Chapter 13: Heart-to-heart

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/voice-off

Your POV:

'Well... Didn't this whole thing take an unexpected turn... Walking right inside the dragon's maw... And oh boy, what a dragon this is..."

Esdeath: I made you wait, sorry.

"You didn't, really. I have enough things on my mind to keep me from being bored."

Esdeath: Is that so... Would you like a drink ?

"Not thirsty, thank you."

Esdeath: Fufu... You're surprisingly calm. I also like that imperturbable side. Well, I'm not quite sure what to do on this situation myself... But, as long as we know what we want, I'm sure we can figure it out, right ?

"And what you want... That would be me ?"

Esdeath: ... If it wasn't the case... You wouldn't be sitting here, would you ? ... Now... What is it that you want ?

"... Something that even you couldn't give me."

Esdeath: Oh ? Now I'm even more curious, what would that be ? What is that thing even I cannot give you ?

"... The fall. The fall, of this wretched Empire. You probably already know by now, that i'm from the outskirts. The western frontier..."

"For generations, war between the two nations has raged on, ravaging the land, slaughtering the people... But I suppose I don't really need to school you on this matter... You had a first-row seat yourself, did you not ?"

Esdeath: ... So that's that...

"I never saw snow in my life before that... Although the sight of the entire landscape encased in solid ice was quite the change from the usual arid scenery. What was my surprise when I discovered the one responsible for it..."

Esdeath: ... ... ... Is this why you've been so... Compliant ? Waiting for the correct time to get revenge ?

"... I've been taught to not hold grudges... To not let my emotions cloud my judgement, or interfere with what I must do. I have no hatred for the ones following orders, regardless of how... Enthusiastically they carry out these orders. No, the only one deserving of my undivided attention... Is the fat pig controlling that entire Empire from the shadow, that wretched prime Minister.

"So to answer what I want, or rather, what i'm here for... in a sense, i'm grateful you allowed me to enter the military."

Esdeath: Tao...


Esdeath: What are you thinking, saying that to a general of the Empire ?

"Kh... It's true, you are a general of this very Empire I despise... But I know enough about you, to know your loyalty is only depending on the bloodshed it can bring you. I know the only reason you're staying 'loyal' to the prime Minister is because his constant wars lets you trample on the weak."

"I'm not asking you to help me, or even understand, I know you won't. i'm just saying... You seek a world of constant carnage and bloodshed... I seek a way to end these pointless wars... There isn't a world, where we both are happy."

Esdeath: ... ... ... Fu~... Not where we both are happy... But after I train you, i'm sure this world where we are happy together will happen. So you don't need to worry about that. All you need to do is stay here with me. I understand the hardships you've had to endure until now... But from now on, I won't let anything harm you ever again... Also, as my lover, and not my possession, you are the only one I see as a man. So I'll never let you feel lonely.

"... You don't understand... You just can't understand... Someone like you just can't grasp the feelings of the weak, the helpless..."

Esdeath: You're worried about your home, right ? Of course I will place it under my protection...

"Oh, you already did... And I believe you when you say you'd protect them. But what if the Prime Minister gave you orders to wipe out that region ? What if yet another war sparks, and it finds itself under the crossfire once more ? You say you'll protect my home, but... I don't have one anymore. And so I have nothing left to lose."

Esdeath: Tao... You say you have nothing, that you are helpless... But you were able to become strong because of that, right ? And that's what attracted my gaze to you. However, it's only natural for the weak to perish. The law of the world is the survival of the fittest, it's how the weak are weeded out. It just means those that died were too weak.

"... Survival of the fittest... Are you saying, that I was selected when the war broke ?! Are you trying to say that I lost everything because everyone else beside me was unfitted to survive in this world ! Of course the 'Weak ones' would be weeded out when the strong are actively trying to purge them ! If you can't stop thinking that way..."

Esdeath: '... That face, too... is nice... But...' You were right, I can't... Don't confuse the situation ! i'm not going to be changed by you. I'm the one that's going to be changing you ! Nothing else matters !

