Chapter 12: Cold beauty

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ran: What do you think of these ones, General ?

Esdeath: I think boring fighters, make for boring fights. I guess it's too much to ask for someone capable of using a Teigu to suddenly appear, huh ?

Ran: Oh... It seems the fight is about over.

Wave: Winner !! Nobunaga of the dry-goods store !!

Wave: Now, ladies and gentleman ! In the East corner... Tatsumi the blacksmith !!

Tatsumi: ... 'Flying over the entire competition, this is gonna be easy-'

Wave: And in the West corner, coming straight from the outskirts of the Empire.. Taoreta the Wanderer !!

Tatsumi: ... 'I'm fucking dead...'

"Oh, Tatsumi... Welcome to the semi-finals."

Leone: That's an interesting cover... Now regardless of the one who wins, they get the money. Can Tatsumi really use the forge, though ?

Lubbock: Not as well as me, but he has some skill.

"You don't have to be so scared, Tatsumi. Honestly, I can see this going both ways."

Tatsumi: ... 'Yeah... His skills are in ambushing and killing in one blow... But head-to-head fight... if I can block his hits, I can win !'

"... ... ... Remember this, Tatsumi... In that kind of fight... Victory is decided with one single blow."

Ran: ... ... ... ... What are they waiting for ?

Esdeath: An opening... These two are skilled.

"... ... ... Here I come !"

Tatsumi: I'm waiting !!

Tatsumi: ... ... ...

"... ... ... KH- !"


Tatsumi: So... Think that blow was enough ?

"Gh... Well, you sure got stronger, that's a given... I told you this could go both ways."

Tatsumi: Sure, sure... need some help getting up ?

"Thanks. Although... there's still one bit you need to work on."

Tatsumi: And what's tha- WHOA !!

"You're still too naive."

Tatsumi: GURF !!"

Wave: ... ... Tatsumi was thrown out of the ring ! The winner of this round is Taoreta !!

"Take this as a lesson, underhanded tactics are never off the table. You okay down there ?"

Tatsumi: Asshole... Watch your back, i'm gonna get you.

"Sure, sure... Need some help getting up ?"

Tatsumi: ... yes.

"Hahahahahaha !! I can smell the salt from there ! Don't worry, i'll still get you the money."

Esdeath: ... I've found him...

Ran: They would be good candidates for using that Teigu, right ?

Esdeath: That too, but... Something else.

Ran: ... general ?

"... Careful, Tatsumi... The bigwig herself is coming to the ring."

Tatsumi: That's... General Esdeath...

Esdeath: Taoreta... was your name, right ? It's a good name.

"People usually call me Tao for short."

'General Esdeath... The strongest in the Empire...'

Esdeath: The match just now was superb. I wish to give you your reward.

"Already ? Well, i'm not complaining... 'And i'm sure as hell not gonna regret drain the Empire'."


"... Huh... ?"

Esdeath: From now on, you'll belong to me~.

"... ... ... i'm sorry, come again... ?"

Esdeath: I said you belong to me. But there are to many distractions here. Come with me to the palace.

Tatsumi: Ack ! Hey, hold on, that's not ! Gah !

Esdeath: Huh ?! Wait, how did...

"Sorry, not particularly interested. I'll just take the money and leave you with Tatsumi-"


Esdeath: ... You keep proving yourself more and more worthy. Ran, could you transport him to my room ?

Ran: ... ... Still encased in ice ?

Esdeath: Yes. Iceberg and all.

Crowd: ... ... ... ... ... ...

Lubbock: ... ... ... ... Wh-... WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING ?!

Akame: Tao was carried off by Esdeath ?! Did she realize he is a member of Night Raid ?!

Lubbock: if that was it, she would probably have taken Tatsumi too... And there wasn't really any animosity or blood thirst though...

Tatsumi: Then what ? If not Night raid... You think she put 2 and 2 together about the Snow-cloaked death ?

Leone: I don't think it's likely... But the only way to know for sure would be to go to the palace and see for ourselves... What should we do, acting boss ?

Mine: Don't say something stupid like "Let's go off and rescue him" Akame. You realize the palace is filled with traps and soldiers, right ? Even breaking in there at the best of times would be an impossible task ! And Tao's true identity may not even have been discovered in the first place.

