Next time... ?

Stylish: Lady Esdeath, before that. Should we not decide on a name for our team ?

Esdeath: Oh. We are a unique force within the military. Organized and tasked to mercilessly hunt down and eliminate groups of enemies... Therefore, we will be the special police force, known as "Jaegers".

"Relax, please. You're being more suspicious the less suspicious you're trying to be."

Lubbock: He's right you know. Okay, it's down here. Be careful while heading down.

Tatsumi: Wow, this place really does give off a "Secret base" kind of base !

Lubbock: Right ? I'm very proud of it.

"But you didn't build it, did you..."

Leone: Hey, there~ ! Welcome to the capital hideout.

"And you're being a tad bit too relaxed here."

Lubbock: Okay, so. Mine has finally appeared on the wanted posters. Therefore, the only ones who can walk around the capital openly are us four.

Tatsumi: Since my face was seen when I was on that ship... I thought it might have been a little dangerous for me to be out in the open.

Lubbock: Nobody recognized you while you were walking through town, right ? So it's all good, I think.

"Speaking of the city... You've all heard, haven't you ? That special police squad has been the talk all around."

Lubbock: Obviously, since Esdeath is their leader... That's the real hot topic. Such a dangerous person she is...

Leone: Hahhhhh... I knew it was a good idea not to mess with her... Would I have just been one more added to the number of hundreds of thousands she's killed if I had... ?

Tatsumi: She must be an incredible monster for you to say all that.

Lubbock: But, if you're interested, I've got something to show you. Esdeath is sponsoring a city wide tournament ! The winner will get a huge cash reward ! You did say you wanted to send money back to your hometown, right ?

"I heard of that... That gives me an idea, that would guarantee you get your hands on that prize."

Tatsumi: How ?

Emperor: Say, Prime Minister ? About General Esdeath... Why has she started talking about things like love ?

Minister: Everyone starts desiring the opposite sex when they reach a certain age. Such as General Nouken he brings along his ten concubines when he goes off to the battlefield, you see. General Esdeath has always been a person that has lived for the thrill of battle... She's always chose war over flowers until now. But it seems that desire is finally blossoming.

Emperor: I see. And for that, she wishes to find someone suitable...

Minister: She is a person of great pride. So she won't accept anyone unless.

Emperor: Hmmm... But could a man who meets these requirements really exists... ?

Emperor: Looking at the first requirement would disqualify almost everyone, huh...

Minister: Being trained by her to become of General quality would be rough too...

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