"... Then be it. If you truly think you can change me, then by all means, just try. But if you can't change, just like you can't understand me... At some point, we will both be on the battlefield, as mortal enemies. If a world that suits us both cannot exist, then... Only one of us can make their way into that world."

Esdeath: Fu... So stubborn. But, I guess that's why. 'I suppose that's why he can smile like that, huh... I want to see that smiling face again... Those feelings... I want to possess you completely... In that case... !'

Esdeath: Well, i'm tired after all that has happened today. We'll talk about this later, so for now, shall we go to sleep ? I'm not mad about what you said, so sleep in the bad with me.

'... Sleeping in the same bed of the person that destroyed my homeland. That same person who is now enamored with me... '

Esdeath: ... This should go without saying, but if you make a scene within the palace or try escaping, it will mean your death. For the guards here, the defense of the palace is their life. This isn't the type of place where just saying "It's okay for me to be here' will get you off the hook.

Esdeath: Budo's personal guards are also skulking around the palace, so please don't think of doing anything strange.

"... I'll keep that in mind 'General Budo... He's here too after all... So even if I can pull off a miracle concerning Esdeath, he's another thing...'..."

Esdeath: ... Ah... I wonder if it would have been better better to shower together ? Well, it's okay... I don't need to rush, right... ?

Bols: The trick of capturing your beloved's heart, hmm... It's about never giving up ! I myself was rejected twice by my wife. But it's all about waiting and finding another chance to attack. Please keep in mind that to some extent, it takes time as well.

Esdeath: Hmmm... indeed, I see.

'Bols, this is *my* life you're throwing upside-down, you know... ?'

Esdeath: 'Bols said it as well. First off, tomorrow... ! When we're out hunting dangerous species together... That's when I'll be able to show him my ability. I'll make you fall for me, Tao... using this new plan.'

Wave: Yo. Did you sleep well last n-

"Don't... You dare... Utter... Another word."

Wave: ... Yep, doesn't look like you did.

"Weirdly enough, being used by the Empire's strongest as her personal teddy bear is not something I'd recommend. Especially since every time I'd try to wriggle out, her grip on me would tighten until she was almost suffocating me with her-"

Wave: You can stop. Any more and I'll start feeling envious.


Wave: ... It's still early in the morning and you're already eating candy, Kurome ?

Kurome: Mind your own business. It's preferable to eating your seafood. I wouldn't want to start smelling like a beach like you do.

Wave: Eh ?! Seriously ?! Do I smell ?!

"Uh... What is a beach supposed to smell like... ?"

Kurome: ... ... ... You can't have any of my candy.

"I don't want any. I was just wondering, you look kinda similar to that Akame girl on the wanted posters..."

Wave: yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

Kurome: ... Yeah... She was the most accomplished member of our group, but as you know, she betrayed the Empire. I wish to meet her again so badly... And then... My beloved elder sister, will die by my own hand.

'... ... is everyone in that group just insane ?!'

Wave: 'D- Don't ask me !'

Esdeath: Tao ! For the next few days, we'll be hunting. We're heading to Mt.Fake !

'That's relatively close to the Night Raid outpost... Guess the occasion to give them my report just showed itself...'

Esdeath: Wave and Kurome will be coming as well. Mt.Fake is the perfect place for an ambush, so keep your eyes open for enemies while hunting.

Wave: Roger !

Kurome: ... ... ...

Esdeath: Until evening, we'll be hunting for Treeman cells. Once we get there, Kurome and I will search the East side, while Wave and Tao search the West side. One more thing, I didn't get to see much of Kurome yesterday, so as your captain, I need to make sure of your abilities.

Wave: Eh ? Does that mean you've already confirmed mine ?

Esdeath: You happened upon a good teacher. Your strength is perfect, you should be proud.

'... Wave... I'm truly sorry for what you'll have to go through once I dump you. Nothing personal, of course.'

Esdeath: At dusk, we'll switch off. Tao will be with me. 'When night falls, far stronger specimens come out, and in greater numbers. And that's when I'll impress him with what I can do.'