Akame: ... ... For the time being, we should move our base further into the mountains.

Leone: Yeah, that's true. This place may be discovered.

Lubbock: So... What do we plan to do about Tao... ? Even though rescuing him would be impossible...

Akame: I know, that we lack the means to rush in headlong after him... However ! Tao is our important comrade! So we will do whatever we can for him !

Esdeath: And so, this is the newest addition to the Jaegers, Tao.

Bols: You, uh... Froze him in solid ice for... Dragging him, just like that ?

Esdeath: he isn't just an extra man for our group ether... I felt it. Tao is the one who will become my partner in love.

Wave: So why is he encased in a block of ice, then ? Shouldn't he be conscious so he knows about this whole thing ?

Esdeath: ... ... ... Hmmm, that's certainly true... I'll remove it.


"... ... ... For thousands of years, I laid dormant... Who dares to disturb my slumber-"

Esdeath: It's a good thing you're up-



Wave: Well... he's awfully lively for being encased in solid ice...

Ran: Maybe next time, you should check you're not on the 12th floor before jumping out a window...

Esdeath: Hmmm... By the way, are any of you married or have any lovers ?

Wave: 'Seriously ?!'

Seryu: Bols, is that true ?!

Bols: Yes... I've been married for six years now. I really don't deserve someone as wonderful as that though !

"Umm... Okay, this is nice and all... And I'm glad you're offering me a spot in the military, but... Y'know, working for the Empire isn't exactly the career I had in mind... Can I go home ?"

Esdeath: Fufu... It will likely take a bit of training to get you to be obedient, hmmm ?

"I'm not your pet !! let me go !! This is plain kidnapping !!"

Seryu: Now, now, everyone. he's just confused. it's a lot to take in all at once.

'... ... Oh... This bitch... Fucking great...'

Seryu: there's nothing to be afraid of... We're all allies of justice here, so please don't worry. We met before. Do you remember me ?

"... Sure do... And I'm really scared because of that... I've heard how reckless you are in battle... Honestly, most of you guys absolutely terrify me to a whole new level."

Soldier: Lady Esdeath !! As ordered, I've finished the report regarding the area around Gyogan lake...

Esdeath: Great... This timing is perfect. You guys, your first big job has come up.

Esdeath: We've come to learn about a fortress that's being inhabited by a group of bandits near Gyogan lake.

Seryu: Of course! We suspected that these shameful evil-doers had some sort of refuge on the outskirts of the capital.

Esdeath: We're delaying the search for the location of Night Raid for a short while. For now, we should deal with enemies we can see.

Bols: And if the enemy should surrender, what could we do, General ?

Esdeath: Surrender is a tool of the weak... And it's nature's course that the weak be removed from the world.

Seryu: Aha... Ahaha... To be able to slaughter evildoers before they can commit evil... I am... Truly glad I've become a part of this group !

Esdeath: You may exterminate them to your heart's content.

Seryu: Thank you, ma-am !

'Am I the only one thinking this is wrong ?'

Wave: 'There's something off about this...'

Esdeath: I have one thing I'd like to tell you before we move out. Each of you will be required to eliminate dozens of people. This is the type of work we will be doing from this point forward. Are you all fully prepared for that ?

Bols: ... ... I am a soldier. I follow orders. Even for this type of work... Even if it means I must kill.

Kurome: I'm the same... This is merely practice at following orders. This is how I've always thought of it.

Wave: I... Was able to join the navy due to the patronage of a certain great man... if I were to ask him how I may repay that great favor, he would tell me "Just do your best and fight for the sake of your country, that's all you need to do"... So I can do this ! Even if it means my life !!

Ran: For the sake of making my desires come to fruition, I wish to rise higher and higher. Even if it means I can't do the most purest of deeds. Seen in that way, I wish nothing more than to proceed with this mission.

Esdeath: What about you, doctor ?

Stylish: Hmm... My guiding principle is quite simple. That is the pursuit of style !! So, do you understand now ?

Esdeath: No, not at all.

Stylish: From the moment I saw Lady Esdeath... I knew it. That unfathomable strength... That ice-like cruelty... Ah... IT'S AS IF A GODDESS WAS DESCENDING FROM HEAVEN !! THAT STYLE IS WITHOUT EQUAL ! I WANTED NOTHING MORE THAN TO STUDY YOU !!