Wave: ... I know all the dangerous species of monsters that appear on the sea... But as fro mountain types, I'm completely clueless.

"Well, consider yourself lucky. These kind of landscape are kind of my turf, so stay close. Also, be wary of everything around you, given how skilled beasts are with camouflage here."

Wave: Okay ! But you know, I wonder why you didn't bring this up when we were back at the palace. You've got some skills of your own, huh ? That's nice, I'm glad I can rely on you for this.

"... Glad, huh... That's a way to see it. But I kinda wish I didn't need them..."

Wave; Ah... I suppose I kind of know what you mean. Because, you kind of remind me of myself.

"... ... Do I smell like a beach too ?"

Wave: No, not that ! How should I put it... You seem to be familiar with the same kind of problems ? Or maybe you're suffering from the same kind of problems, I guess... ?

"Oh, right, that... Yeah, I see what you mean, so... ... ... ..."

Wave: ... What... ?

"... get down."

Wave: H- Huh... ?


"Remember, the enemy's everywhere here ! Trees, rocks, everything !"

Wave: W- Wow... You saved me, I owe you one !

"Don't mention it. Keep your eyes out for these sneak attacks."

Wave; Attacking in group, huh ? They don't look as tasty as sea monsters.

"Bit chewy, but with quite the flavor to back it up. I mean, you gotta chop them down before, of course."

Wave: Then let's clean out the area... AND TURN THEM INTO FIREWOOD !!

Wave: Phew... Done and done. It seems your finished over there too, right Tao-... ... ... ... ...

Wave: ... ... ... ... ... Huh ? What ? Where ?

'God merciful, thank you for making the one meant to escort me a bit dumb around the edges... Couldn't have slipped away from anyone else... But the snow-cloaked death can't get caught by just anyone.'

Wave: ... That's strange, Tao... Where did you go ? D- Don't tell me, he ran away... ?!

Wave: Th- This is bad !! I understand your feelings, but I can't let you do that ! I still have things I want to do before I die !! ... No other choice...

'Phew... So, from Mt.fake, it's straight south for a while, and then...'


'Kh... Huh... An armor... OH thank goodness, Tatsumi.'

"I wasn't expecting to meet you so far off... Hold on..."

Wave: ... A snow-white cloak and a scythe... Looks like I just ran into a big fish, huh... A suspicious mountain, is the perfect place for a suspicious guy like you to be lurking about !

'... Shit... I wasn't counting on that... But, I still have some aces up my sleeve...'

Wave: Change of plans. You take precedence over finding Tao.

"... So you're that guy's comrade, huh ? I wondered why someone would wander all the way out here without even a Teigu... But my patience has been rewarded."

Wave: Wait... You've seen him ?! Where ?!

"... It's not a habit of mine to attack one not wielding any Teigu... However, if he would to attack me first..."

Wave: Kh- What did you do ?!

"... Just follow that river downstream, and you should find him. He's not dead, yet, but if you don't hurry, who knows what wild beast will get to him first."

Wave: ... Hiding the body in the river ?! That won't work when your opponent's a man of the sea !!

"... ... ... ... Yeah, just a bit dense... Now, as I was saying, South..."

'... What a fucking timing... I need to get out of here fast, or Wave will come back...'


Leone: Tao ! We've all been looking for you ! Are you okay ?!

"... ... I think I was less in danger with that beast right there... Why are you there though ?"

Leone: We've all been going and keeping watch. I was stalking out the capital's front entrance, and rushed after you all when you left the capital to go hunting. I was tailing you secretly, and I just finally caught up !

"Let go ! I've seen enough breasts for a few months, no need to suffocate me again !"

Leone: Fu... Welcome back, Tao.

"Yep. Back and better than ever... With a few thing that might interest you guys."

Lubbock: Ta-dah !! Don't you think we should get out of here before all that ? Come on ! Let's go !!

"Lubbock ? Even you came ? Well, thanks, but I wasn't expecting you to be so involved as a frontliner."

Lubbock: Hmm, well. Originally, I advised them that this was just unnecessary. But then I though, with you and Tatsumi keeping each other busy by training, I'd have a free way ahead of me. It would be like my own harem, and that wouldn't be bad at all.

"Why am I not surprised... Classic Lubbock."

Leone: 'Even if he says that, he was really worried about you...'

"I said it already... Why am I not surprised..."

Wave: Umm... How should I say this...

Wave: I'm truly very sorry for what I've done. I've deeply reflected on my actions and I apologize.

Esdeath: ... Due to your inattention, Tao was allowed to escape. But more than that... It's the fact that you allowed the Snow-cloaked death to lead you on a false lead and escape without even a fight that is so shameful. Kurome, stone !

Kurome: Hmm !


Esdeath: That snow-cloaked death is in possession of the "Holy Retriever", an anti-Teigu weapon. Even among all these rebels, he was deemed as a priority target to take down by the Prime Minister. And this is why you were told that once found, they could not be allowed to escape. Now that enemy might even come after us directly. Kurome, Wax !

Kurome: Mm !


Esdeath: Wave... Your abilities are top-notch, but your mental control is weak. But you are reflecting... So we'll finish playing with you after some water torture and a bit of whipping, then we can get past this.

Wave: 'You call that playing ?!'

Esdeath: ... But the next time you screw up this badly... I'll be handling your punishment personally. Keep that in mind.

Wave: ... Yes Ma'am... 'Thank god I didn't mention the "He might already be dead" part...'

Seryu: General !! My apologies. We scoured the entire area around Mt.Fake, but were unable to locate any sign of Tao nor the enemy. Even using Koro to help track was ineffective !

Esdeath: Well, the Hekatonkheires is more for battle anyway. Don't worry about it. So, what about Stylish ? He's searching as well, is he not ?

Seryu: Yes, he seems to be moving on his own... But he still has yet to contact me.

Esdeath: Well... Hopes are thin then.

Ran: General... It's about that Tao. You were saying before that has holds a deep hatred for the Empire about what happened to his homeland during the wars... is that really so ?

Esdeath: Yes... A few years back, I was sent to the western frontier to suppress some rebels that were taking shelter in these mountains... he even boldly claimed that we could very well end up as mortal enemies one day because of our convictions.

Ran: If... he should possibly appear before us as an enemy in the future... How would you like us to deal with the situation ?

Esdeath: ... ... ... Honestly... I love him even now. My desire for him is burning even hotter now that he is no longer within my grasp. However, the lives of my subordinates take priority over that. Bringing him back alive would be preferable... But if it comes down to you or him, there should be no question.

Ran: ... Understood, general.

Seryu: We have no choice but to pass judgement on those who are drenched in sin !

Esdeath: 'If... You do get killed, it just means that is as far you could go as a man. But you aren't that weak of a person, right... ? The will to fight and survive... It's a wonderful thing, huh ? I'll meet Tao again, that is what I believe. No, I know we'll meet again ! And at that time, you won't be able to fight these feelings... Because I'll force all of these feelings into you ! You'd better prepare yourself well, Tao !!'

Akame: Tao, you're back ! Could you learn of anything from infiltrating the Palace ?

"... Esdeath is a H-cup..."

Leone: Anything useful, Tao...

"She wants me to call her mommy..."

Mine: Stop missing the point and focus, dammit !!

"Huh, right, sorry !! The Jaegers ! I saw them fight, their Teigu, and who they are as well."

Leone: Teigu... A- All of them ? Damn, that's scary.

"And they aren't the most tender either. 6 members, six Teigus..."

*Bols, an ancient member of the incineration squad, wielding the flamethrower Rubicante*

*Wave, member of the Empire's navy, wielding the armor-type Grand Chariot, an upgraded version of Incursio*

*Seryu, from the palace guards, still using Hekatonkheires, but also boasting secret weapons stored inside her Teigu now.*

*Ran, and His wing teigu Mastema... Honestly, there isn't a lot I can say about him.*

*Stylish, and his "Perfector". he's the one who gave Seryu her weapons, as well as created himself a private army of augmented soldiers*

*And finally, Kurome, but I don't know what her Teigu is...*

Akame: K- Kurome... For her to be a member of it as well...