Esdeath: I see, no doubts among you all then... That's good. Then it's time to head out ! Let's go, Tao.

"E- Eh ? Me too ?!"

Esdeath: As a substitute member, it'll be good for you to see the abilities of your fellow teammates.

'... ... ... That could be... if I can gather info on their teigus... Could this be a blessing in disguise ?'

Ran: We've memorized the layout and enemy positions, so what kind of strategy should we use ?

Seryu: Justice demands that we fight fair and square, and attack from the front !

Esdeath: This will be the perfect place to observe their fighting abilities from.

'Oh believe me... I'll be sure to observe very carefully. But then, to escape and report all of that...'

'... Yep, not happening anytime soon.'


Bandits: Hey, did you guys even know where you were coming to this place ?! You have some nerve attacking from the front like this !! You don't really think you're going to be getting out of here alive, do you ?!

Bandits: Oh, wow, there are some real cuties with them, huh ? We're really going to have fun with them when we take them back to base~...

Seryu: ... First, I'll clear a path with the combined power of the doctor's Teigu and myself. Koro ! Number five !

Seryu: In exchange for the loss of my arms... The doctor blessed me with a new power... JUDGEMENT OF THE TEN KINGS !!

Bandits: Wha... What the hell is that thing ?! These guys are bad news ! Report this to the boss !! And close the gate ! Hurry !!

Seryu: Next... NUMBER SEVEN !!


Bandits: GYAAAAAA !!

Ran: She certainly does have the ability to annihilate them, doesn't she ?

Wave: I wonder if we should just let her take them all out herself.

Stylish: Hu hu... Those are weapons created by me, you know.

Wave: You... Made those, doctor ?

Stylish: The beautiful hands of god "Perfector". Using it, the speed as well as the precision of my fingers are increased hundreds of times. You see, it's already the most stylish of Teigus ! Short of death, no matter what sort of wound you receive, I'll be able to fix you back up to 100% And maybe even throw a few weapons into your body while I'm at it.

Ran: I would ask that you not insert any weapons into me, please.

Wave: I'm happy we have something to patch us up... But if all you have a support type Teigu doctor, we'll be forced to protect you.

Stylish: Ufufu, I hope to see that kindness from you in private, cutie~

Wave: ... ... ... ... ...

Stylish: please, reveal yourselves ! My enhanced troops !

Wave: Whoa!

Bols: In the blink of an eye...

Stylish: These fellows are my private army that, using my Teigu, I have performed enhancement surgeries on... It would be fitting to call them my "pawns" if this were chess.

Bols: To be able to create things such as your own weapons... That's such a highly useful Teigu, isn't it ?

Stylish: creating stylish weapons that can rival the strength of the Teigu... has always been my dream, you see.

Ran: Umm... While you were talking, Kurome went on ahead through the gate.

Wave: That was quick !!

Stylish: That girl should really listen when someone is speaking ! Sheesh !

Bandits: Th- This girl... She's got a cute face, but she's so strong !!

Kurome: ... I didn't even need to release my abilities. But if everyone is already dead, maybe I could play by switching your body parts... My fun little dolls.

Bandits: That one !! Riddle him with holes !!

Bols: This is also part of the job, after all...


Bandit: Th- This ain't no joke. I've got to get the hell out of this hellish place !!

Ran: Not even one of you will be allowed to escape.

Bandit: An... Angel...

"... Such efficiency..."

Esdeath: Tao... I'll be raising you myself, so you will be able to do things like this with ease.

"... I wasn't expecting you to act so kindly at all..."

Esdeath: You've heard of me. Is the image different from what you imagined ? Truthfully, this is the first time I've had these sorts of feelings. Such as being in love with someone... But, it isn't so bad.

'... ... ... I tried to put this on his shoulders, but... I realize now, Tatsumi is way too soft for that. At this point, he surely would try and convince her to join our side...'

"... The Esdeath I heard about... is the cold, cruel and merciless General, the sadist warmachine who enjoys trampling on entire populations on a whim..."

Esdeath: Only the ones I am tasked with executing...

"We all have different facets that we show to different people... By the way, where will I be staying in the castle ?"

Esdeath: In my room with me, of course.

"... ... I see."

'So... Looks like my life from now on will become a waltz with death itself...'

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