"Why didn't you escape with her when you defected to the Revolutionary ?"

Akame: When I became dissatisfied, of course I tried to convince her... But my sister chose to stay. If you asked her now, I'm sure she would consider me a traitor...

"... She sure is."

Akame: Let me ask you, was Kurome constantly eating something ?

"Uh, yes... She was eating candy whenever she had some free time..."

Akame: I see... 'Kurome... as I thought, you're already...'

Mine: Akame ! I told you before. If your little sister appears before us, we have to hit her with everything we have. We should be prepared if we're going to be up after her.

Lubbock: ... Hmm... I'd like a little more info on their Teigu. Seryu's strength was heightened by weapons placed in her body, right ? Rubicante is famous, but countering it will be difficult. Info on the winged Teigu Mastema is already in the notebook, but its special ability is still unknown...

"Speaking of, I haven't had the occasion to see Kurome's teigu at work... Which one is it ?"

Akame: "March of the dead" Yatsuhusa. Those cut down by it, become Kurome's living corpse dolls. This Teigu can curse up to eight people. She can freely manipulate the dolls and the abilities they had in life. If she rescinds her ability, they turn back into ordinary corpses

Tatsumi: Hey hey ! Which means if you get killed by her, you get a fate worse than death ! You turn into an enemy, right ?!

Leone: But since you'll be dead, you won't need to worry about it.

Mine: Murasame is scary too... But Yatsuhusa is frightening, huh...

Lubbock: I really don't want that kind of death. Anyways, the remaining Teigu are... That armor type grand Chariot, and then Perfector.

"We need to take out Perfector first. If he's still around, no matter what kind of damage we do, he'll be able to patch it up and even make new weapons."

Leone: That Teigu does seem highly useful...

'If that homo heard this, he's be delighted...'


"... I don't even have the energy to wriggle out..."

Leone: Talking about who we should take on is fine and good, but come on, we're all together again ! We finally got Tao back !

Mine: So... What do you think of the person herself after seeing her in person ?

"Esdeath, huh... i'll be blunt... As it is now, we'd all be trampled on if we tried to attack her directly. That's how much of another level she's on."

Mine: We don't know what the limits and weaknesses of her Teigu are, right ?

Lubbock: yeah. Just how far and how much can she freeze with her ability ?

Akame: Esdeath is certainly powerful... But she has a weakness. She's alive... She has a beating heart. If so... I will kill her. Even if she is the fabled-strongest of the Empire !

Tatsumi: Akame...

Lubbock: Hehe. That's our trump card for you. Just what you'd expect !

Mine: It's not an idle boast coming from our honor student. Rather than say it, please do it.

Leone: Ending it with one hit from Murasame would be great. Well... It really appears we're going to have to rely on this strategy, huh.

"... Going back to the Jaegers... This time, they're planning on favoring quality over quantity, and matching us one-on-one. In other words, if they were to directly attack us as a group... we'd be in deep trouble."

???: huhu... There are traces of great pains taken to erase footsteps and smell... But no matter how well they try to erase it, the smell doesn't completely disappear. And I can track them by using my enhanced sense of smell I got from the operation... Stylish sir, the smell continues in this direction.

Stylish: Thank you, Hana (Nose). This is the first time using you all on the field, but you're surpassing my expectations.

???: There seems to be a barrier made of thread just ahead of us. Please move where I do in order to avoid the strands.

Stylish: Well done, Me (Eye).

???: I heard the faint voices of people coming from ahead of us.

Stylish. Fantastic, Mimi (Ear). Fufu... I thought that kid was very suspicious from the very start. He was far too adept at adapting to that situation for a simple traveler.

Hana: Stylish sir's perceptive ability is better than my sense of smell.

Me: I've seen the light.

Mimi: It's like hearing the Buddha's prayers.

Stylish: I don't need your ass kissing. ... ... ... Bingo.

Stylish: A gay's intuition is never wrong. Though it is a long way from Mt.Fake... Night Raid's hideout. Found you~.

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